Category Archives: Bail Bond Store News

Bail Bonds News

Citizens Push for Tougher Hit and Run Laws

A recent string of hit and run accidents has shaken the Los Angeles community to its core. In April there were four fatal hit and run accidents that are particularly troubling. These accidents took place on the 110 Freeway and were within a three-mile section. The hit and run accidents involved the deaths of one […]

Can a Police Officer Search Your Vehicle

One of the first things an officer often does when they pull you over for a traffic infraction is taking a peek inside your car. In some cases, they’ll ask you to get out of the vehicle while they do a thorough search of the interior. Watching them go through the items you have tucked […]

If You Have Plans of Going Fishing, Be Aware of the Laws

If You Have Plans of Going Fishing, Be Aware of the Laws

If you’re an outdoorsy kind of person you’re, probably itching to go outside right now. You’ve been waiting for the weather to be perfect and with the approach of summer, it’s finally happening. You’re ready to grab your camping equipment, fishing gear, and food for a picnic or two. This is the opportunity to breathe […]

Family Time is Worth the Time

Family Time is Worth the Time

Family time is one of those things where you love to hate it. You love getting together and reminiscing on the good times. However you hate it when you’re the center of scrutiny over a mistake you made several years ago. It’s a double-edged sword that makes you homesick in the end when they leave. […]