Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Eagle Rock

Drivers License Suspension After DUI


One of the consequences of a California DUI conviction is that you’ll lose your driving privileges. The county courthouse where you were convicted usually doesn’t waste any time when it comes to contacting the DMV and letting them know that your license has been suspended. For many of us, the loss of our driver’s license […]

Jaywalking in California


All of us have heard the term jaywalking, but few of us can say exactly what it is. According to the Legal Dictionary, the exact definition of jaywalking is the act of crossing a roadway when it is unlawful to do so. This includes crossing between intersections, as well as crossing at a crosswalk equipped […]

Consequences of Reckless Burning in California


Finally, it’s summertime! Between the increased daylight hours and warmer weather, you’re finally able to do all of your favorite outdoor activities, including having your friends over for a bonfire. Before you strike a match, you need to make sure you’ve taken the proper steps so that you don’t find yourself dealing with a reckless […]

Early Warning Signs of Heat Stroke


The longer, warmer days inspire all of us to spend more time outdoors. The problem is that the hotter it gets, the greater the risk of heatstroke. The problem many people discover is that while there are warning signs that they’re starting to overheat, most either ignore these signs or fail to recognize them for […]

Providing False Credit Card Information


There are times when we could all use a little extra money. Adding an additional line of credit to our lives seems like a good way to get it. The problem is that if you’re already overstretched, the credit card companies will likely reject your application. This can prompt some of us to consider providing […]