Category Archives: Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

What is Child Endangerment and What Are the Consequences?


Everyone wants to provide their child with a good and safe life, but sometimes things go sideways and you find yourself facing child endangerment charges. Being charged with child endangerment in California means that the police suspect you’ve violated Penal Code 273a PC. This code is what lawmakers put together as a legal reference for […]

Avoid a DUI This Thanksgiving

Avoid a DUI This Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. This is a time for family stories, friends, and great food. Many of us use the few days at home to catch up with loved ones that we rarely get to see. Thanksgiving should be spent with friends and family. You shouldn’t spend it in jail facing DUI charges, […]

Sleep-deprived Driving

Sleep-deprived Driving

Most of us have heard so much about the dangers of drinking and driving that we would never dream of sliding behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. Yet, we seldom think twice about going for a drive while we’re tired. The truth is that while there aren’t any actual laws about sleep-deprived driving, the action […]

Probation and Parole. What’s the Difference?


If you’re confused about the difference between probation and parole, you’re not alone. Most people don’t really know what the difference is between the two until they get into trouble with the law. While you’re on probation, you’re still technically in police custody, but you have a great deal more freedom than you’d enjoy if […]

Keeping Your Kids Safe this Summer


Summer is finally here which means long days and lots of freedom for your kids. While you want your kids to have a great time and make lots of good memories this summer, you also want them to stay safe. The good news is that it’s possible to do both. Preventing Heat Stroke One of […]