Category Archives: Bail Bond Store News

Bail Bonds News

Top Notch Service at LA Bail Bond Store

LA Bail Bond Store

To be a trustworthy and truly helpful bail agent, you have to have compassion, responsibility, and a valid license. This is a sensitive industry, one that requires a certain level of professionalism and comes with high expectations. Agents are required to have a valid bail bond license in order to work. If you needed someone […]

Soon, Marijuana May be Smoked at Fairgrounds

LA Bail Bond Store

It has been over half a year since Californians voted to legalize marijuana for the state. However, in the public eye, it seems like there has been no change in the ability, freedom, and ease of growing, using, selling, and purchasing it. This is because the state first needs to lay out all the regulations, […]

Have You Received a Strange Call Lately?

LA Bail Bond Store

Have you ever gotten a strange call from a loved one who is claiming to have gotten arrested and needs bail money? It gets even stranger when he or she says that they do not want you to tell anyone else in the family about the incident. If you have ever gotten a call like […]

Legalized Marijuana: What to Expect

LA Bail Bond Store

It has been about 6 months since Californians voted to legalize marijuana. However, full legalization has yet to kick in. In fact, it will not fully kick in until 2018. With that said, not many people know the timeline and what has and has not changed yet, nor do they know what full legalization really […]

Will the Cops Need a Warrant for Cell Phone Tracking?

LA Bail Bond Store

Unless given permission by the owner, cops need a warrant in order to search a person’s home, belongings, vehicle, mail, etc. Now in the digital age, cops also need a warrant to search laptops, tablets, and cell phones. As our dependency on our cell phones continue to rise, so has a new question: do the […]