Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Burbank

Can They Really Tax Soda?

Can They Really Tax Soda?

In recent years, cities across the country have begun to add an additional tax on sodas and other sugary drinks in an effort to reduce their sales. The hope with these taxes is that it will discourage people from buying the drink, and therefore help lower peoples risk of obesity and diabetes. Naturally, this is […]

How Hot Is Too Hot?

How Hot Is Too Hot?

With the summer heat in full swing once again, it is important for everyone to do their best to stay cool this season. While looking out for ourselves in this sort of weather is one thing, we can’t forget about the lives that are in our care. Children and pets cannot take care of themselves […]

What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?

What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?

Summer is here and schools have let out for the year. Children are excited as they get to experience a bit of freedom for the next few months. However, parents might be approaching the break with a bit of apprehension. How are they supposed to keep their children entertained for the next few months while […]

Park Here, Not There

Park Here, Not There

The summer season is upon us, which can only mean one thing – an influx of traffic stemming from tourists, family vacations, and gorgeous weather. As you and your family embark on summertime adventures, we want to help ensure your trips are memorable for all the right reasons, and not because of parking violations that […]

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

The California Department of Motorized Vehicles (DMV) has answered our cries and are finally tossing us a bone. They’re providing relief from being stuck at work all day then being stuck in line at the DMV. We no longer have to rush over to the DMV before it closes during the week. The California DMV […]