Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

Preparing for the Holidays: DUI Checkpoint-Style

Rancho Palos Verdes Bail Bond Store

This holiday season, be prepared for an increase in DUI checkpoints at night. As much of an annoyance as you may think they are, they are set up to ensure a safe and fun evening for all. DUI checkpoints may or may not be announced ahead of time, and they are not set up in […]

Do Not Let Jail Ruin the Holiday Fun

Pomona Bail Bond Store

Holiday reunions, not much can get more exciting than them. You cannot wait for that annual get-together with your lifelong friends, eating, drinking, reminiscing on old memories, and making new ones. Year after year, it has been a tradition and a full feast. This year will be no different. We know you are old enough […]

About Those Holiday Travel Plans…

Pico Rivera Bail Bond Store

Holiday travel is inching closer and closer and with your loved one’s recent arrest, you may be wondering how that might affect your plans. Is your loved one allowed to travel while out on bail? The answer to that question will vary. First of all, it is up to the judge to decide whether or […]

Arrest, Jail, Bail: A Test of Your Relationship

Pasadena Bail Bond Store

Your loved one has been arrested and now you think that this year could not get any worse for you. If anything is going to test your patience and relationship, it is this. You are beyond stressed about the situation, not to mention everything else in your life that you need to take care of. […]

What Is Bail, and What Is a Bail Bond?

Paramount Bail Bond Store

Bail bonds and bail can easily be mistaken as the same thing, especially to the many of those who do not know the legal process that well. Bail bonds and bail are related, but they are very different. Bail is the amount of money a defendant will have to owe court in order to be […]