Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Eagle Rock

Rules of the Beach

Rules of the Beach

Nobody wants to think about rules once summer rolls around,the season is about freedom after all. However, the rules still need to be followed. If someone decides to ignore them,they can end up facing some serious fines or even jail time. California law doesn’t care what season it is. If a law is broken, a […]

The Ins and Outs of Employment Discrimination

The Ins and Outs of Employment Discrimination

If someone you either employ or who you decide not to hire believes that you’re discriminating against them based on race, gender, religion, or some other characteristic, you will find yourself in some serious legal trouble. In the state of California, you’re not allowed to hold these characteristics against any of your current or prospective […]

Can Police Officers Search Your Electronics?

Can Police Officers Search Your Electronics?

In the modern age, so much of our lives revolve around electronic devices. How many of us would be able to go a day without our cellphone in hand? Probably not many of us. It’s no wonder that since electronic devices like this have become so commonplace that law enforcement officers may need to see […]

Never Try to Race a Train

Never Try to Race a Train

Running across railroads is pretty common in day to day life. You may walk alongside one on your morning jog, or cross one when driving to work. They are a part of everyday life, and for the most part they do not interfere. However, every once in a while you get stuck at a crossing […]

Are You Aware of These New CA Driving Laws?

Are You Aware of These New CA Driving Laws?

All Californians know that the state has some pretty strict driving laws. What many may not be aware of is the fact that some new driving laws just went into effect July 1st. These new laws seek to keep up with the ever changing modern world and help keep everyone on the road safe. That […]