Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Downtown

When Minors Use a Fake ID

When Minors Use a Fake ID

Having a fake id is almost considered a right of passage. There are movies, books, and even songs that feature all sorts of adventures a young man or woman can get into once they’ve managed to acquire a fake id. Most of these adventures involve illegally purchasing alcohol or cigarettes. Most of these stories don’t […]

Feel Free to Ask Your Bail Bonds Agent Some Questions

Be Prepared to Ask Your Bail Bonds Agent Some Questions

No one plans to be arrested, which means no one sets aside money to use as bail. Since no one keeps a savings account specifically for bail money, when you are arrested, you’ll likely need the services of Los Angeles Bail Bonds. We don’t believe that the consultation should be a one-way conversation during which […]

Be A Good Role Model For Your Family

Be A Good Role Model For Your Family

For any of you out there who have children, you know how crucial it is to be a solid role model for them. That means being honest, honorable, and a well-rounded family-person. Parents can’t afford to go out and drink every night, do drugs, avoid traffic violation tickets, get into arguments (that could lead to […]

Driving Drunk on Halloween


We have a tendency of thinking about Halloween as a holiday that is full of good-natured fun. It’s a holiday that allows us to wear crazy costumes, abandon our diets, and really cut loose. The only real risk we usually associate with the holiday is the need to drive carefully during the time frame that […]

The Truth About Parking Lot Safety


We take parking lots for granted. We treat them like a casual place to leave our car while we run into a nearby building. We’re usually so focused on either getting to the store/office/school/government building or getting into our vehicle to go home, that we seldom stop and think about how dangerous parking lots really […]