Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Eagle Rock

Jail or In-Laws?

Jail or In-Laws?

You’ve found the love of your life and have gotten married. You probably feel pretty happy, and you’re in that honeymoon phase. You feel great until you re-meet your in-laws. When you first met your in-laws, you were more worried about impressing them, instead of them impressing you. You were also in the honeymoon stage […]

Communicating in an Argument

Communicating in an Argument

Communicating with people in general is difficult. If you think it’s easy, you might just be one of the few people who are naturally gifted at it. Even if that is the case, communication is more complex than one might think. It involves non-verbal cues, interpersonal, intrapersonal, cultural influences, and a lot of research. Communication […]

Diversity in California

Diversity in California

One of the great things about California is the massive amount of diversity in the culture, food, and people. Not only do we have an awesome source of vitamin D, we also get to explore different cultures a well. While driving through any part of California, you’ll get a dose of the surrounding cultures. California […]

Family Time is Worth the Time

Family Time is Worth the Time

Family time is one of those things where you love to hate it. You love getting together and reminiscing on the good times. However you hate it when you’re the center of scrutiny over a mistake you made several years ago. It’s a double-edged sword that makes you homesick in the end when they leave. […]

Sunglasses for Fashion, or for Health?

Sunglasses for Fashion, or for Health?

Living in California means one of two things. One you love the vibes of the state, sun, and culture. The second thing is you’re here for work and you have yet to fall in love with the state. The Golden State is known for its stars and coast line that you will fall in love […]