Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Winter Pet Tips

los angeles bail bond store winter pet tips

As the end of the year draws near, the weather gets colder and colder. Some parts of California have already reached temperatures that make most people choose to stay indoors. As the temperatures drop, it is important for everyone to stay warm for their own health and safety. While everyone hurries to bundle up for […]

Can Minors Have Alcohol in California?

los angeles bail bond store can minors have alcohol in california

There are certain laws that everyone knows about, such as don’t drive over the speed limit, don’t steal things from other people, and anyone under 21 is not allowed to drink alcohol. However, while these laws are well known, a lot of people tend to ignore them, which is never a good idea. Ignoring a […]

5 Commonly Ignored Driving Laws

los angeles bail bond store ignored driving laws

Anyone who has ever driven knows that there are a lot of laws to follow while on the road. With so many different things to pay attention to, it can be hard to follow all of the rules 100% of the time. This is especially true when people witness others breaking certain laws and figure […]

California Shoplifting Laws

los angeles bail bond store minors breaking the law

Pretty much everyone has heard of the crime of shoplifting. The crime is often featured in various television shows, especially when teens are present. Despite how it is often portrayed on the screen, shoplifting can be performed by anyone at any age. The act of shoplifting is a pretty common crime here in California, despite […]

Needing Bail Wasn’t a Part of the Plan

los angeles bail bond store has your back

Bailing someone out of jail is not a task that anyone ever really plans on doing. Most people operate under the belief that they will never need to bail a friend or family out of jail. While that may be the case for some people, not everyone is so lucky. Some people receive the unfortunate […]