Category Archives: Bail Bonds in DTLA

Graduation Parties and Underage Drinking


Finally! It’s graduation season. For many students and parents, this is a day they’ve been waiting for their entire lives. They’re finally putting high school behind themselves once and for all and allowing themselves to focus on the future. If you’re a graduating senior or someone who just likes to hang out with a group […]

Providing False Evidence in California


The California justice system depends on the idea that everyone who is involved in a case behaves with complete honesty. The problem with this system is that some humans are quite willing to lie to police officers, other witnesses, juries, and lawyers. Providing false evidence on a case is a perfect example of how people […]

What is Great Bodily Harm in California?


One of the charges that is quite serious but is seldom mentioned is great bodily harm. This is a charge that will usually be paired with an assault charge. Great bodily harm in California is a sentence enhancement charge. It is attached to other charges to give the judge the option of extending the maximum […]

Ignoring and Disobeying California Traffic Signals


Believe it or not, the State of California didn’t put up traffic signals and lights simply to make your commute more difficult. Despite what it may feel like some days, the traffic signals weren’t created as some sort of vendetta against you. The truth is that they exist because the state’s traffic experts noticed that […]

Make Sure you Choose a Reputable Bail Bonds Agency


When you learn that one of your loved ones has been arrested and needs you to help them secure a California bail bond, the kneejerk reaction is to call the first bail bonds agency you see and sign a contract. Granted, there is a chance that this could work out in your favor and you […]