Category Archives: Bail Bond Store News

Bail Bonds News

What Do You Mean Bail Bonds Can Put You In Jail?

Bail bonds have the power to get people of out of jail, but, in another dimension of thought, they can also get people into trouble and in jail. What we mean is illegal bail bond soliciting. Take for example, ‘Leonard Jimmy Ramirez’, a former LAPD jail employee. He is accused of selling inmate information to […]

Aggressive Is Good – In the Bail Bond Industry

California has its fair share of bail bonds companies. Hundreds, of thousands, of people are arrested each year for anything from unpaid late fees, to rowdy protesting, to murder. The majority of arrestees are granted bail and many opt to go the bail bond route, rather than posting bail alone. There are many bail bond […]

Best Friends and Bail Bonds

No matter how much you have tried to get your best friend to turn their lives around, no matter how many times you have told them that they are capable of accomplishing great things, they do not seem to listen. The police know them pretty well, given the handful of visits they have paid each […]

You Are Selfish for Getting Arrested

We can think of a hundred reasons why you should never be arrested, why you should stay out of trouble, but to us, the most important one is that you would miss out on so many moments with your friends and family members. Holidays, birthdays, celebrations, milestones, etc. How can you bear to think about […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is a Name You Can Rely On

Friends tend to come and go and with that, so does trust and reliability. Friends who grow apart may not consider each other to be the person who will bail them out of jail years from now. Current good friends also may not want to be the ones you go to and there is no […]