Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Burbank

You Can Still Get Your Drinks To-Go


For as long as most of us can remember if you wanted to go out for a drink, you had to stay at the bar until you were finished. You weren’t allowed to order a drink to go. During the Covid-19 pandemic, things changed. Bar and restaurant owners struggled to keep their businesses afloat while […]

Social Media and Your Mental Health

Social Media And Your Mental Health

Social media is a bit of a double-edged sword. For some people, it’s a great resource that allows them to stay connected to loved ones while also breaking up the tedium of a day. Others find social media stressful and even claim that it’s causing mental health problems. The positive side of social media is: […]

Drug Trafficking in California

Drug Trafficking in California

Drug trafficking is a concern throughout the United States. It’s particularly concerning to California lawmakers who are aware that the state’s relatively close location to both Canada and Mexico, as well as the massive number of ports the state has made it a popular choice for drug traffickers who want to either import or export […]

How Serious is Road Rage


The first time the term “road rage” was officially used was during the 80s when a team of broadcasters decided the term perfectly summed up the cause of a highway shooting. Since that broadcast, road rage has become a regular part of our working vocabulary. At the same time, it has become a serious problem […]

Littering Consequences in California


You already know that you’re not supposed to litter. It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t throw things out your car windows, leave trash scattered around a campsite, or drop food wrappers while you’re walking. What you might not know is exactly what happens if you fail to do the right thing and clean up after […]