Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

Your New Year’s Resolution: Always Be The Reason Your Loved One Smiles

No New Year’s resolutions list can be too long and too unrealistic, right? For 2016, we have one challenge, one resolution for you – get your loved one the serious help she or he needs. Whether it’s getting their parents, a rehab center, a counselor, even the police involved, set your loved one straight. Do […]

The Best Thing About Gardena Bail Bond Store Services – You Decide

Trying to figure out what the best part about Gardena Bail Bond Store Services is (compared to other companies) can be challenging. Is it the low monthly rate personalized payment plans? Gardena Bail Bond Store Services finds a way to work with anyone and everyone who needs a bail bond, no matter the financial situation. […]

Help A Loved One See New Perspective By Bailing Them Out

2016 is on the horizon and everyone has big dreams and goals for the new year. Whether 2015 was an all-around good year or not, 2016 will be different and better, for everyone, including any loved ones in big trouble during this time. Even a person in jail should have the opportunity to celebrate a […]

Drinking And Driving Among Minors Is Decreasing

Here’s some news that’s headed in the right direction: fewer teens and young adults (between ages 16 and 20) are driving drunk. Last year the percentage who reported having driven drunk (and under the legal age limit) was 7%. Only a few years before that was the statistic at 16%. This statistic came from a […]

No Charges After 48 Hours? You’re Free To Go

So you know, a person can only be detained up to 48 hours in California without having any charges filed against them. If an officer takes you in, they may hold you for two days. But if in those two days, no charges are filed, you have the right to return home. The police legally […]