Category Archives: Bail Bond Store News

Bail Bonds News

Dating Apps Influence

Dating Apps Influence

In today’s modern and fast paced world it makes sense that we’ve started online dating and using dating apps. We used to write love letters, now we write witty text messages. Dating apps help get us out there. They’re a great way to let the digital world know that you’re ready to mingle. Unfortunately, dating […]

What Legalizing the Sale of Marijuana Means

What Legalizing the Sale of Marijuana Means

This new year brought Californians the ability to sell marijuana. This also allows folks the opportunity to purchase marijuana for recreational use. You may be under the impression that this means you can smoke whenever and wherever you want. However that’s not the case. It’s important to remember that though it is legal in California […]

Getting a Safe Ride Home in 2018

Getting a Safe Ride Home in 2018

It is the start of a new year, and that means new laws will be going into effect. One such law is California State Assembly Bill 711. This new law will allow alcohol manufacturers and licensed sellers to provide customers with discounted or free transportation through a taxi or other ride sharing service. The idea […]

Did You Know You Can Track Santa?

Did You Know You Can Track Santa?

Old Saint Nick is coming to town this holiday season. He’s checking his list, and he’s going to be taking a trip around the world to deliver presents. With the help of modern technology we can now track Santa Claus as he makes his journey. Google has a fun, interactive way to keep tabs on […]

New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

It is that time of year where people begin to form a list of promises they want to make to themselves. New Year’s Resolutions are positive and uplifting to some, while they are a joke to others. According, Newswire, the top ten New Year’s Resolutions are: Stay fit and healthy Lose weight Enjoy life […]