Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Downtown

Welcome To California, Where You Cannot Peel Your Orange in Your Hotel Room

California may be known as the Golden State, with a majestic coastline, warm sunny days almost year-round, and beautiful actors and singers, but this state also has its fair share of weirdness. There have been attempts to regulate some of this by introducing some laws that, back then, may have made more sense. Since then […]

Current Events and Gun Laws

In the past few weeks, there have been a handful of fatal police-involved shootings that have captured the nation’s attention: The shooting of Alton Sterling, an African American man, by Caucasian police The shooting of Philandro Castile, an African American man, by Caucasian police The shootings of five Caucasian Dallas cops, by an African American […]

You Know You Are Addicted to Pokémon Go When… and When to Delete the App

By now, you have definitely heard of the mobile game, Pokémon Go. You may even be playing it, but do you know when you, or your loved ones, are too addicted to the game. When you have become so addicted that it is dangerous to play? Do you know when you should stop and delete […]

California’s Powerful New Gun Seizure Law

As you are well aware, five Dallas, Texas cops were killed during what was, a peaceful protest regarding the shootings of two African American men in other states. They were killed by a man with an Army background, and thus had skills and tactics to thoroughly plan his attack. It is not something that he […]

Important Things to Know When Getting a Bail Bond

Applying for a bail bond is a fast and easy process, but there is little room for error. We at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store have been successfully bailing individuals out of jail for nearly 30 years, and we will definitely help you too. However, we need you to make sure everything goes smoothly. Know […]