Category Archives: Bail Bonds in DTLA

More Checkpoints Around Holidays

More Checkpoints Around Holidays

DUI checkpoints can be intimidating to people, even when they have done nothing wrong. When it comes to DUI checkpoints, the only people who need to worry, are the ones who were drinking before they got behind the wheel of their vehicle. These checkpoints increase in frequency around holidays, especially ones that involve a lot […]

Stay Safe While Shopping

Stay Safe While Shopping

During the holiday season, everyone spends quite a bit of time shopping. They have to find the perfect gifts for their friends and family members. Some people take to online shopping, while others flock to brick and mortar stores. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Thieves love the holiday season because more and more people […]

Be Wary of Scams This Holiday Season

Be Wary of Scams This Holiday Season

Nobody likes being cheated or scammed. We all worked hard to get what we have, and when someone takes it away from us, it can be incredibly frustrating. This is why it is important to be aware of scams that are out there that cause people to lose thousands of dollars. This can make it […]

Get Peace of Mind with a Warrant Check

Get Peace of Mind with a Warrant Check

One of the last things anyone wants for Christmas this year would be getting arrested for an outstanding warrant. No one wants to go to jail, but it can often be difficult for a person to know if a warrant has been issued for their arrest. It is not like the police call people to […]

Bailing Someone Out Is Easier Than You Think

Bailing Someone Out Is Easier Than You Think

If this is your first time attempting to bail someone out of jail, you are probably curious as to how the bail process works. Bail is not a topic of conversation that comes up in normal situations. This leads to many people not knowing how bail works. Luckily, the experts here at Bail Bonds in […]