Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Downtown

Safety Tips for College Students


It’s the time of year when many young adults are preparing for their first semester of college. In most cases, this is the first time they have lived without the supervision and guidance of their parents. One of the things collegebound students should already be reviewing is how they can make sure that they have […]

Off-roading in California’s State and National Parks


Off-roading isn’t just a lot of fun, it’s also a great way to see parts of California’s state and national parks you wouldn’t otherwise, get to see. Off-roading provides you with the means to visit more remote areas than the traditional roads take you to, while also allowing you to cover more ground than you […]

Can You Go to Jail for Online Scams?


If you’re wondering if you can go to jail for instigating an online scam, the answer is yes. If your wondering if you will go to jail for an online scam you’ve run, the answer isn’t as clear. The first thing you need to understand is that it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, if you’re […]

Criminal Trespassing in California


When you read through California Penal Code Section 602 you’ll learn that it’s illegal to come onto someone’s property without the owner’s permission. While this doesn’t mean you’ll face criminal charges each time you have to use someone’s driveway to turn around or when you stop in at a neighbor’s home to inquire about a […]

The Dangers of Distracted Driving in California


Everyone always talks about how horrible drunk driving is but far less is mentioned about the dangers and repercussions of distracted driving, which is as dangerous and even more common than drunk driving. Distracted driving in California isn’t a new thing. For as long as people have been getting behind the wheel of automobiles, there […]