Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Eagle Rock

Why Are People Smashing Car Windows?

los angeles bail bond store smash and grab crimes

Most law abiding citizens see a locked door or window and assume the building or car is inaccessible. However, there are people out there who view those barriers as minor obstacles. If they want inside, they will get inside. Nothing is going to stop them, not even a pane of glass. When a criminal sees […]

Beware of the IRS Mail Scam Going Around

los angeles bail bond store beware of the irs mail scam

Most people are just trying to live their life. They don’t want any trouble and do everything that they can to avoid it. Whenever some government official or law enforcement officer tells them to do something, they do it, often without question. Every law abiding citizen does that. Unfortunately, even that can get a person […]

Are New Year’s Eve Fireworks Legal in California?

bail agents los angeles bail bond store

The end of the year is rapidly approaching and everyone is getting ready. One of the big, spectacular ways that people celebrate the end of the year and the arrival of the next one is with fireworks displays. With today’s technology, a person can watch displays from all over the world. For some people, seeing […]

How to Keep Your Car Safe While Parked on the Street

los angeles bail bond store parking violation

Parking is a very important aspect of a driver’s life. Whenever a person drives somewhere, they need to find a safe place to put their car while they are away from it. After all, no one wants anything to happen to their car while they are gone. This is especially true when a person is […]

What Happens If You Miss a Bail Bond Payment?

los angeles bail bond store late bail bond payment

A concern that many people have when dealing with bail is being able to make the payments. Here at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we break up the cost of our bonds by providing personalized payment plans for all of our clients. This makes bailing a loved one out of jail a whole lot easier […]