Category Archives: Bail Bond Store News

Bail Bonds News

Bail Bond Payments Are For Us

Paying for a bail bond has never been easier and more seamless. These days, bail bonds are not only paid on a payment plan with low monthly rates, but most agencies like Gardena Bail Bond Store Services also accepts various forms of payment. Cash, all major credit and debit cards, checks, collateral – whatever combination […]

One Arrest Shouldn’t Stop You From Succeeding

If you were arrested for some incident, you should never let that arrest stop you from succeeding in the future. Depending on your situation and why you were arrested, your growth from that point on will range in difficulty level. But it’s never impossible to reach your peak potential, even with an arrest on your […]

All The Costs Of A DUI

Unless you work for the police, the DMV, or a car insurance company, it’s likely you don’t know how extensive the costs can be for even a first-offense DUI point. Please be aware of these expenses: Fines: this can be a few hundred to a thousand dollars. Bail or a bail bond: this can be […]

The Best People To Ask For Help & Support: Your Parents

It should go without saying that the best people to ask for help and support in critical times are your parents. We know, you’re probably thinking you don’t want to burden your parents with your problems and you’re an adult now so you need to set yourself straight on your own. Honestly though? We want […]

What To Expect If You’re Arrested Out-Of-State

If you’re ever arrested out-of-state, depending on the crime/ reason, you might expect quite a headache of a trial case. The state in which you are arrested is the state in which you will stand trial. If you are a New Yorker and were arrested here in California, your trial will be held here in […]