Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Downtown

Show Some Compassion for Others

Show Some Compassion for Others

Far too often, we see nothing but bad and depressing stories on the news. Trying to stay in the know can get hard to stomach at times. That is why it is always a pleasant surprise to see a nice story making headlines all over the place. A perfect example of this comes from a […]

Move Over or Slow Down

Move Over or Slow Down

Ask anyone, and they will tell you that driving on the freeway is not quite the same as driving on surface streets. On freeways, cars drive a lot faster and there is very little stop and go, unless of course there is a bit of traffic. Freeways are fast moving environments, and they are not […]

Stopping for School Buses

Stopping for School Buses

School is back in session once again and for students, that means that the fun of summer is over. For many adults, we assume nothing changes for us when the new school year starts, however that isn’t exactly the case. With the start of school comes additional traffic around campuses, and school buses make a […]

Keeping California From Burning Up

As the Weather Begins to Warm Up Again, Wildfires Become a Real Possibility

Every Californian knows that wildfires in the state are a pretty big deal. This is only reinforced by the fact that 2018 has been one of the worst years for wildfires in the state to date. This year, the Mendocino Complex Fire became the largest wildfire to ever burn across the state. The blaze scorched […]

Did You Hear about This Change to Kids Car Seats?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Any experienced parent will tell you that kids need different kinds of car seats at different ages. As the child grows, they need different styles of car seats until they are finally big enough to sit in the seat without any additional device. For a long time, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended that children […]