Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Downtown

Opportunities Are Best When Bail Is Posted

For those who are granted bail, posting bail is an option. They have the option to pay the money to get out of jail or they can just stay in jail for the time being. Some people cannot afford to post bail. By not posting bail, opportunities are limited. What kind of opportunities? The ability […]

Use Your Tax Return To Get Ahead On Bail Bond Payments

From canceling your Netflix subscription to cutting back on dinner outings, when it comes to your budget, you may have thought you had it all figured out, even your upcoming bail bond payments. But, did you ever think about that tax refund you’re expecting to get anytime now? Having to pay for a bail bond […]

Bail Out Of Jail And Into A Healthy, Supportive Home

One arrest doesn’t have to ruin your entire life, especially if it is one where you were eligible for bail. Anyone who isn’t eligible for bail most likely committed a really awful crime which could really damage their reputation but because you’re not that person, you can still rise above your own situation. Your arrest […]

Why You Should Always Post Bail

Even though posting bail is a very expensive cost, is a cost that is most worth it. If a person is offered bail, they should absolutely take that opportunity. Some may decide not to post bail, but we at Glendale Bail Bond Store do not quite support that decision. We believe that by not posting […]

Your Reaction To A Loved One’s Arrest

There’s no predicting your reaction to hearing that a loved one has been arrested. Depending on the circumstance, the type of person they are, and how close you are to them, your reaction can be anywhere between shocked to angry, to not even being surprised. This would be your initial reaction. However how you handle […]