Category Archives: Bail Bond Store News

Bail Bonds News

The Golden State of California has its Share of Weirdness

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

There is no doubt that California is a pretty dang awesome state to live in. We have an entire coast on one side of our state and major attractions like the Redwood Forest, the Golden Gate Bridge, Hollywood, and Disneyland. We have great weather, delicious food, amazing wine, many sports teams, and beautiful people. We […]

Debunking Common Bail Bond Myths

Boyle Heights Bail Bond Store

Contrary to popular belief, bail agents do not dress and talk like a bodyguard or club bouncer. Some may have the build of one, but not all of us. You really have nothing to be afraid of or intimidated of when you approach a bail bond company like Boyle Heights Bail Bond Store. In fact, […]

If You Are Unfamiliar with DUI Checkpoints, This is What you Should Know

North Hills Bail Bond Store

There is no doubt that St. Patrick’s Day has become a drinking holiday. This year, it falls on a Friday, which is an added plus for almost everyone who celebrates. No work the next day! This means people are more likely to stay at the bar until closing and consume an extra drink or two. […]

How Juvenile and Adult Criminal Proceedings Differ

Granada Hills Bail Bond Store

A parent whose child is arrested should know that juvenile court proceedings are not the same as adult proceedings. Proceedings are less severe in that less people are involved, they are shorter, they involves less harsh consequences, and they ensure that the record is sealed once the juvenile turns 18. This is all done in […]

What Happens if You’re Arrested Outside of California?

Encino Bail Bond Store

Here at Encino Bail Bond Store, we have worked with so many people over our 30 years of experience. Most of the families we assist have only used our services that one time. However, every now and then we have had families come back for bail bond assistance a second or third time. No matter […]