Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Burbank

LA Signs New Directive Order to Protect its Residents, Regardless of Immigration Status

South LA Bail Bond Store

You know how there has been a lot of news and talk lately surrounding the discussion of immigration? Well, there is even more news. Now, Los Angeles police and city employees will not enforce federal immigration laws, as ordered by the new executive directive that Mayor Eric Garcetti just signed. The directive also says that […]

No Child Left Behind

San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

As the weather begins to warms up again here in Southern California, we would like to remind parents that convenience is not always the better option, especially when it comes to your kids. It could be the line that defines whether you are a good or bad parent! For example, you just picked up your […]

Still Time to Use your Tax Return for Bail

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Most of us by now, have had our tax return directly deposited in the bank. Sweet! “Free” money! Have you thought about what you are going to do with the money? Will you save it? Will you spend it? Will you divvy it up for various needs and wants? What about making the bail bond […]

Leave it to the Teams to Fight for a Win, Not the Fans

South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Sports games are supposed to be fun and exciting to watch. You root for your team to win and boo the other team. You go with friends and family to have a great time. So why do some people have to go and ruin the experience by getting into fights with other spectators? Most games […]

No Jokes on April Fools’ at San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

People can be so on-edge on April Fools’ Day that they will be skeptical to nearly everything they hear that day. If that day you learn your loved one has been arrested for real, and needs help posting bail, you can rely on San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store, to get the job done. That […]