Category Archives: Bail Bonds in DTLA

Is Skipping School A Crime?


As a parent, you constantly worry about whether you’re raising your child in a way that will enable them to be an independent, self-sufficient, responsible adult. You know that a big part of this process sometimes involves stepping back and letting them do their own things, especially once they become teenagers. It’s likely you understand […]

Drivers License Suspension After DUI


One of the consequences of a California DUI conviction is that you’ll lose your driving privileges. The county courthouse where you were convicted usually doesn’t waste any time when it comes to contacting the DMV and letting them know that your license has been suspended. For many of us, the loss of our driver’s license […]

Benefits to Being the Oldest Sibling


People generally think that being the younger sibling is “better” and “more fun.” Parents are more lax with their second child, having raised the first child and seeing the pros and cons to their parenting style. Over-protective on the first child? Ease up a bit on the second. Trust the first child enough? Certainly trust […]

Stay Safe During Wildfire Season


No matter what part of the state you live in, you should know how to take care of yourself if a wildfire is in your area. Have an evacuation plan in mind. Wildfires move fast and can change suddenly. Don’t wait until you receive evacuation orders to get things in order. As soon as you […]

Why California’s Homeless Population Continues to Grow


There has always been an issue with people not being able to find a place to live in California. For as long as anyone can remember, California has had a large homeless population but in the past decade, the sheer number of homeless individuals who live in California has really skyrocketed. There’s a reason for […]