Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

What to Expect if You are Charged with Larceny in California


Larceny is one of the most frequently seen charges in the California court system. The term larceny is a blanket word that’s used for a variety of different thefts. Larceny is used for: Robberies Carjacking Embezzlement Burglaries Fraud Identity theft Muggings Pickpocketing Most larceny cases are commonly referred to as grand theft or petty theft. […]

Is Skipping School A Crime?


As a parent, you constantly worry about whether you’re raising your child in a way that will enable them to be an independent, self-sufficient, responsible adult. You know that a big part of this process sometimes involves stepping back and letting them do their own things, especially once they become teenagers. It’s likely you understand […]

Drivers License Suspension After DUI


One of the consequences of a California DUI conviction is that you’ll lose your driving privileges. The county courthouse where you were convicted usually doesn’t waste any time when it comes to contacting the DMV and letting them know that your license has been suspended. For many of us, the loss of our driver’s license […]

Benefits to Being the Oldest Sibling


People generally think that being the younger sibling is “better” and “more fun.” Parents are more lax with their second child, having raised the first child and seeing the pros and cons to their parenting style. Over-protective on the first child? Ease up a bit on the second. Trust the first child enough? Certainly trust […]

Consequences of Reckless Burning in California


Finally, it’s summertime! Between the increased daylight hours and warmer weather, you’re finally able to do all of your favorite outdoor activities, including having your friends over for a bonfire. Before you strike a match, you need to make sure you’ve taken the proper steps so that you don’t find yourself dealing with a reckless […]