Category Archives: Bail Bond Store News

Bail Bonds News

Are Your Kids Safe While Being Unattended?

Are Your Kids Safe While Being Unattended?

It’s a parent’s nightmare, but according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 800,000 children are reported missing every year. When broken down, this equates to about 2,000 children being kidnapped each day. While most of these result in a happy ending, the initial number of children being reported missing is staggering. […]

Beginner’s Guide to Budgets

Forgery or Fraudulence

Don’t look now but the holiday season is less than five months away. Depending on your financial situation, this fact can either excite or terrify you. It’s no surprise that there is a huge financial burden that comes along with the holidays. It’s time to take some of that financial pressure off of the holiday […]

Labor Day and DUI Checkpoints

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Labor Day is rapidly approaching, and everyone is looking forward to a little extra time off. Labor Day marks the unofficial end to summer, and many people celebrate with one final barbeque. This means good friends and family will get together to enjoy the outdoors one last time while having some good food. This all […]

How to Prevent Mosquitos

How to Prevent Mosquitos

It’s happened. On Friday, June 15, The L.A. County Department of Public Health announced the first case of the West Nile Virus infection in L.A. county for 2018. According to ABC7, A San Gabriel Valley resident was admitted to the hospital in May 2018 and later diagnosed with the disease. West Nile virus is spread […]

Talk to Your Kids about Bullying

Talk to Your Kids about Bullying

As summer begins to wind down, kids all over will begin facing their most dreaded of days. The first day of the new school year. Most kids would prefer to stay on summer break indefinitely rather than go back to school, however summer has to come to an end. As everyone gets ready for the […]