Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

Protect Yourself against Online Scammers

With school back in session, emotions are high at the thought of a new year with new friends and new opportunities. There’s one lesson that won’t be taught in the classroom, but it’s an important one to keep in mind as you start the new school year – how to protect yourself against online scammers. […]

What Is the Best Meal of the Day?

What Is the Best Meal of the Day?

As summer comes to a close, kids are bracing for their inevitable return to school. Their days of sleeping in and relaxing will be over. In their place will be stress-filled, drowsy mornings that lead to long lectures. In the chaos of getting ready in the morning, it can be easy to forget what is […]

Do You Happen To Know Your Rights?

no down bail bonds in los angeles

Inmates are people too. Regardless of the crime committed or the time left to serve on their sentence, inmates are human beings that deserve to be treated as such. Across the nation, inmates are granted basic human rights that are protected by the U.S. Constitution. Whether you are facing prosecution or you have a family […]

How to Prevent Mosquitos

How to Prevent Mosquitos

It’s happened. On Friday, June 15, The L.A. County Department of Public Health announced the first case of the West Nile Virus infection in L.A. county for 2018. According to ABC7, A San Gabriel Valley resident was admitted to the hospital in May 2018 and later diagnosed with the disease. West Nile virus is spread […]

Talk to Your Kids about Bullying

Talk to Your Kids about Bullying

As summer begins to wind down, kids all over will begin facing their most dreaded of days. The first day of the new school year. Most kids would prefer to stay on summer break indefinitely rather than go back to school, however summer has to come to an end. As everyone gets ready for the […]