Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Eagle Rock

The Best Way to Smoothly Get Through a Traffic Stop

bail bonds near me los angeles

Traffic stops are always a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re not sure why the cop is signaling for you to pull over. The good news is that there are some things you can do to make the entire process go more smoothly. Don’t Try to Run Many of us have a strange urge to try […]

Property Crimes in California


While the term property crimes gets tossed around by the media, in California, you aren’t going to be charged with a “property crime.” The reason for this is because, in California, the phrase property crime is actually a blanket term that’s used to describe multiple crimes. The four most common property crimes in California are: […]

4 Things Police Look for When Searching for Drunk Drivers


Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver […]

When Does California Permanently Revoke a Driver’s License for DUI?


It’s no secret that if you’re caught driving while under the influence of an illegal amount of drugs or alcohol in California, you’ll not only be arrested and fined but you’ll also be convicted of a misdemeanor and have your driver’s license suspended. In most cases, the hassle of losing their driver’s license and finding […]

The Smartest Way to Handle a Big Lotto Win


With the Powerball jackpot soaring to over a billion dollars, people are stocking up on tickets. Even people who have never played the lotto before are purchasing a ticket and daydreaming about what they will do if they strike it big. Since there is always a chance that you could win, dedicating a few minutes […]