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Latest Blog Articles

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How to Get Bailed Out of Jail Quickly In California

No one wants to sit in a jail cell longer than necessary. The longer you're locked up, the larger the ...

How to Keep Your Life on Track While You’re Out on Bail

Just because you have been released from jail on a bail bond doesn’t mean you’re life will go back to ...

Guaranteed High-Quality Bail Bond Services in Los Angeles

Los Angeles Bail Bonds has been providing our clients with high-quality services and is available 24 hour a day 7 ...

Prevent Yourself from Becoming an Identity Theft Victim

Traveling is something most of us enjoy and look forward too. We spend months planning where we’re going to go, ...

How to Stay Safe While Using a Rideshare Program

There’s no denying that rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft have changed how we think about transportation. We love the ...

Traveling with a Motorcycle Group? Follow These Safety Tips

There are multiple perks to traveling with a motorcycle group as opposed to riding on your own. The top two ...

How Does A California Bail Reduction Work?

A high bail amount is often the difference between getting released from jail and resuming your life while your case ...

What Happens During a Bail Consultation?

Don’t underestimate the importance of a good bail consultation. The consultation allows you and us to get to know one ...

California’s 3 Most Common Driving Infractions

Every single day, hundreds of drivers throughout the state of California receive traffic violations. While obtaining a ticket for many ...

Tips for Finding a Safe Rental Property in California

While there are many perks connected to living in California, the ability to easily find rental properties isn’t one of ...

Fentanyl Crisis In California | What You Should Know

It seems like every few years, one drug falls out of favor, and another takes it’s place. In the past, ...

How Parking Tickets Impact your Driving in California

Very few drivers in California haven’t received at least one traffic ticket. In most cases, the driver sputters a little ...

Los Angeles Bail Bonds are Open 24 Hours A Day!

Los Angeles Bail Bondshas locations across the state of California offering fast response to all the local jails. Feel free ...

Affordable Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

If you’re concerned you can’t gather enough money to pay for your loved ones bail in time, do not worry ...

Los Angeles Bail Bonds “We Never Sleep”

At Los Angeles Bail Bonds we make paying for a bail bond easy for our clients. We offer payment plans, ...

You Can Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Agents

At some point, you may need to hire a bail bondsman. As much as you don't want to admit that ...

What is a Domestic Violence Restraining Order in California?

California has different types of restraining orders. One version is the Domestic Violence Restraining Order. The DVRO can only be ...

How Misdemeanor Probation Works in California

It’s not at all unusual for a California judge to sentence a person to misdemeanor probation rather than actual jail ...

Are Yard Sales Legal in California?

Yard and garage sales are an excellent way to clear your home of clutter and to generate some extra money ...

Summertime Pet Safety Tips

Summer is just around the corner. Before you know it, we'll be wearing our favorite shorts and tank top combinations, ...

Your Happiness Is The Reason We Do Our Job So Well

We Offer the Best Help with DUI, Drug, Warrant, Domestic Violence, Felony, Traffic, Weapons & Misdemeanor Los Angeles Bail Bonds ...

Employment Scams You Need to Be Aware Of

Everyone talks about phone scams, dating scams, and internet scams. Somehow, employment scams slide under the radar. Employment scams are ...

What Is the Difference Between Assault and Battery in California

If you think that assault and battery are the same thing, you’re mistaken. In California, assault and battery are two ...

How Does the California Family Rights Act Work?

Everyone who lives in California should dedicate some time to familiarizing themselves with the Family Act. Businesses that are required ...

Why Some People Are Sentenced to a Maximum-Security Prison

When you watch news stories covering criminal cases, you'll often hear the word maximum security prisons and minimum security prisons ...

What Parents Should Know About Fentanyl (Accidental Exposures to Fentanyl)

Every parent should be worried about fentanyl. It's showing up with increasing regularity in common street drugs. Unfortunately, the synthetic ...

Bereavement Leave in California

Bereavement is the time it takes a person to handle the passing of a loved one. It isn't much time ...

Can I Be Arrested and Lose My Driver’s License for Speeding

The sight of blue lights flashing in the rearview mirror and the realization that you are going way above the ...

Jaywalking is Legal Again

Did you know that you can legally jaywalk in California? That’s right; you’re free to cross the road whenever you ...

The Danger of Fentanyl | Fentanyl Awareness

When fentanyl was first starting to generate some media attention, the synthetic opioid was a good thing. It was a ...

Can I refuse to Perform a Sobriety Test?

You’ve been pulled over, and the police officer says that they suspect you’ve been drinking. They would like you to ...
bail bonds in los angeles

Stay Safe While Taking Advantage of Online Dating

The days of going to bars hoping to find that special someone are long over. Bar hopping and awkward getting-to-meet-someone ...
los angeles bail bonds

How to Handle a Public Intoxication Charge

Most people assume that as long as they don’t drive after they’ve been drinking, they have nothing to worry about ...
los angeles bail bond store

Different Ways Social Media can get you Into Legal Trouble

Social media is supposed to be a fun way to stay connected to your family and friends, and for the ...
bail bonds near me los angeles

The Best Way to Smoothly Get Through a Traffic Stop

Traffic stops are always a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you’re not sure why the cop is signaling for you to ...

Illegally Using a Handicap Placard in California

It's so frustrating to drive all around a parking lot and not find any empty places to put your car ...

Are You Being Stalked? Warning Signs To Look Out For

Stalking is a serious problem. An estimated 6.6 million people are involved in a stalking situation, and that's just in ...

How to Protect Yourself from a Break-In in California

The first thing you need to do is make sure you're in the habit of really locking up your home, ...

Property Crimes in California

While the term property crimes gets tossed around by the media, in California, you aren’t going to be charged with ...

Understanding Bail Bonds in California

We understand how bail can be a stressful and confusing situation. Let us reduce your stress as our professional and ...

What Happens if You Fail to Appear for Jury Duty

Our justice system depends heavily on jury duty. If you are contacted about jury duty, you’re expected to attend and ...

What is Sober Living in California?

When most people hear the term sober living, they assume that it refers to a person who has decided to ...

4 Estafas de Facebook que Debe Conocer

La mayoría de nosotros pasamos una sorprendente cantidad de tiempo en Facebook. Nos encanta publicar sobre las cosas emocionantes que ...

Teen Marijuana Use in California

Recreational marijuana is legal in California. However, that doesn’t mean that teens are allowed to partake in marijuana. At this ...

Tips for a Peaceful Holiday Family Gathering

This is the season when many of us are getting together with both our immediate and extended family to celebrate ...

When Does California Permanently Revoke a Driver’s License for DUI?

It's no secret that if you're caught driving while under the influence of an illegal amount of drugs or alcohol ...

How to Report a Missing Person in California

There is nothing funny about having a friend or family member fail to be where you expect them to be ...

Tips for Earning a Little Extra Money This Holiday Season

Times are tough right now. We could all use a little extra income, especially with the holidays right around the ...

The Most Common Crimes That Occur During the Holidays

Most of us associate the holidays with happiness, family, and love. While many of us focus on the good things ...
Bail Bonds

Is a Public Defender the Right Choice for You?

One of the great things about the way our justice system is set up is that everyone is entitled to ...

The Smartest Way to Handle a Big Lotto Win

With the Powerball jackpot soaring to over a billion dollars, people are stocking up on tickets. Even people who have ...

Money Saving Tips for the Holidays

All the signs point to us being poised on the brink of a recession. Between inflation and the outrageously high ...
Do I Have to Report a Traffic Accident?

What to Do When You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident

Car accidents happen, and even when you do everything in your power to drive defensively and avoid a collision, there ...

Selling a Used Car in California

At some point in our lives, most of us have been in a position of either buying a second-hand car ...

Bringing Gifts to Prison

Just because a loved one has been sent to prison, it doesn’t mean you stop caring for them. When someone ...

What to Do If You’ve Been Accused of an Internet Crime

In 2018, the Cyber Security Breaches Survey revealed the shocking news that approximately 43% of all businesses fell for some ...

4 Facebook Scams You Should Know About

Most of us spend a surprising amount of time on Facebook. We love posting about the exciting things taking place ...

Driving Drunk On Halloween in California

It’s Halloween which means Halloween parties. The high volume of parties means that the police will be out and they ...

What Happens When You’ve Been Arrested: The Booking Process

It doesn’t matter if you’ve been caught shoplifting, where driving while intoxicated, or have been arrested because evidence suggests that ...

Teens Need to be Smart While Partying This Halloween

Everyone knows that the best parties happen in October. There’s something about the combination of extreme sugar, spookiness, and the ...

Driving Without Auto Insurance in California

It’s expected that if you’re going to own and operate a vehicle in California, it’s properly insured. The amount of ...

Different Types of Pleas in California

Shortly after you’ve been formally arrested and charged with a crime, you’ll have an arraignment. The arraignment is your first ...

Vaping Laws in California

These days you are almost more likely to see someone vaping than to spot a traditional cigarette smoker. Many of ...

Consequences of Shoplifting in California

A surprising number of people have shoplifted during their lifetime. It’s especially common with young children who will often take ...

How to Report a Crime

You’ve seen a crime happen. Now you’re in a bind. Are you legally required to report the crime? Who should ...
Mug Shots Decorating Social Media Feeds? Not Anymore!

What is Catfishing?

What we currently refer to as catfishing, which is pretending to be someone else for the specific purpose of deceiving ...

3 Common Social Media Crimes

Most of us love social media sites. They provide us with an easy way to stay in touch with loved ...

Most Common Crimes in California

There are some crimes that the California court system deals with more than others. DUIs It doesn’t seem to matter ...

California’s Car Seat Laws

Every parent who has an infant knows that they’re supposed to have a car seat installed in their vehicle. They ...

Top Internet Scams

Shortly after the internet was created, the internet scam was born. It’s amazing the number of different ways the internet ...

Learning How to Be Aware of Your Surroundings

In this day and age, you can’t afford to not be aware of your surroundings. It doesn’t matter if you’re ...

Staying Safe While Enjoying Dorm Life

One of the best things about finally going to college and moving into a dorm is that not only are ...

5 Things You Should Know About Your Rights

At Compton Bail Bonds, we serve to protect the rights of those who have been arrested, whether that person is ...

Proposition 57

Traditionally, whenever a law/proposition is proposed that involves crime, it’s a move to actually create stricter laws/penalties. This is especially ...

The Purpose of Proposition 47

The purpose of Proposition 47 is to make some changes to felony sentencing laws. Proposition 47 officially became law in ...

Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card

Credit card fraud happens when someone uses another person’s credit card to either make unauthorized purchases or to withdraw/transfer funds ...

Q&A with Los Angeles Bail Bonds

Do You Need to Pay Bail? If you’re wondering if you need to pay bail, the simple answer is no ...

The Difference Between Bench Warrants and Arrest Warrants

Many people don’t realize that bench warrants and arrest warrants are two different things. While both have the same end ...

What to Expect if You are Charged with Larceny in California

Larceny is one of the most frequently seen charges in the California court system. The term larceny is a blanket ...

Is Skipping School A Crime?

As a parent, you constantly worry about whether you’re raising your child in a way that will enable them to ...

Drivers License Suspension After DUI

One of the consequences of a California DUI conviction is that you’ll lose your driving privileges. The county courthouse where ...

Riding Your Bicycle While Intoxicated in California

One of the issues people run into when they go out for a night of drinking is that while they ...

Benefits to Being the Oldest Sibling

People generally think that being the younger sibling is “better” and “more fun.” Parents are more lax with their second ...

Stay Safe During Wildfire Season

No matter what part of the state you live in, you should know how to take care of yourself if ...

Why California’s Homeless Population Continues to Grow

There has always been an issue with people not being able to find a place to live in California. For ...

Safe and Sane vs Dangerous Fireworks

Did you know that California actually has two different categories of fireworks? The first category of fireworks and the one ...

Conserving Electricity This Summer

Since May, various people have expressed concern that the power grid won’t be able to provide enough electricity to meet ...

Jaywalking in California

All of us have heard the term jaywalking, but few of us can say exactly what it is. According to ...

Consequences of Reckless Burning in California

Finally, it’s summertime! Between the increased daylight hours and warmer weather, you’re finally able to do all of your favorite ...

Early Warning Signs of Heat Stroke

The longer, warmer days inspire all of us to spend more time outdoors. The problem is that the hotter it ...

Avoiding Road Rage in California

Road rage is a serious problem and it doesn’t show signs of getting better. According to the American Automobile Association, ...

Providing False Credit Card Information

There are times when we could all use a little extra money. Adding an additional line of credit to our ...

Several Reasons Kids are Left in Hot Cars

It’s that time of year when we are constantly getting bombarded by messages reminding us to not leave kids and ...

5 Things You Can Do to Save Gas While Driving

Gas prices have hit historical highs and it doesn’t seem like we’re going to get much relief this summer. While ...

Is Public Intoxication a Misdemeanor in California?

Everyone knows that we’re not supposed to drink and drive. Many of us have gotten really good about making sure ...

What Happens if You Ignore a Subpoena in California?

One of the mistakes some people make when they witness a crime is assuming that since they weren’t actively involved ...

Most Dangerous Cities in California 2022

Like most parts of the world, California has some places that are great areas to raise a family. These areas ...

Are DUI Sobriety Checkpoints Legal in California?

No one likes DUI checkpoints. Not only do they make many of us nervous, even when we haven’t been drinking ...

Penalties for Illegal Street Racing in California

Yes, the Fast and the Furious movie franchise made street racing look like a great way of generating some excitement ...

Providing False Evidence in California

The California justice system depends on the idea that everyone who is involved in a case behaves with complete honesty ...

Consequences of Making Annoying Phone Calls in California

To you making an annoying phone call might not seem like a big deal. In fact, it’s something many of ...

What is Great Bodily Harm in California?

One of the charges that is quite serious but is seldom mentioned is great bodily harm. This is a charge ...

Ignoring and Disobeying California Traffic Signals

Believe it or not, the State of California didn’t put up traffic signals and lights simply to make your commute ...

Make Sure you Choose a Reputable Bail Bonds Agency

When you learn that one of your loved ones has been arrested and needs you to help them secure a ...

Does Bail Need to be Posted Right Away?

You’ve just gotten a call from a loved one. They’ve been arrested. They’re scared. They know how much bail is ...

We Can Help Make Your Life Easier After An Arrest

When you get that phone call from a loved one inside jail telling you they need help to meet bail, ...

Unsure About Getting A Bail Bondsman? Here’s Why You Should

Our team here at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store aims to get your loved one out of jail, and change ...

Misusing a Disability Placard in California

Disability placards aren’t something everyone in California can appropriate and use for their own purposes. Getting caught misusing a disability ...

What are Considered Attempted Crimes in California

We’ve all heard stories about people who are charged with attempted crimes such as attempted murder, attempted assault, or attempted ...

What Happens if You Hurt Someone in a Drunk Driving Accident?

Driving while drunk isn’t just frowned upon in California, it’s illegal. While you’re allowed to go out and have a ...

Riding Your Bike Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol

The rising fuel costs are causing many of us to take a second look at our bikes. Now they not ...

Differences Between Infractions, Misdemeanors, and Felonies

The justice system labels crimes as infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. While these different categories of legal offenses have been around ...

Failure to Present a Valid California Driver’s License

We’ve all done it at some point or another. We’ve left home without our driver’s license. This isn’t a major ...

What is Child Endangerment and What Are the Consequences?

Everyone wants to provide their child with a good and safe life, but sometimes things go sideways and you find ...

Driving With Young Kids? Does California Require a Car Seat

It’s common knowledge that anyone who is driving with a baby in the car must have a reliable car seat ...

California Cities Where Your Car is Most Likely to be Stolen

Car thefts have become an increasingly big headache for police departments across the United States. Shortly after the pandemic started ...

Consequences Of Aggravated Trespass in California

Most people don’t know that there’s such a thing as aggravated trespass in California until they see it’s one of ...

Does Rehab Reduce Your Sentence in California

No one wants to go to prison. As soon as someone is initially booked and arrested, they suddenly realize how ...

What Happens if a Party Your Hosting Gets to Loud

Everyone loves a good party, but sometimes parties can get out of hand. One of the biggest problems with parties ...

Be Smart. Don’t Drink and Drive on St. Patrick’s Day

Many people spend the entire year looking forward to St. Patrick’s Day. The holiday is a huge deal in some ...

Hitting a Pedestrian in California

California has a reputation as being a great place for pedestrians. The weather makes it possible for pedestrians to walk ...

You Can Still Get Your Drinks To-Go

For as long as most of us can remember if you wanted to go out for a drink, you had ...

We’re Quick, Right To The Point

We don’t want to waste your time (we know it’s precious and there’s no time to waste) so we’re going ...
How to Report a Crime in California

How to Report a Crime in California

It doesn’t matter if you’re the victim of a crime or if you have seen a crime take place. You ...
Valentine’s First Date Safety Tips

Valentine’s First Date Safety Tips

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Those of us who are single often feel that the holiday is the ...
Failing to Pay Child Support in California

Failing to Pay Child Support in California

Child support is always a touchy subject. Often a person’s actual financial situation isn’t taken into consideration when the amount ...
Vaping in California

Vaping in California

Over the past ten or fifteen years, vaping has become extremely popular. There are several reasons for this, including the ...

Down Powerline Safety tips

There are a variety of ways a power line can come down including severe winds, natural disasters, and even an ...

Early Warning Signs that Your Partner is Dangerous

One of the things many domestic abuse victims say is that they never thought that it could happen to them ...
Do I Have to Report a Traffic Accident?

Do I Have to Report a Traffic Accident?

Most of us have a weird, knee-jerk reaction to traffic accidents. We like to pretend we don’t know about them ...
Is It Illegal To Brake Check?

Is It Illegal To Brake Check?

“Brake check” is a term that refers to the act of someone slamming hard on their brakes while they’re driving ...
Mug Shots Decorating Social Media Feeds? Not Anymore!

Mug Shots Decorating Social Media Feeds? Not Anymore!

Law enforcement agencies throughout the United States have discovered the importance of social media marketing. It’s a great way to ...
Different Types of Domestic Violence

Different Types of Domestic Violence

Most of us are familiar with the concept of domestic violence. What many of us don’t realize is that there ...
Staying Safe While Online Dating

Staying Safe While Online Dating

It doesn’t look like online dating is going anywhere. This is often the time of year when people start to ...
California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

All of us know that young kids have to be strapped into a safety seat whenever they’re in a vehicle ...
Social Media And Your Mental Health

Social Media and Your Mental Health

Social media is a bit of a double-edged sword. For some people, it’s a great resource that allows them to ...
Using Marijuana While Driving

Using Marijuana While Driving

Yes, you can legally use marijuana for recreational purposes in California, but that doesn’t mean you can use it wherever ...
The Right to Remain Silent in California

The Right to Remain Silent in California

One of the very first things you’re told when you’re arrested in California is that you have the right to ...
Understanding Your Responsibility as a Bail Cosigner

Understanding Your Responsibility as a Bail Cosigner

Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility and liability. You’re essentially assuming the consequences if the defendant does not ...
Cycling Under the Influence

Cycling Under the Influence

We hear a great deal about the dangers of drinking and driving. We understand that a single DUI can have ...
Preventing Porch Piracy

Preventing Porch Piracy

You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or ...
Most Common Reasons People Are Arrested During the Holiday Season

Most Common Reasons People Are Arrested During the Holiday Season

The holidays are here. For most of us, that means spending time with friends and family members we love. This ...
Stay Safe Going into the New Year

Stay Safe Going into the New Year

Celebrating at bars, restaurants, clubs, and community events is a lot of fun and a great way to create some ...
Bail During the Holidays

Bail During the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us. For most of us, it’s a time of love and celebration. The problem is ...
Avoid a Drunk Driving Charge This Christmas

Avoid a Drunk Driving Charge This Christmas

No one wants to spend the Christmas season sitting in a jail cell with a DUI charge hanging over their ...
Parents Worry About Their Kids Way More Than You'd Think

Parents Worry About Their Kids Way More Than You’d Think

As a parent, don't you always have a concern for your children? Even if they are well behaved and honest, ...
What You Should Know When you Need to Make Bail Bonds

What You Should Know When you Need to Make Bail Bonds

When you sign a contract with Los Angeles Bail Bonds you’re entering into a written agreement with us that states ...
When Minors Use a Fake ID

When Minors Use a Fake ID

Having a fake id is almost considered a right of passage. There are movies, books, and even songs that feature ...
Is it Ok for a Parent to Ask for a Parenting Help?

Is it Ok for a Parent to Ask for a Parenting Help?

If you think your child needs more help than you are able or knowledgeable of to provide, do not hesitate ...
What to Do if Your Neighbor’s Christmas Decorations are Over the Top

What to Do if Your Neighbor’s Christmas Decorations are Over the Top

The holiday season is here. For many of us, that means breaking up the average, boring scenery with decorations that ...
Be Prepared to Ask Your Bail Bonds Agent Some Questions

Feel Free to Ask Your Bail Bonds Agent Some Questions

No one plans to be arrested, which means no one sets aside money to use as bail. Since no one ...
Be A Good Role Model For Your Family

Be A Good Role Model For Your Family

For any of you out there who have children, you know how crucial it is to be a solid role ...
Drug Trafficking in California

Drug Trafficking in California

Drug trafficking is a concern throughout the United States. It’s particularly concerning to California lawmakers who are aware that the ...
Sleep-deprived Driving

Sleep-deprived Driving

Most of us have heard so much about the dangers of drinking and driving that we would never dream of ...
Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations in California

Failure to Pay Legal Child Support Obligations in California

Child support is always a touchy issue. There are a variety of reasons people use for failing to pay legal ...

The Unlawful Taking of Pictures and Video Recording

Thanks to built-in cameras on smartphones, most of us have a camera at our disposal 24/7. We’re able to record ...

Earthquake Safety Tips

There are many great reasons to live in California. There’s also one huge drawback. In exchange for easy access to ...

Driving Drunk on Halloween

We have a tendency of thinking about Halloween as a holiday that is full of good-natured fun. It’s a holiday ...

The Truth About Parking Lot Safety

We take parking lots for granted. We treat them like a casual place to leave our car while we run ...

Are you Being Stalked?

Stalking is a major problem in the United States. Every single year there are about 6 million people who find ...

Is Social Media a Danger to You?

Social media is extremely important to many of us. We use it to develop careers, stay in touch with friends ...

Trick-or-Treat Safety

Finally! Halloween is here. Not only does that mean cooler weather, pumpkin spice coffee, and an excuse to snuggle up ...

How Serious is Road Rage

The first time the term “road rage” was officially used was during the 80s when a team of broadcasters decided ...

The Difference Between a State and Federal Warrant

Most of us know that the police can’t simply walk into our homes and start searching it unless you’ve given ...

Littering Consequences in California

You already know that you’re not supposed to litter. It’s common knowledge that you shouldn’t throw things out your car ...

Making Social Media Threats in California

Social media has had a strange impact on many people. There is a sense of anonymity and protection associated with ...

Fall Camping Safety Tips in California

The fall is a great time to go camping in California. Not only is the weather a little cooler, but ...

California Public Intoxication Laws

MMany people assume that as long as they don’t get behind the wheel and try driving home they don’t have ...

Crosswalk Safety in California

Walking to work means you don’t have to worry about getting caught in a traffic jam. It’s a great way ...

Think Before Posting those Vacation Photos

One of the best things about social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter is the ability to quickly ...

What to Do if You’re Being Stalked

Every single year, approximately 7.5 million Americans become the victims of a stalker. If you suspect that you’ve attracted the ...

3 Signs That Your Child is being Victimized by a Bully

Many of the kids who are returning to school this fall haven’t attended an actual school since March 2020. While ...

Boating While Under the Influence in California

Everyone knows about the dangers and legal consequences of driving while under the influence, but we have a tendency to ...

California Ear Bud Laws

Earbuds are awesome. They provide you with a way to tune out all the noise connected to the world and ...

The Legal Ins and Outs of Street Racing in California

Street racing is fun. It’s exciting. It might even seem like a good idea. It’s also the type of fun ...

4 California Bike Laws you Probably Don’t Know About

Do you spend a lot of time biking in California? If so, there are some California bike laws you’re probably ...

Wet and Reckless in California

If you’ve never heard of a wet and reckless charge in California, you’re not alone. Very few people are aware ...

Tips for Kids Going Back to School

The threat of your young child disappearing when they go back to school is far greater than you imagine. According ...

Getting Into Trouble for Vandalism in California

California lawmakers have little patience for vandalism. The exact law dealing with the issue is Penal Code 594 PC which ...

Should You Open Your Door When Someone Knocks?

There is a knock on your door. You stand beside the door for several seconds torn between the urge to ...

Evacuating from Wildfires

Wildfires are terrifying. Not only do they happen unexpectedly but they leave a path of total destruction in their wake ...

Will Your California Driver’s License Automatically Be Suspended After a DUI?

Getting a DUI is a traumatic event. One of the hardest things is that it impacts your life for a ...

Safety Tips for College Students

It’s the time of year when many young adults are preparing for their first semester of college. In most cases, ...

Off-roading in California’s State and National Parks

Off-roading isn’t just a lot of fun, it’s also a great way to see parts of California’s state and national ...

Can You Go to Jail for Online Scams?

If you’re wondering if you can go to jail for instigating an online scam, the answer is yes. If your ...

California Stalking Laws

In California, you can be convicted of stalking even if you have never engaged in actively pursuing a victim as ...

Criminal Trespassing in California

When you read through California Penal Code Section 602 you’ll learn that it’s illegal to come onto someone’s property without ...

California’s Drug Cultivation Laws

Drug cultivation in California is addressed in Health and Safety Code 11379.6HS. The code clearly states that, “every person who ...

The Dangers of Distracted Driving in California

Everyone always talks about how horrible drunk driving is but far less is mentioned about the dangers and repercussions of ...

Safe Hiking Tips for California’s Trails

California has some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the world. The summertime provides you with the perfect excuse ...

Drinking on California’s Beaches

Summer is finally here. For many of us, that means long, lazy weekends and evenings at our favorite beaches. We ...

Keep Your Car Running Smoothly This Summer

For many of us, the long days of summer means a chance to take long and scenic road trips. We ...

Tips for Staying Safe While Camping

Camping is a great way to enjoy both the fantastic summer weather and breathtaking beauty California has to offer. The ...

Prepare Your Pets for Fireworks

The Fourth of July is right around the corner which means people are going to set off fireworks. Even if ...

Fireworks and Safety

Fireworks are a fun and memorable way to celebrate the Fourth of July, but they can also be dangerous and ...

California Background Checks

Background checks are becoming routine. If you are interviewed for a job or fill in a rental application you can ...

Keeping Your Kids Safe this Summer

Summer is finally here which means long days and lots of freedom for your kids. While you want your kids ...

Updating Your California Driver’s License

Your driver’s license not only proves that you’re legally allowed to drive in California, but it also serves as your ...

You’ve Finally Graduated! Don’t Forget to be Smart!

It seems like you’ve been waiting your whole life to finish school. Many people consider the summer between high school ...

Telemarketer Fraud

If you hate telemarketers, you’re not alone. Legal Beagle reported that in 2017, Bank my Cell conducted a survey that ...

The Legal Ins and Outs of Catfishing

Catfishing isn’t the art of catching the bottom-dwelling fish that taste greatly fried. Catfishing actually refers to the act of ...

Leaving Kids in Hot Cars in California

Kids and hot cars are never a good combination. Everyone knows that, yet there is still an average of 38 ...

Leaving Pets in Hot Cars in California

Dogs love their owners and want to be with them all the time. In an attempt to keep our dogs ...

Can You Get Into Trouble for Using a Computer That Doesn’t Belong to You?

We’ve all done it from time to time. Grabbed a friend or family member’s laptop to check our email or ...

Failing to Properly Register Your Vehicle

To legally operate a car in the State of California, you need a few things. You need a valid driver’s ...

 What is Felony Stalking

While everyone knows that stalking is a crime, few realize that it can be a felony or a misdemeanor and ...

Most Common Crimes in California

The most common crimes in California vary from one county to the next. The stats can also change a great ...

Domestic Violence in California

Domestic violence is a complex crime so it shouldn’t come as surprise to learn that the laws dealing with domestic ...

Documenting a Car Accident

If you haven’t been in a car accident yet, you should consider yourself lucky. Considering how much time we spend ...

Understanding Battery in California

Assault charges can be confusing, mostly because the law has so many nuances and different stages of things. The simplest ...

Laws Every Californian Should Know About

If you call California home, there are a few laws you should familiarize yourself with. DUI Threshold Laws Everyone knows ...

You’ve Been Arrested for DUI… Again

Getting arrested and charged for DUI once in California is terrifying and life-altering. The second time you’re arrested for the ...

Oops, I Opened my Neighbor’s Mail!!

The postal service isn’t infallible. They’re prone to making human mistakes. One of the most common mistakes the postal service ...

California Laws Ride Share Drivers Need to Understand

Rideshare programs like Uber and Lyft are a great way for some people to supplement their income. The programs are ...

Felony Animal Cruelty in California

It’s a story that broke the hearts of animal lovers all over Los Angeles. Local newspapers have been covering the ...
dog laws

Coping with a Neighbor’s Barking Dog

Living in a dog-friendly neighborhood is great. There’s something about a community that’s full of dogs that makes the area ...
California child endangerment

Child Endangerment in California

California’s lawmakers believe that adults have a moral and legal responsibility to protect children. Failing to do so can put ...
Motorcycle laws in california

Riding a Noisy Motorcycle in California

There was a time when riding a noisy motorcycle in California meant you might get issue a fix-it ticket. While ...
smoking and driving

Smoking and Driving

Somewhere along the way, a rumor started to spread. The rumor was that you couldn’t legally smoke and drive a ...
carpool laws

The Truth About Carpool Cheating

The rules seem simple enough. If you are the only person in your vehicle, you must stick to a certain ...
Spring break 2021

Spring Break is Coming! Know What an Underage Drinking Charge Will Cost you

Spring break is finally here! It’s time to cut loose, forget all about your studies, and have a good time ...
Saint patricks day

Stay Out of Jail This Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is a great holiday. It’s one of those fun holidays where you’re encouraged to cut loose and ...
school zone speed limits

The Cost of Ignoring School Zone Traffic Laws in California

Kids are finally starting to return to school in California which means it’s time for drivers to reacquaint themselves with ...
California loitering laws

Loitering in California

For the most part, loitering is harmless and doesn’t bother anyone, but there are times when someone will object to ...
dont text and drive

Texting and Driving in California

It doesn’t matter how many images of horrific wrecks insurance companies and auto agencies put out to warn drivers of ...
why is community service important

Community Service in Criminal Cases

Many people find that they have to complete a specific number of hours of community service as a part of ...
Most common california felonies

3 Common California Felonies

The state and federal law books are full of felonies, but court officers, lawyers, and police officers will quickly tell ...
consequences of prank calling

What Happens If I Make A Fake or Prank 911 Call

Making a fake or prank phone call to 911 might seem like good fun but it’s not something you want ...
Criminal charges vs civil charges

Criminal Charges Vs. Civil Charges

One of the things that makes the American legal system confusing is that we have both criminal charges and civil ...
assault with a deadly weapon

Understanding Assault with a Deadly Weapon

Assault with a deadly weapon is basically what it sounds like. It means you are accused of assaulting someone and ...
are pranks illegal

When Does a Prank Go too Far?

Most of us have been involved in pranks, both as the person pulling the prank on another and as someone ...
Slander in california

Understanding Slander in California

Most Americans know that the First Amendment grants the right to free speech. The problem that many of us encounter ...
public intoxication laws

Public Intoxication Laws in California

Everyone knows that if you get behind the wheel and drive your car after you’ve had too much to drink ...
debt after death

What Happens to Debts Of A Deceased Person?

Nothing about the death of a loved one is easy. Not only do you have to deal with your grief ...
los angeles bail bond store california crosswalk laws

Planning a Flight? Make Sure You’re on Your Best Behavior!

Most of us have been on a flight where at least one passenger seemed to go out of their way ...
brake checking in california

The Ins and Outs of Brake Checking in California

It has happened to all of us. You’re driving along at what you think is a perfectly acceptable speed when ...
How to file taxes

Tips to Help you Get Ready to File your 2020 Tax Return

Yes, it’s only January and your 2020 tax return isn’t due until mid-April, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore ...
What are my rights as a landlord

What Are Your Rights When a Tenant Will Not Move Out of Your Home?

Owning a rental property is a great opportunity to earn extra money while also helping resolve a small portion of ...
family fighting consequences

What Should I Do if My Family Fights?

Families fight. Some just happen to fight more than others. The trick to weathering family fights is recognizing the signs ...
california warrant search

Finding Out If A Person Has an Arrest Warrant

Whether you’re looking because you’re worried an arrest warrant has been filed against you or because you need to know ...
california rioting consequences

Legal Consequences of Rioting

These days, it seems like every time you turn on the news, you encounter a story about a riot. Major ...
Should you contact your lawyer first

Should You Contact Your Lawyer or Los Angeles Bail Bond Store First?

When you’re arrested the first two things you need to do is get bailed out of jail and connect with ...
los angeles bail bonds

Should You Worry About Getting Bailed Out of Jail or Simply Stay Put Until Your Case Closes?

Getting arrested is something that really makes you stop and think. So many things are going to run through your ...
Speeding in california

Speeding in California

Sometimes the urge to have fun overrides our common sense. All of us know how to drive defensively and know ...
consequences of drunk driving

What happens to the passengers of a suspected DUI driver?

The law is clear. If your blood alcohol level is 0.08% or higher and you’re pulled over, you’ll be charged ...
Which bail bonds business should you choose

Which Bail Bonds Business Should you Choose!

If you need a bail bond, you want to quell your first instinct of going with the first company you ...
Should you bail your buddy out of jail

Should you Bail your Buddy Out of Jail

You love your best buddy and have no hesitation about going out of your way to help them whenever they ...
Can my employer request a covid test

Can Employers Force you to Submit to a Covid-19 Test?

If you’re confused about what your employer can and can’t require of you during this pandemic, you’re not alone. Every ...
distracted driving laws

Distracted Driving in 2021

Most of us are familiar with drunk driving and know that it’s something we should avoid. Few of us know ...
La mirada bail bonds

Questions about Bail Payments

When it comes to bailing someone out of jail, most people have a lot of questions. Here at Los Angeles ...
los angeles bail bonds

Will You Qualify for Bail?

Getting arrested is terrifying. It’s supposed to be. The goal is to make the process scary enough that you never ...
Elder abuse in california

Elder Abuse in California

Society dictates that we take care of our elders. The idea is that they cared for us when we were ...
Crime of passion

Crimes of Passion

There is something about the term “crime of passion” that causes many of us to think about romance and true ...
Internet trolling

The Legal Ins and Outs of Internet Trolling

The internet, particularly social media sites, provide people with an opportunity to share their opinions on a variety of topics ...
Driving on a suspended license

Driving on a Suspended License in California

Several California drivers have found that they didn’t fully appreciate how much independence they enjoyed as a result of their ...

Early Warning Signs that Your Kid Has Encountered a Cyberbully

Social media is a great thing. Social media sites let you stay in contact with friends and family you wouldn’t ...
Statutory rape laws in california

What is Statutory Rape? Statutory Rape Laws and Charges

Teenagers are full of two things. Hormones and emotions. The combination causes them to make questionable life choices, which includes ...
driving under the influence

The Long-Lasting Consequences of Drunk Driving in California

Like all other states, California has taken a hard stance on drunk driving. It isn’t tolerated. If you’re caught behind ...
california proposition 25

The Reality of Prop. 25

The November third election is a big one for California voters. Not only do they have to decide which candidate ...
False allegations of child abuse

False Allegations of Child Abuse in California

Child abuse laws are designed to protect children from being hurt. They’re good laws that make a lot of sense ...
mail theft

Mail Theft in California

Lawmakers aren’t fooling around when it comes to people messing with other people’s mail. The issue of mail theft is ...
Falling asleep behind the wheel

Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel in California

We’ve all done it. Gotten behind the wheel and driven when we were tired. Most of the time rolling down ...
Mandatory reporting laws in california

Are You Impacted by California’s Mandatory Reporting Law?

You just watched your neighbor commit a crime. You know what they did was illegal, but you aren’t sure what ...
pet laws

Laws Every California Pet Owner Should Know

Owning a pet is a wonderful experience. In exchange for providing for their physical needs, your pet gives you unconditional ...
The right to remain silent

The Right to Remain Silent

We’re all familiar with the Miranda Rights, which basically grants us the ability to not tell the police anything if ...
Consequences of fighting in public

The Legal Consequences of Public Fighting

Street fighting, barroom brawls, and throwing a punch at a guy who steals your parking space. In the movies, these ...
Labor laws in california

Understanding California’s Labor Laws and How They Impact your Paycheck

It doesn’t matter if you’re an employee or an employer, it’s important to understand California’s labor laws. The problem most ...
California wildfire season

Staying Safe During California’s Wildfire Season

Each year, California has wildfires that attract national and sometimes even international media attention. The various media channels like to ...
earthquake safety

California Earthquake Survival Tips

California is known for its earthquakes. Unlike wildfires which can be somewhat predictable and avoidable, there’s never much warning before ...
working during a lockdown

Can You Force Your Employees to Work During a Government Ordered Lockdown

Covid-19 has created some big legal questions that no one really considered prior to the pandemic hitting the United States ...
home security cameras

What to do When the Police Ask for Camera Footage

Over the past 10 or 15 years, cameras have become a major part of our daily lives. They’re on our ...
Found a lost pet

Found a Lost Pet? Here’s What you Have to Do

It happens all the time. A dog appears in your yard or you find a cat while your out on ...
California knife laws

The Various Legal Aspects of Owning and Carrying a Knife in California

Some states have incredibly strict laws when it comes to carrying knives. California isn’t one of them. The state actually ...
Witnessing a crime in california

Legal Responsibilities Attached to Witnessing a Crime in California

As you were walking your dog, you witnessed a hit and run. No one was hurt, but the fleeing car ...
Camping rules

Unwritten Camping Rules to Remember

Camping is wonderful. Camping provides you with the means to connect to the earth and nature while also bonding with ...
bail bonds

California’s Regulations Regarding Car Seats

All parents know that infants should be contained in a car seat, however not all parents know what California’s laws ...
bail bonds

Will the Police Cite me for Not Wearing a Face Mask?

Covid-19 has brought about many changes. One of the newest additions to our lives is the wearing of face masks ...
bail bonds

Strange Laws from California

When people think about laws, they often think about sensible rules that make sense. However, it is important to remember ...
bail bonds

What Is Money Laundering and Why Is It Illegal?

Everyone is aware of the obvious fact that committing crimes is illegal. What can often get people into trouble is ...
bail bonds

Laws That Minors Can Break but Adults Cannot

Everyone knows what crimes are and what would happen if they were to commit one. This is just something that ...
Keep your home safe

A Simple Way to Keep Your Home Safe

Most people have homes full of stuff that they either need or enjoy. Whatever the stuff is, they worked hard ...
california marijuana laws

Can Marijuana Legally Be Smoked in Public?

Back in 2016, Californian voters chose to approve the legalization of the recreational use of marijuana. The law went into ...
Difference between gta and joyriding

What’s the Difference between GTA and Joyriding?

A home is probably the most important thing that a person can own. Right behind that is a car. Having ...
assault with a deadly weapon

What Is Solicitation?

There are things out there that some people might want to do, but can't because it is illegal. For most ...
Handicapped parking laws

What Happens if You Wrongfully Park in a Handicapped Spot?

Having a disability can make tasks that most people take for granted difficult to complete. To make things easier for ...
Leaving pets behind

Don’t Leave Your Pet in the Car

While summer doesn’t officially begin until June 20th, the summer heat is already starting to show up. This is one ...
What are protesters rights

What Are Protester’s Rights?

One of the great things about living here in the United States is that people can always speak their mind ...

Is There a Difference between These 3 Crimes?

When it comes to legal stuff, there is a lot that the general public doesn’t know, and it’s understandable. Anyone ...
Who can be a cosigner

Who Can Be a Co-Signer?

When someone that you care about is in trouble, you aren’t worried about how you are related to them. All ...
paying options for bail

What Are Your Options for Paying?

People like to have options, especially in instances where options tend to be a bit limited. This is the case ...
Bail payments

What Happens If a Person Misses a Bail Payment?

Most people have a lot of questions and concerns when it comes to dealing with bail. This is largely because ...
Street Racing

Is Street Racing Legal in California?

Currently, California roads are clearer than they have ever been in a very long time. After all, roads in California, ...
How to prepare to deal with bail

How to Prepare to Deal with Bail

Most people have never dealt with bail before because no one they know ever got arrested. With thousands of people ...

Our Family Will Help Your Family

The most important thing in this world is family. This close group of people, whether related by blood, marriage, or ...
can minors be bailed out

Why Can’t Minors Be Bailed Out of Jail?

Bail is a confusing and unknown subject to a lot of people out there. Most people don’t think about one ...
california trespassing laws

Don’t Get Caught Trespassing on California Beaches

Everyone knows what trespassing is, however, there can be a bit of a gray area for people when it comes ...
can you drive high

Can You Drive While High in California?

Four years ago in 2016, Californian voters chose to legalize the recreational use of marijuana by passing Proposition 64. After ...
California drug possession laws

California’s Laws on Possession of Controlled Substances

For years now, schools have and other government agencies have been working hard to send the message to kids that ...
Littering laws here in california

What Are the Littering Laws Here in California?

For the most part, people don’t think about littering too much. For some, it is a concept that never crosses ...
Can police search my vehicle

Can Police Search My Vehicle without a Warrant?

Pretty much every driver has experienced the slight panic of seeing a police car behind them while driving even if ...
Mail theft laws

Mail Theft Laws in the US

As people are forced to stay within their homes, many previously easy tasks have become a little more difficult and ...
Are you being safe online

Are You Being Safe Online?

In the modern age, people are always being reminded of different ways to be safe while traversing the internet. A ...
dont give up on easter

Don’t Give Up on Easter

It is a little hard to believe, but Easter has arrived. March somehow managed to simultaneously take its time and ...
When can children be left home alone

When Can Children Be Left Home Alone?

Parenting is rarely an easy task at the best of times. When times get tough, like they have recently, parenting ...
Stimulus check

Don’t Get Scammed out of Your Stimulus Check

As the world practically shuts down in response to the spreading COVID-19 Pandemic, many people are now finding themselves stuck ...
Californias shelter in place order

What Is California’s Shelter in Place Order?

Over the last few weeks and months, Californians have seen a drastic change in their lifestyle, just like millions of ...
California edible marijuana laws

California’s Edible Marijuana Laws

Back in 2016, Californians voted to allow the recreational use of marijuana. This created a whole new mess of laws ...
What is price gouging

What Is Price Gouging?

Anyone who knows about economics and the concept supply and demand knows that as demand goes up and supply struggles ...
What counts as looting in california

What Counts as Looting in California?

Whenever an emergency strikes, people are bound to panic. This is only natural as systems that people have been able ...

Hiking Safety Tips

Spring has barely arrived and already parts of California are starting to see warmer weather. As the temperatures begin to ...
Can your kid pee in public

Can You Get Into Trouble for Letting Your Kid Pee in Public?

Experienced parents all know that raising children is no easy task. A parent never really knows how their child is ...
What is a california stop

What Is a California Stop?

There are lots of different rules that a driver has to follow while on the road. Failing to follow any ...
california proposition 47

Is Prop 47 Helping or Hurting California?

All the way back in 2014, California voters chose to enact Proposition 47. Prop 47 was billed as a way ...
How to properly pull over

How to Properly Pull Over

When a person is driving, there are a lot of things that they don’t want to happen. One of the ...
Marijuana laws

What Are the Laws on Marijuana in California?

It seems like just yesterday that the usage of marijuana was illegal here in California. However, Californians voted to make ...
Drink responsibly this saint patricks day

Drink Responsibly This Saint Patrick’s Day

There are certain times of the year where people like to party more than any other. This is especially true ...
Mandatory reporting laws

What Are Mandatory Reporting Laws?

Child abuse is a very serious offense that most people do not ignore. As soon as it is discovered that ...

What Are California’s Laws on Fighting in Public?

For the most part, people are able to go about their day without much confrontation. In most instances, people would ...
los angeles bail bond store domestic violence

What Are California’s Laws on Domestic Violence?

When a person is interacting with someone that they care about and love, they typically want what is best for ...
los angeles bail bond store weird laws

Why Do These Laws Even Exist?

When people think about laws, they often think about things like follow the speed limit, don’t attack people, don’t trespass ...
los angeles bail bond store stalking laws

What Counts as Stalking in California?

In healthy relationships, there is an equal amount of love and adoration from both parties involved. Unfortunately, not every relationship ...
los angeles bail bond store traffic tickets

Could California Traffic Tickets Be Getting Cheaper?

Every driver knows that whenever they drive over the posted speed limit of a road, they risk getting a speeding ...

How Dangerous Is Road Rage?

Ask anyone who has ever driven a car before, and they will likely tell you that they’ve experienced road rage ...
los angeles bail bond store earthquake preparedness tips

Are You Prepared for a California Earthquake?

As Puerto Rico is rocked by large earthquakes, many people are being reminded of the dangers of earthquakes. Being wary ...
los angeles bail bond store should minors be banned from cellphones

Should Minors Be Banned By Law from Having a Cellphone?

Technology has become such an integral part of everyone’s day to day lives. Most people use some form of smart ...
los angeles bail bond store smash and grab crimes

Why Are People Smashing Car Windows?

Most law abiding citizens see a locked door or window and assume the building or car is inaccessible. However, there ...
los angeles bail bond store reporting suspicious activity

When Should You Report Suspicious Activity?

The goal of law enforcement officers is to ensure that people follow the law and to keep people safe. Unfortunately, ...
los angeles bail bond store tips to avoid online scams

Tips to Avoid Scams Online

Most people just want to go about their lives without a worry. They just want to go to work, earn ...
los angeles bail bond store door to door scams

Tips for Dealing with Door to Door Scams

For most people, the safest and most relaxing place to be is within the walls of their own home. There, ...
los angeles bail bond store should you warm up your car

Should You Warm Up Your Car and Let it Idle for a While Before Driving?

When the weather grows colder, people begin to do everything that they can to avoid being cold for any length ...
driving mad los angeles bail bond store

Speeding Is a Big Deal

There are so many different laws here in California that it is practically impossible for a single person to remember ...
Driving with Pets Can Be Distracting

Is It Legal to Drive With an Animal on Your Lap?

Pretty much every pet owner out there has a furry companion that they would do everything they can for. Some ...
bail agents los angeles bail bond store

Are New Year’s Eve Fireworks Legal in California?

The end of the year is rapidly approaching and everyone is getting ready. One of the big, spectacular ways that ...
no trespassing los angeles bail bond store

Trespassing Laws and Oversharing on Social Media

Going out and exploring the world can be a lot of fun. There are millions of spectacular and amazing sights ...
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Are Home Security Systems Safe?

In the modern world where information can be shared in an instant, everyone is just looking for ways to be ...
los angeles bail bond store parking violation

How to Keep Your Car Safe While Parked on the Street

Parking is a very important aspect of a driver’s life. Whenever a person drives somewhere, they need to find a ...
los angeles bail bonds

Do You Need Collateral to Post Bail?

There are a lot of different aspects to bailing someone out of jail. Some things, such as giving information about ...

We’ll Help You Post Bail 24 Hours A Day

No one ever plans on getting arrested, and so people are usually caught off guard when a loved one does ...
los angeles bail bond store uber safety tips

How to Stay Safe with Ride Share Services

One of the many great services to come out of the digital age is ride sharing. Apps like Uber and ...
los angeles bail bond store dui on new years eve

Don’t Get a DUI on New Year’s Eve

As this year draws to a close, pretty much everyone is planning out how they are going to celebrate. Parties ...
los angeles bail bond store late bail bond payment

What Happens If You Miss a Bail Bond Payment?

A concern that many people have when dealing with bail is being able to make the payments. Here at Los ...
los angeles bail bond store dumping laws

Illegal Dumping Laws in California

Everyone wants to live in a place that looks nice. When a person’s home or city looks nice, they take ...
los angeles bail bond store winter weather driving tips

Winter Weather Driving Tips

Winter weather has arrived in California and that makes for some treacherous driving. This becomes even more problematic when combined ...
Avoid Donation Scams This Holiday Season

Shop Safely This Holiday Season

Thanksgiving has come and gone and that means everyone can officially begin their Christmas preparations. While this means it is ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Makes Bailing Someone out of Jail Cheaper

Christmas Tree Fire Safety Tips

Thanksgiving and all of the holiday’s wonderful food has come and gone and now everyone is getting ready for Christmas ...
los angeles bail bond store distracted walking

Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

Smart devices and cellphones have greatly impacted society. It used to be, if someone wanted information, they needed to look ...
los angeles bail bond store californias privacy laws

California’s Privacy Laws

Everybody has a right to privacy, especially here in California. No one wants to deal with someone spying on them ...
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Can Minors Have Alcohol in California?

There are certain laws that everyone knows about, such as don’t drive over the speed limit, don’t steal things from ...
los angeles bail bond store black friday shopping safety tips

Black Friday Shopping Safety Tips

As the holiday season draws ever closer, many people are setting their sights on Black Friday and its many deals ...
los angeles bail bond store fighting in public

Fighting in Public Can Cause Problems

Getting along with everyone can be difficult. After all, everyone has different beliefs and opinions. However, just because two people ...
los angeles bail bond store distracted walking laws

Distracted Walking Laws

Smart phones are pretty spectacular little devices. They allow their users to access all sorts of things whenever the person ...
los angeles bail bond store parking in front of a fire hydrant

Parking in Front of a Fire Hydrant

Any driver that lives in a city knows the hassle of finding a decent parking spot. This gets incredibly difficult ...
los angeles bail bond store california crosswalk laws

California Crosswalk Laws

Pretty much every driver out there has had to deal with pedestrians crossing the street. Most of the time, pedestrians ...
los angeles bail bond store trespassing at a zoo

Trespassing at a Zoo

When going anywhere, it is important for a person to be sure that they have permission to be in that ...
los angeles bail bond store halloween and drunk driving

Halloween and DUI’s

October is here and that means Halloween is only a few weeks away. For kids, this means getting ready for ...
los angeles bail bond store california restraining orders

California Restraining Orders

Everyone just wants to feel safe. Unfortunately, some people meet someone that does not let them feel safe when they ...
los angeles bail bond store california and earthquakes

California and Earthquakes

Here in California, there are a few different types of disasters that state residents have to be prepared for. One ...
los angeles bail bond store drunk in public laws

California Drunk in Public Laws

Most people like to go out and party from time to time. After all, it is nice to cut lose ...
los angeles bail bond store minors breaking the law

California Shoplifting Laws

Pretty much everyone has heard of the crime of shoplifting. The crime is often featured in various television shows, especially ...
los angeles bail bond store california loitering laws

California Loitering Laws

NPretty much everyone has seen a sign telling people that loitering is prohibited in a certain area. However, not everyone ...
los angeles bail bond store minors breaking the law

Minors Breaking the Law

Everyone knows that kids get into trouble. Luckily, for the most part, kids tend to only get in trouble with ...
los angeles bail bond store open container laws

Open Container Laws in California

Everyone knows about the dangers of drinking and driving. Consuming alcohol puts a person’s mind in a weird place. The ...
los angeles bail bond store california seat belt laws

California’s Seat Belt Laws

Every driver has seen a sign telling them and their passengers to buckle their seat belts. Most people don’t need ...
uber is cheaper than a dui

Uber Is Cheaper than a DUI

In this day and age, there really is no reason for anyone to ever drive drunk. Advancements in technology, primarily ...
los angeles bail bond store marijuana laws

What Are the Laws about Marijuana in California?

Proposition 64 was passed by voters in November 2016. This set the groundwork for the recreational use of marijuana to ...
los angeles bail bond store impaired driving

The Dangers of Drunk Driving

When it comes to any party holiday, it is safe to assume that there will be a lot of drinking ...
los angeles bail bond store home alarm

Remember to Lock up Each Night

Most people work hard every week day. They wake up, face all kinds of traffic, work for eight hours, face ...
los angeles bail bond store scam calls

Tired of Dealing with Spam Phone Calls?

NPhones and cellphones are pretty great they give a person access to everyone important to them. Unfortunately, phones also give ...
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Dealing with Bullying and the New School Year

The start of a new school comes with all sorts of new challenges for students. Most of them are academic ...
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A New School Year Means New Peer Pressure

The new school year has arrived and students are working hard to get back into the swing of things. While ...
los angeles bail bond store back to school tips

Are You Ready for Your Kids to Go Back to School?

Summer is drawing to a close, and for many parents, this means that their child is going back to school ...
los angeles bail bond store back to school

School Zone Ahead: Keep an Eye out for Kids

Summer is coming to a close, much to the chagrin of children everywhere. The end of summer means it is ...
california warrant search

Is Your Loved One Really in Trouble, or Is It Another Scam?

When it comes to helping out friends and family members, many people will do whatever they can to help, without ...
distracted driving laws

What Kind of Driving Is Worse Than Drunk Driving?

Driving is something that pretty much every single adult does every day. They drive to get to work, to run ...
los angeles bail bond store suffering heat stroke

Beware of Extreme Heat This Summer

NSummer is in full swing here in California, and many parts of the state are feeling the heat. While for ...
los angeles bail bond store traffic lights blackout

Do You Know What to Do When a Traffic Light Stops Working?

NWith all of the technology around us that helps keep the world running, it can be hard to imagine what ...
los angeles bail bond store parking violation

Has a Car Been Abandoned on Your Street?

Cars are a huge part of everyone’s daily life. Most people have their own vehicle which helps them run errands, ...
driving mad los angeles bail bond store

Don’t Let Road Rage Ruin Your Life

With summer in full swing, people from all over the state of California, and the rest of the country, are ...
Sun tan los angeles bail bond store

Another Internet Trend that Isn’t Worth It

In the modern world, the internet is constantly coming up with new trends. Some are harmless, some, like the ice ...
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Does the ShakeAlert System Work?

While people all over the country were celebrating the Fourth of July, Southern California got quite a shocking surprise. A ...
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How Does California Define Trespassing?

Sometimes, it can be fun to go out and explore new areas. A person never knows what they may stumble ...
Drunk driving los angeles bail bond store

Driving Under the Influence Is a Terrible Idea

Most people would agree that getting into a vehicle accident would be horrible. After all, car collisions can be catastrophic ...
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What Fireworks Are Legal in California?

June is quickly racing by, bringing us closer and closer to one of the biggest and most important holidays of ...

What Kind of Video Games Is Your Child Playing?

Parenting is not an easy task, but at least school is there to take the kids away for a few ...
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Is It Too Hot for Your Dog?

As the weather warms up, people begin to venture outside more and more. At least until it becomes too hot, ...
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Don’t Leave Dogs Unattended in Cars This Summer

Summer has arrived here in California. For some, this means it’s time to go out and enjoy summer activities at ...
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Shaming Parents Behind on Child Support Payments

Getting a divorce can be a pretty ugly mess, especially when children are involved. Custody battles can be terrible, and ...
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The Snakes Are Coming Out to Enjoy the Sun Too

Summer is rapidly approaching, and with it comes all of the warm weather that California is known for. After all, ...
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Strange Laws from Across the US

NWhen people think about laws, they typically think of carefully crafted rules meant to keep people safe or in line ...
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The Law That Everyone Has Broken at Least Once

With the literal thousands of different laws within the US, and even California alone, it is nearly impossible to follow ...
what is facial recognition

Could Banning Facial Recognition Become the New Norm?

Today’s modern world has a lot of technology that a one point had simply been considered science fiction. Things such ...
walking and texting

Cell Phones Aren’t Just Dangerous Behind the Wheel

Cellphones have gradually grown to be a major part of just about everyone’s daily lives. Most people keep a phone ...
What are my rights as a landlord

Be Careful Meeting People from the Internet in Real Life

Over the last few years, the internet has become an almost integral part of people’s everyday lives. Most people can’t ...
swimming pool cleaning tips

People Do What Before Getting Into Public Pools?

With the weather quickly heating up, many people are starting to pull their swimsuits out from their winter hiding spots ...
graduation party

Parents, Don’t Serve Alcohol at Graduation Parties

As summer draws nearer, students of all ages grow more and more antsy. Soon enough, school will let out for ...
substitute teacher

Can You Believe Teachers Have to Do This?

Teachers arguably have one of the most important jobs out there. Without teachers, knowledge wouldn’t be shared and kids would ...
Bail denied

Be Wary of Scammers Looking to Take Your Hard Earned Money

Most people are just trying to do their very best to get through life. They work hard to earn an ...
consequences for leaving kids in car

Leaving Kids Alone in a Car Isn’t as Safe as You Might Think

Winter has come and gone, giving way to spring. With spring comes warmer weather as we head closer to summer ...
teen driving

Driving Laws and Restrictions for Minors

Driving is a pretty big deal for teenagers. For them, it is often viewed as their ticket from freedom. Once ...
Wildfire tips

No One Wants to See a Building Burn Down, Especially There Own Home

Emergencies of all kinds can strike at anytime, anywhere in the world and come without warning. This is, after all, ...
daycare safety

Are Nanny Cams Legal in California?

There is no denying that most parents only want what is best for their children. They want their children to ...
Posting on social media

Be Careful What You Share Online

Most people nowadays are in quite a rush to post something on social media after an exciting or infuriating event ...
Smoking in front of children

Is It Illegal to Smoke in a Car with Children Present?

Pretty much everyone is aware of the fact that smoking is bad. It can be incredibly damaging to the human ...
Bringing newborns into the office

Bringing Newborns into the Office

Being a parent is not an easy task. Children, especially babies, require a lot of attention and work. Any parent ...
Earthquake drought

California Is Facing a Different Kind of Drought Now

The state of California has been in a drought for quite a while. Yes, this last winter brought a lot ...
underage drinking

Who Is Liable If a Minor Drinks at a Party?

From time to time, people get adventurous and decide that they want to throw a party at their home. Maybe ...
ban on paper receipts

Are Paper Receipts About to Be Banned in California?

For a long time, California has been a leader in green policies across the nation. Laws that ban plastic bags ...
vaping in california

San Francisco’s Fight against E-Cigs

Most people recognize the fact that smoking is bad for you. Repeatedly breathing in smoke can severely damage a person’s ...
texting during school hours

Could Cellphones Be Banned in California Schools?

Things have changed a lot since most adults were in school. A popular question in math classes used to be ...
Social media challenge

For Once, This Challenge Doesn’t Have Parents Worried about Their Teens

Lately, it seems that teens are making headlines with internet challenges every other month or so. One of the highlights ...
child abuse

What Happens to Parents Wrongfully Accused of Child Abuse?

Raising kids is not easy. It takes a lot of patience and hard work. Children can be unruly as they ...
California dog laws

Are Dog Owners Responsible if Their Dog Bites Someone?

Dog owners often realize that owning a dog is not easy. These furry companions require a lot of work and ...
Consequences of drinking and driving

Don’t Get a DUI on Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is almost here, and people all over the country are making plans to go out and party ...
dont drink and drive

Will California Make it Easier to Get a DUI?

Most people are aware of the fact that driving while drunk is a very bad thing to do. Driving under ...
colored curbs while driving

Is Parking in Front of a Hydrant a Good Idea?

When a person is driving in a city or heavily populated area, they know that finding a parking spot is ...
los angeles bail bond store

How to Deal with an Arrest

A lot of people pride themselves on knowing exactly what they need and when they need to do it. By ...
Are roundabouts safe

Learning to Cope with Roundabouts in the US

There is no denying that the average driver has to deal with a lot of obnoxiousness while behind the wheel ...
brake checking in california

What Should a Driver Do After Hitting an Animal?

Most pet owners care deeply about their furry little companions. To them, pets are more than just animals, they are ...
slow down in school zones

Remember to Slow Down in School Zones

Every driver knows that speed limits can vary from place. After all, a person wouldn’t expect to be able to ...
people dont want to see that in public

People Don’t Want to See That in Public!

There are a lot of things out there that a majority of the population just don’t want to see. For ...
Sharing netflix accounts

Is It Legal to Share Your Netflix Password?

Pretty much everyone out there uses websites and applications like Amazon and Netflix. Many websites like this provide a variety ...
sunscreen getting banned

Sunscreen Getting Banned from Beaches?

California, especially the southern portion, is well known for its sunny weather and stunning beaches. After all, California is one ...
udnderage vaping

Underage Vaping Laws in California

One of the latest trends going around is vaping. For those who haven’t heard of the term, vaping is the ...
Annoying phone calls

Can You Get Arrested for Making a Phone Call?

Cell phones have made communication very easy since their creation. Before, the only times when people could use phones were ...
New food laws

New Food Laws for California

As with the start of any new year, the state of California has implemented a few new laws for the ...
What is joyriding

How Much Trouble Can You Be in for Going on a Joyride?

Everyone has different feeling about driving. For some people, driving just means dealing with traffic and other drivers. For others, ...
how do rentable scooters work

Are Scooters the Future of City Travel?

If you live in a big city, or just a densely populated area, you’ve probably run into alternative methods of ...
Is it illegal to loiter in california

Is It Illegal to Loiter in California?

As an adult, people have the freedom to go wherever they want whenever they want. However, it can be easy ...
can police question minors

Can Police Officers Question Minors Without Parental Consent?

Most people recognize the fact that anyone under the age of 18, is a minor. As a a minor, a ...
children answering the door

Who Do You Open the Door For?

The front door to a home is a portal to safety for many people. Once a person is home, they ...
Hit and Run in California

What Counts as Hit and Run in California?

Nobody enjoys accidents, no matter how big or small they may be. However, dealing with spilled milk is much more ...
Consequences of Vandalism

How Eggs Can Get a Person into Trouble

Somewhere back in history, thousands of years ago, humans decided to start eating eggs. They have been enjoyed worldwide ever ...
We Offer 0% Down for Qualified Clients

We Offer 0% Down for Qualified Clients

Often times, the hardest part about bailing someone out of jail is finding the money to do so. A loved ...
The 5 Most Common Bail Questions

The 5 Most Common Bail Questions

For most people, bailing someone out of jail is a strange new experience. This is due to the fact that ...
No Parent Wants Their Child to Runaway

No Parent Wants Their Child to Runaway

Any parent will admit that their relationship with their child can change on a day to day basis sometimes. There ...
Driver Dances to Avoid Road Rage

Driver Dances to Avoid Road Rage

Californian drivers are pretty well accustomed to facing bad traffic on a regular basis. Sadly, traffic doesn’t get less annoying ...
What to Expect at DUI Checkpoints This New Year’s Eve

What to Expect at DUI Checkpoints This New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve is arguably one of the biggest party nights of the year. Everyone is staying up late waiting ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Makes Bailing Someone out of Jail Cheaper

Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Makes Bailing Someone out of Jail Cheaper

Making expensive payments or purchases can be difficult. Most people make just enough to get by, and so spending a ...
You Can Learn How to Bail Someone Out with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

You Can Learn How to Bail Someone Out with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Many people go through life assuming that they will never need to know anything about bail. After all, they do ...
LA County Libraries Came up with a Creative Way to Handle Fines on Kid Accounts

LA County Libraries Came up with a Creative Way to Handle Fines on Kid Accounts

In today’s modern world, computers and smartphones take up a lot of our time. For adults, this is a pretty ...
When Can Officers Search You without a Warrant?

When Can Officers Search You without a Warrant?

Here in the United States of America, citizens are guaranteed certain rights and protections under the Constitution. The Constitution and ...
Do You Need to Bail Someone Out of Jail?

Do You Need to Bail Someone Out of Jail?

One of the last things people want to think about is something bad happening to someone that they care about ...
No One Wants to Spend Time in Jail

Bailing Someone out Today Wasn’t a Part of the Plan

Bailing someone out of jail is never something that people plan on doing. Unfortunately, it is just something that is ...
Animal Abuse Is Against the Law

Animal Abuse Is Against the Law

Every good pet owner would agree that their pet’s wellbeing often comes before their own. They want to make sure ...
Can California Tax Text Messages?

Can California Tax Text Messages?

Everyone is different in their own, special way. However, there are somethings out there that we all do. Everyone needs ...
Bail Bonds in Downtown Provides Professional and Caring Bail Help

Bail Bonds in Downtown Provides Professional and Caring Bail Help

When it comes to getting help with someone, you want to talk to a person who understands you and your ...
Avoid Extra Travel This Holiday Season with Bail Bonds in Downtown

Avoid Extra Travel This Holiday Season with Bail Bonds in Downtown

When the holidays roll around, people do a lot of traveling. They all want to go out and see their ...
Avoid Donation Scams This Holiday Season

Avoid Donation Scams This Holiday Season

The holidays are all about giving. Most people focus primarily on giving to their friends and family members. However, there ...
Safe Winter Driving Tips

Safe Winter Driving Tips

While it may feel like fall just started, winter has arrived in parts of California. Soon enough, the entire state ...
Can Minors Drink in California?

Can Minors Drink in California?

As holidays such as Christmas and New Year’s roll around, there are plenty of parties to attend. Families get together ...
Ready to Bail Out Your Loved One?

Ready to Bail Out Your Loved One?

The thought of bailing someone out of jail is never a pleasant one. For starters, it means that someone that ...
Driving with Pets Can Be Distracting

Driving with Pets Can Be Distracting

Just about everyone knows that driving while distracted can be a very dangerous practice. One second of not paying attention ...
Christmas Tree Prices on the Rise in California

Christmas Tree Prices on the Rise in California

Christmas trees are a big part of the holiday. No home could be considered decorated for Christmas without a tree ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Can Help Solve Your Problem

Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Can Help Solve Your Problem

Nothing is quite as discouraging as being faced with what seems like and unsolvable problem. This is especially true when ...
Don’t Break the Bank to Bail Someone Out

Don’t Break the Bank to Bail Someone Out

Bailing someone out of jail is not what people would consider a fun pastime. No one wants to spend large ...
Turn Your Headlights On

Turn Your Headlights On

Winter weather is here, and with it comes all of the unsafe driving conditions. Conditions like fog, rain, and snow ...
Alaska Quake Reminds Californians to Be Prepared

Alaska Quake Reminds Californians to Be Prepared

As Alaska deals with the damages caused by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake, Californians are being reminded of the dangers of ...
We Accept Signatures as Collateral at Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

We Accept Signatures as Collateral at Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Typically when a person is taking out a large loan from a company, they are often required to pledge something ...
You Can Bail Someone out of Jail Easily with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

You Can Bail Someone out of Jail Easily with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

The thought of bailing someone out of jail is not something that people like to consider. Not only does it ...
Sometimes Even the Police Need Help

Sometimes Even Law Enforcement Need Help

When it comes to solving crimes, everyone trusts that the local law enforcement agencies will take care of it. After ...
Will You Be Seeing More DUI Checkpoints This Holiday Season?

Will You Be Seeing More DUI Checkpoints This Holiday Season?

Whenever certain holidays roll around, you can bet that there will be an increase in DUI Checkpoints. This is often ...
Tips for Preventing Christmas Tree Fires

Tips for Preventing Christmas Tree Fires

Christmas just wouldn’t be the same without an evergreen tree standing tall and proud in the living room. This is ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Provides Flexible Payment Options

Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Provides Flexible Payment Options

Your life is a constantly changing and evolving thing. What works for you at one point in your life, may ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Provides Flexible Payment Options

Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Makes Bailing Someone out of Jail an Affordable Experience

Often times, paying for something is more difficult than actually finding the thing in the first place. This is definitely ...
Don’t Lose Your Cool over Condiments

Don’t Lose Your Cool over Condiments

Throughout our life, things will constantly be thrown our way that cause stress and test us. Some people deal with ...
Winter Driving Conditions Have Arrived in California

Winter Driving Conditions Have Arrived in California

While it may not feel like it in some areas of the state, winter has just about arrived. There is ...
Get Someone Out of Jail at an Affordable Price This Holiday Season

Get Someone Out of Jail at an Affordable Price This Holiday Season

As the holidays roll around, everyone begins saving up money in order to buy their loved one’s the perfect gifts ...
Did You Suddenly Find Yourself in Need of Bail Help?

Did You Suddenly Find Yourself in Need of Bail Help?

The thought of bailing someone out of jail is not one that crosses a person’s mind unless they suddenly find ...
What Could Be Considered Illegal Dumping?

What Could Be Considered Illegal Dumping?

Everyone generates trash that they want to get rid of. Sometimes the item that a person is throwing away is ...
California Drivers Have to Stop for School Buses

California Drivers Have to Stop for School Buses

Everyone has been in a hurry once or twice in their life. Sometimes our mornings don’t go exactly as planned ...
Don’t Let Road Rage Ruin Your Holiday

Don’t Let Road Rage Ruin Your Holiday

The holidays are upon us, and for many people, it is a time of cheer and joy. Unfortunately, those feelings ...
Bailing Someone Out Can Be Affordable with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Bailing Someone Out Can Be Affordable with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

There are things in life that people simply don’t like to do. Unfortunately, some of those things are unavoidable. They ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Will Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Bail Bonds in Los Angeles Will Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Everybody needs there sleep. Getting a good night sleep allows a person to function at full capacity the following day ...
Help with Bail Is Always a Good Thing

Help with Bail Is Always a Good Thing

When something bad happens to someone that you care about, you spring into action. You are not about to let ...
Easy To Understand Bail Process with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Easy To Understand Bail Process with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

There are a lot of things out there that are difficult, but get easier with practice. For instance, playing a ...
Bail Is Easy with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Bail Is Easy with Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

There are a lot of things out there that are difficult, but get easier with practice. For instance, playing a ...
Do Not Let a Loved One Feel Like They’ve Been Abandoned in Jail

Do Not Let a Loved One Feel Like They’ve Been Abandoned in Jail

Giving in to negative thoughts and emotions can be very easy. This is especially true when it feels like the ...
How Secure Are Your Electronics?

How Secure Are Your Electronics?

In today’s modern world, everyone has at least one internet capable device. Typically though, people have more than one device ...
Be Safe This Black Friday

Be Safe This Black Friday

Thanksgiving is here, and that means Black Friday is as well. The day after Thanksgiving is one of the busiest ...
Don’t Drink and Drive This Holiday Season

Don’t Drink and Drive This Holiday Season

Whenever a holiday rolls around, it is usually a safe bet to assume that many adults will be drinking in ...
Vandalism Is Not a Small Crime

Vandalism Is Not a Small Crime

To some people, vandalism is one of those crimes that doesn’t seem like a very big deal. To them, what ...
Who Can and Cannot Vote in the US

Who Can and Cannot Vote in the US

Election Day has come and gone. Hopefully, everyone did their part and voted for what they believe in. It is ...
How Do I Stop Someone From Breaking Into My Car?

How Do I Stop Someone From Breaking Into My Car?

With the holidays finally here, everyone will be out and about doing a bit of holiday shopping in an attempt ...
An Easy Way to Report Tips Anonymously

An Easy Way to Report Tips Anonymously

Often times, when it comes to reporting crimes, people are afraid to do so. There is a fear that by ...
Cell Phone Use While Driving Is Dangerous

Cell Phone Use While Driving Is Dangerous

Even with all of the PSA’s out there, there are still some drivers who think it is okay to talk ...
Don’t Stab Someone for Spoiling a Good Book

Don’t Stab Someone for Spoiling a Good Book

Most people recognize that causing harm to other people is not a good idea. Not only is hurting someone wrong, ...
daylight savings in california 1

Could Daylight Saving Time Become a Permanent Thing in California?

As Californians once again deal with adjusting their clocks to the changing seasons, many are wondering if it is even ...
Kidnapping Is Every Parents Worst Nightmare

Kidnapping Is Every Parents’ Worst Nightmare

All any parent ever wants is for their child to be happy and safe. They brought this person into the ...
Beware of Porch Pirates This Holiday Season

Beware of Porch Pirates This Holiday Season

The holiday season is here. This means that people all over will flock to stores, both brick and mortar, and ...
How to Stay Safe and Secure While Shopping Online

How to Stay Safe and Secure While Shopping Online

With the passing of Halloween, the holiday season has begun. Now people all over begin to really crackdown on their ...
Speeding Is Illegal and Dangerous

Speeding Is Illegal and Dangerous

Everyone has been late to something in their life. Anyone who has experienced this can attest to the fact that ...
Turning Off the Power Due to High Winds

Turning Off the Power Due to High Winds

Fall has finally arrived, and for Californian, that means it is time to brace yourselves against the strong winds that ...
A Boring Solution to a Big California Problem

A Boring Solution to a Big California Problem

The city of Los Angeles is known for a lot of different things. Unfortunately one of the more prominent things ...
Areas Where You Don’t Want to Settle in California

Areas Where You Don’t Want to Settle in California

When it comes to the state of California, there are so many different choices when it comes to finding a ...
Using a Phone While Driving Is Illegal in California

Using a Phone While Driving Is Illegal in California

In today’s world, pretty much every adult has a smart phone. These incredible little devices give people access to everything ...
Don’t Pay for a Thief’s Holiday Fun

Don’t Pay for a Thief’s Holiday Fun

There is no denying that credit cards are very powerful tools. They allow people to pay for things online, or ...
Keep Your Mail, and Yourself, Safe

Keep Your Mail, and Yourself, Safe

Mail theft is far more common than people realize. Crooks are regularly breaking into other people’s mail boxes to steal ...
The Penalties of Dogfighting in California

The Penalties of Dogfighting in California

When it comes to owning animals, people are supposed to treat the animal with the same respect that they would ...
Drivers Have to Stop

What is a California Rolling Stop

California is notorious for having drivers who like to play by their own rules. Drivers in the state seem to ...
The Consequences of Starting a Fight

The Consequences of Starting a Fight

For the most part, people understand that starting fight with someone is a bad idea, especially in public. However, sometimes ...

Tips for Keeping Everyone Safe This Halloween

Halloween is almost here. It is a night kids dream about all year, filled with costumes and bags full of ...
Crime Rates and the 10 Safest Places to Live in California

Crime Rates and the 10 Safest Places to Live in California

Whether a person is looking to move or just wants to know how safe their neighborhood is, they will probably ...
Where Do You Get Rid of Your Trash?

Where Do You Get Rid of Your Trash?

Trash is always a bit of a problem, and anyone who has driven on California’s roadways can confirm that. The ...
Squirrels on Planes?

Squirrels on Planes?

Yet again, airlines and emotional support animals are in the headlines. A woman recently learned the hard way that not ...
No Payment For One Month We Offer Affordable Bail Bonds

No Payment For One Month We Offer Affordable Bail Bonds

Bailing someone out of jail can be expensive, which is why LA Statewide Bail Bonds offers discounts to make it ...
Is It Legal for Your Child to Trick-or-Treat?

Is It Legal for Your Child to Trick-or-Treat?

Everyone knows that kids love Halloween because it allows them to go trick-or-treating, thereby allowing them to get a bag-load ...
Could Parents Face Jail Time for Taking Away Their Child’s Cellphone?

Could Parents Face Jail Time for Taking Away Their Child’s Cellphone?

Pretty much every adult out there today, could tell you how if they didn’t behave well as a child, their ...
Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk

Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk

Most people understand that drinking and driving is a very bad thing to do. However, there are some people out ...
Know Where Your Donations are Going

Know Where Your Donations are Going

Every once in a while, we come across something online that just tugs at our heart strings. Then we find ...
The Dangers of Online Gaming

The Dangers of Online Gaming

Internet safety is always a big concern, especially for parents. You never know who your kids might be meeting online ...
Be Safe This Halloween

Being Safe This Halloween

There are certain holidays that just call for parties, and Halloween is one of those days. While kids are out ...
What’s in Your Kid’s Halloween Candy?

What’s in Your Kid’s Halloween Candy?

Every year, as Halloween rolls around, people begin seeing articles about how they can keep their kids safe during the ...
Sorry Kids, No Sleeping in for You

Sorry Kids, No Sleeping in for You

Any child will tell you, and most parents would agree, that you have to get up pretty early if you ...
Do You “Owe” the “IRS?”

Do You “Owe” the “IRS?”

There are a lot of good people out there who do things like following the rules and paying their taxes ...
Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

Is Your House Being Watched by Burglars?

There are various stereotypes that surround the idea of someone breaking into your home. It could be that a masked ...
Drinking and Driving on Halloween

Drinking and Driving on Halloween

Summer came and went and we are now headed into fall. This means that Halloween is almost here! For kids, ...
Creating an Emergency Kit for the Great Shakeout

Creating an Emergency Kit for the Great Shakeout

October 18th of this year will be the Great Shakeout. It is a day where schools and companies all over ...
California Limits Plastic Straws

California Limits Plastic Straws

A few years ago, the citizens of California voted to ban single-use plastic straws. At the time, the change was ...
Show Some Compassion for Others

Show Some Compassion for Others

Far too often, we see nothing but bad and depressing stories on the news. Trying to stay in the know ...
Move Over or Slow Down

Move Over or Slow Down

Ask anyone, and they will tell you that driving on the freeway is not quite the same as driving on ...
Stopping for School Buses

Stopping for School Buses

School is back in session once again and for students, that means that the fun of summer is over. For ...
As the Weather Begins to Warm Up Again, Wildfires Become a Real Possibility

Keeping California From Burning Up

Every Californian knows that wildfires in the state are a pretty big deal. This is only reinforced by the fact ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Hear about This Change to Kids Car Seats?

Any experienced parent will tell you that kids need different kinds of car seats at different ages. As the child ...
Should Cellphones be Banned by Law in Schools?

Should Cellphones be Banned by Law in Schools?

Times have definitely changed since many of us were kids. Back when most of us adults were in school, the ...
More Reckless Driving in Southern California

More Reckless Driving in Southern California

Reckless driving comes in many forms. Most people think of speeding and swerving through traffic, and they are not wrong ...
As a Landlord, am I Responsible for my Tenant’s Injuries

As a Landlord, am I Responsible for my Tenant’s Injuries

Owning a rental property is a great way to earn extra money, but it also means a great deal of ...
Are Your Kids Safe While Being Unattended?

Are Your Kids Safe While Being Unattended?

It’s a parent’s nightmare, but according to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, approximately 800,000 children are reported ...
Did You Know Driving too Slow Is Against the Law?

Should You Have Insurance?

When you grow up, you start to realize all the things you weren’t taught about in school. For example insurance ...

Does a Scammer Have Your Password?

The internet gives people access to a lot of useful and helpful information. However, if a person is not careful, ...
Forgery or Fraudulence

Beginner’s Guide to Budgets

Don’t look now but the holiday season is less than five months away. Depending on your financial situation, this fact ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Labor Day and DUI Checkpoints

Labor Day is rapidly approaching, and everyone is looking forward to a little extra time off. Labor Day marks the ...
Los Angeles Bail Bonds Near me

Protect Yourself When Online Shopping

When was the last time you bought something from a brick and mortar store? When was the last time you ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Why Do We Celebrate Labor Day?

Many people view Labor Day as one of the final summer barbeque holidays. It provides a relaxing three day weekend ...
Dealing with Bullying Starts with Ourselves

Prevent Bullies

New year, same problem. It’s the start of a new school year, which means new classrooms and new friends. For ...
Local LA Bail Bonds Agents

Amber Alerts

If you own a cell phone then it’s likely that you’ve heard the buzzer-like noise that blasts from the speakers ...

Don’t Make Decisions While Hangry

Everyone gets hungry from time to time. When some people get too hungry, they get what is called hangry. This ...

Protect Yourself against Online Scammers

With school back in session, emotions are high at the thought of a new year with new friends and new ...
What Is the Best Meal of the Day?

What Is the Best Meal of the Day?

As summer comes to a close, kids are bracing for their inevitable return to school. Their days of sleeping in ...
no down bail bonds in los angeles

Do You Happen To Know Your Rights?

Inmates are people too. Regardless of the crime committed or the time left to serve on their sentence, inmates are ...
How to Prevent Mosquitos

How to Prevent Mosquitos

It’s happened. On Friday, June 15, The L.A. County Department of Public Health announced the first case of the West ...
Talk to Your Kids about Bullying

Talk to Your Kids about Bullying

As summer begins to wind down, kids all over will begin facing their most dreaded of days. The first day ...
Don’t Cross While Distracted

Don’t Cross While Distracted

We all know that using a cellphone while driving is a bad idea. It distracts the drivers and makes it ...
7 Tips for Preventing Wildfires

7 Tips for Preventing Wildfires

All Californians know that it is that time of year once again. Fire season is upon us. California has a ...
Finding the Right Childcare Center

Finding the Right Childcare Center

T hat is your most valuable asset? Depending on who you are and what you care about, the answer to ...
Bicycle Traffic 101

Bicycle Traffic 101

A rite of passage for many young children is learning how to ride a bike. Whether it be the freedom ...
Did You Know This about Carpool Lanes?

Did You Know This about Carpool Lanes?

If you have ever driven on a California freeway, you’ve probably seen a carpool lane before. More recently, they have ...
The Truth about Underage Drinking

The Truth about Underage Drinking

It’s almost time for school to begin, which means summer vacations are over and families across the state are heading ...
Waiting to Learn to Drive

Waiting to Learn to Drive

Driving is pretty much a part of everyday life as an adult. You need to drive to work, to run ...
Don’t Let Your Stuff Get Added to the Collection

Don’t Let Your Stuff Get Added to the Collection

Everybody has stuff that they enjoy owning, and would hate to lose. Unfortunately, there are people out there that like ...
Road Trip 101

Road Trip 101

Summer is for lazy pool days, family vacations, and road trips! If you’re like the 80% of Americans who ventured ...
Beat the Heat, Save Some Cash

Beat the Heat, Save Some Cash

If you’ve been living in California for any amount of time then it should come as no surprise that it ...
Fight Droughts Save Water

Fight Droughts Save Water

If you live in the state of California then you know that rain is an uncommon act of Mother Nature ...
Rules of the Beach

Rules of the Beach

Nobody wants to think about rules once summer rolls around,the season is about freedom after all. However, the rules still ...
The Ins and Outs of Employment Discrimination

The Ins and Outs of Employment Discrimination

If someone you either employ or who you decide not to hire believes that you’re discriminating against them based on ...
The Ins and Outs of Aggravated DUI

The Ins and Outs of Aggravated DUI

We all know that driving after drinking is something that can cost us our driver’s license and land us in ...
Can Police Officers Search Your Electronics?

Can Police Officers Search Your Electronics?

In the modern age, so much of our lives revolve around electronic devices. How many of us would be able ...
Never Try to Race a Train

Never Try to Race a Train

Running across railroads is pretty common in day to day life. You may walk alongside one on your morning jog, ...
Are You Aware of These New CA Driving Laws?

Are You Aware of These New CA Driving Laws?

All Californians know that the state has some pretty strict driving laws. What many may not be aware of is ...
Is Leaving Parking Tickets Unpaid a Good Idea?

Is Leaving Parking Tickets Unpaid a Good Idea?

Tickets are never fun to deal with. Nobody wants to get them, because not only does it mean we did ...
Keeping Kids Safe in Water

Keeping Kids Safe in Water

Summer is here, and that means families are looking for the best ways to keep cool during the hottest of ...
Legal Marijuana across the Country

Legalization of Marijuana across the Country

The country is currently witnessing a change of tides. From changing political leaders to new laws, this country is ever ...
Earth, Wind, and Fire

Earth, Wind, and Fire

It’s officially summer. For many, this means it’s the start to family vacations, long days spent at the pool, and ...
Can They Really Tax Soda?

Can They Really Tax Soda?

In recent years, cities across the country have begun to add an additional tax on sodas and other sugary drinks ...
How Hot Is Too Hot?

How Hot Is Too Hot?

With the summer heat in full swing once again, it is important for everyone to do their best to stay ...
What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?

What Are Your Kids Doing This Summer?

Summer is here and schools have let out for the year. Children are excited as they get to experience a ...
Park Here, Not There

Park Here, Not There

The summer season is upon us, which can only mean one thing - an influx of traffic stemming from tourists, ...
DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

DMV on Saturday: God Exists and Here is the Proof

The California Department of Motorized Vehicles (DMV) has answered our cries and are finally tossing us a bone. They’re providing ...
Keeping Cool in the Peak of Summer

Keeping Cool in the Peak of Summer

As the summer heat begins to grip the state of California, keeping cool is at the forefront of everyone’s minds ...
Ten Crazy California Laws

Ten Crazy California Laws

For 168 years California lawmakers have been enacting laws to create community standards, maintain proper order, and protect its constituents ...
Are You Tired of Losing Sleep Every Spring and Fall?

Are You Tired of Losing Sleep Every Spring and Fall?

Every spring and fall, all Californians have to deal with changing to or from daylight-saving time. In the spring, the ...
Don’t Be a Victim of the Sun

Don’t Be a Victim of the Sun

As temperatures rise, we often forget simple things. It must be the heat that absorbs our common sense sometimes. It ...
How Many Guns Did He Have?

How Many Guns Did He Have?

California has some of the strictest guns laws within the United States. While this is frustrating for some, it is ...
Be Sure to Designate a Driver

Be Sure to Designate a Driver

DUI checkpoints always become more prominent around holidays that involve heavy drinking, and the Fourth of July is no exception ...
What to Do if Someone Breaks into Your House

What to Do if Someone Breaks into Your House

When we think of our homes, we think of them as our safe havens. They are our escape from work, ...
Illegal Fireworks within California

Illegal Fireworks within California

The Fourth of July is coming up, and it’s an exciting time to let your American spirit fly. It feels ...
Forgery or Fraudulence

Forgery or Fraudulence

Money seems to be the route of all evil. It drives people to work, or commit crimes so that they ...
What Counts as Sexual Harassment?

What Counts as Sexual Harassment?

There are plenty of beautiful people in the world. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. It’s always nice to ...
The Call You Never Want to Make

The Call You Never Want to Make

Whenever you have to call 911, it’s never a good thing. No one ever calls 911 to celebrate a victory, ...
Abuse, Threats, and Stalking Are Not Cute

Abuse, Threats, and Stalking Are Not Cute

Certain things in life are cute, like baby animals. Giving someone a sentimental, thinking of you, gift or complimenting someone’s ...
This is Something You Hope to Never Need

This is Something You Hope to Never Need

It’s a bright sunny day outside. You’re strolling around your favorite mall. You’ve decided to take a moment to yourself ...
Do You Know Your Rights?

Do You Know Your Rights?

The first amendment seems to be one of the most misunderstood amendments out there. However, it is probably the most ...
Behind The Badge

Behind The Badge

When we’re younger, we dream of becoming astronauts, presidents, firefighters, doctors, police officers, and peacekeepers. We dream big, and never ...
What is Flag Day?

What is Flag Day?

Before we celebrate fathers, we have to celebrate the flag. This year, Flag Day falls on Thursday June 14th. If ...
Horseback Riding Laws: Even Horses Have Laws

Horseback Riding Laws: Even Horses Have Laws

Horses can be wild creatures. Somehow we’re able to tame them, and teach them to do tricks and how to ...
Motorcycle Laws: Two Wheels of Freedom, Right?

Motorcycle Laws: Two Wheels of Freedom, Right?

The warmer weather seems to be intoxicating for Californians. There’s something about feeling the wind through your hair as you ...

Using GPS in California Could Result in Legal Trouble

Very few of us even carry a map in the car with us. Why would we when GPS is so ...

The Consequences of Ignoring a Mandatory Evacuation

Last year, California had a rash of wildfires that resulted in the police ordering a large number of mandatory evacuations ...

Citizens Push for Tougher Hit and Run Laws

A recent string of hit and run accidents has shaken the Los Angeles community to its core. In April there ...

Can a Police Officer Search Your Vehicle

One of the first things an officer often does when they pull you over for a traffic infraction is taking ...
What Is the Most Fun State to Live In?

What Is the Most Fun State to Live In?

Congratulations to the State of California for being the Most Fun State in 2018. According to Wallet Hub, the Golden ...
Did You Know Driving too Slow Is Against the Law?

Did You Know Driving too Slow Is Against the Law?

Nothing is worse than someone in a hurry tailgating you. You try to let them pass, but they seem adamant ...
Are You Ready to Go Camping?

Are You Ready to Go Camping?

It’s almost that time of year for family vacations. The warmer weather brings out the outdoorsy side of some people ...
If You Have Plans of Going Fishing, Be Aware of the Laws

If You Have Plans of Going Fishing, Be Aware of the Laws

If you’re an outdoorsy kind of person you’re, probably itching to go outside right now. You’ve been waiting for the ...
Jail or In-Laws?

Jail or In-Laws?

You’ve found the love of your life and have gotten married. You probably feel pretty happy, and you’re in that ...
Communicating in an Argument

Communicating in an Argument

Communicating with people in general is difficult. If you think it’s easy, you might just be one of the few ...
Diversity in California

Diversity in California

One of the great things about California is the massive amount of diversity in the culture, food, and people. Not ...
Family Time is Worth the Time

Family Time is Worth the Time

Family time is one of those things where you love to hate it. You love getting together and reminiscing on ...
Sunglasses for Fashion, or for Health?

Sunglasses for Fashion, or for Health?

Living in California means one of two things. One you love the vibes of the state, sun, and culture. The ...
How to Apologize and Keep Relationships Healthy

How to Apologize and Keep Relationships Healthy

We say things in the heat of the moment all the time. We get caught up in defending ourselves and ...
Having Your Person is Good

Having Your Person is Good

Life is filled with ever changing patterns. One day you’re in high school, dreading the algebra test you have next ...
What is Sales Tax?

What is Sales Tax?

There are a lot of things that you know about, but don’t completely understand in life. Multiple things fall into ...

Dealing with the Distance

Traveling and exploring the world is great. You are able to experience new areas of the world. Life often takes ...

Are You Seeing More DUI Checkpoints? If So, There’s Probably a Good Reason

Whenever a holiday that involves a lot of partying and drinking rolls around, you can bet that you will be ...

The History of Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is right around the corner and you’re probably stressed about finding the perfect gift. Trying to find a ...
It’s just another reason to party, right?

It’s just another reason to party, right?

Cinco de Mayo is coming up fast this year. For us Americans, that means we get to have a big ...
Is It Possible to Celebrate Mother’s Day in Prison?

Is It Possible to Celebrate Mother’s Day in Prison?

Parenting is not an easy task. Kids need a lot of attention and dedication. Every mom knows this. If a ...
Mom Appreciation Month

Mom Appreciation Month

Moms do a lot for us. It’s hard to go a day without talking to or about your mom. Your ...
How to Have a Safe Cinco de Mayo

How to Have a Safe Cinco de Mayo

Being safe and having fun don’t often go together, or at least that’s what a lot of people think. This ...
May the Fourth be with You

May the Fourth be with You

Happy National Pun Day, or should we say May the fourth be with you? It’s actually not national Pun day, ...
Are Minors Allowed to Have Alcohol Under the Supervision of Their Parents? The Answer May Surprise You

Are Minors Allowed to Have Alcohol Under the Supervision of Their Parents? The Answer May Surprise You

Some parents out there who are dealing with minors and drinking tend to take a different approach to the matter ...
Rules on the Beaches in California

Rules on the Beaches in California

California is known for its coastline. Famous beaches like Venice, Santa Monica, Malibu, and Big Sur are iconic to the ...
As the Weather Begins to Warm Up Again, Wildfires Become a Real Possibility

As the Weather Begins to Warm Up Again, Wildfires Become a Real Possibility

Smokey the Bear is a famous figure in our nation. He’s taught us campfire safety, as well as wildfire knowledge ...
Liquor Laws: Californians Don’t Realize How Great They’ve Got It Here

Liquor Laws: Californians Don’t Realize How Great They’ve Got It Here

If you have been born and raised in California, and you’re 21 years of age, you know that getting a ...
Graduating High School Is Easier Than You May Realize

Graduating High School Is Easier Than You May Realize

Everybody wants to graduate. Kids want to graduate from high school. Young adults want to graduate from college. Adults want ...
Why Should You Buckle Up in the Car? It Could Save Your Life

Why Should You Buckle Up in the Car? It Could Save Your Life

Following the rules can seem lame, or uncool at times. However, rules are in place for a reason, and that ...
Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear.

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear

So many of the problems out there in the world could be fixed if people just cared for one another ...
Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding.

Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding

Speeding is something that every driver has been guilty of at least once. We have all had days where our ...
Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children see more than most people realize. They are always watching adults in order to learn how they should behave ...
Filing Your Taxes May Be Boring, but It Does Come with Perks

Filing Your Taxes May Be Boring, but It Does Come with Perks.

That time of the year has rolled around once again and if you haven’t already, you should consider filing your ...
How did we get the Easter Bunny?

How did we get the Easter Bunny?

Hippity hoppity, here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping along the bunny trail. The Easter bunny comes and visits little boys and ...
Where Does California Rank in Quality of Life? The Answer May Surprise You

Where Does California Rank in Quality of Life? The Answer May Surprise You.

California is the sunshine state. Commercials for visiting California make Californians want to vacation in here. Let’s face it, we ...
Do You Dream of Naptime Being Longer? These Daycare Workers Did and Got Into Serious Trouble.

Do You Dream of Naptime Being Longer? These Daycare Workers Did and Got Into Serious Trouble.

While any parent will tell you that having kids is truly amazing, they will also very likely tell you that ...
What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

What’s Worse than a DUI? A DUI While Underage.

Most people recognize the fact that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a bad idea. Unfortunately, there ...
Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Would You Get Behind the Wheel of a Vehicle While High? Well, California Teens Are

Just about every driver out there knows about DUI’s and how they should never drive while intoxicated with alcohol. However, ...
Physical & Mental Signs of Abusive Relationships: Possessive, Stalker-like Qualities are Not Attractive

Physical & Mental Signs of Abusive Relationships: Possessive, Stalker-like Qualities are Not Attractive

Let’s face it, many of us joke about abuse from time. Most everyone has a memory of their mom/dad where ...
Dealing with Bullying Starts with Ourselves

Dealing with Bullying Starts with Ourselves

Nobody likes bullies. If you were to ask any adult out there what they think about bullying, they would say ...
Autopilot Is Not the Same as Automated Driving

Autopilot Is Not the Same as Automated Driving

Today’s modern world has granted us all access to a lot of different and spectacular technologies. You can now print ...
Do Video Games Lead to Violence: Don’t Hate the Game, Hate the Lack of Communication?

Do Video Games Lead to Violence: Don’t Hate the Game, Hate the Lack of Communication?

Hate crimes, violence, and negatives attitudes seem to be a dime a dozen. In a victim and attacker society, we ...
Gun Control Rallies: What Lies Ahead for Schools?

Gun Control Rallies: What Lies Ahead for Schools?

The recent school shooting in Parkland Florida on Valentine’s Day has left this nation scrambling. Scrambling to get governments, local, ...
Don’t Get Yourself into Trouble This Saint Patrick’s Day

Don’t Get Yourself into Trouble This Saint Patrick’s Day

Saint Patrick’s Day is a fun holiday where people get to cut loose for a while and go out and ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

You Can Handle Anything Life Throws at You

Letting yourself get wrapped up in negative emotions can be fairly easy. After all, life is pretty good at piling ...
Bail Bonds in Little Armenia

Provide Your Loved Ones with the Best Bail Help

Everyone only wants what is best for their friends and family members. This fact makes things all the more stressful ...
Bail Bonds in Koreatown

Keep Your Loved One in Your Life

Being separated from loved ones for an extended period of time is rough. You get used to seeing this person ...
How to Recognize Dangerous Flu Symptoms

How to Recognize Dangerous Flu Symptoms

There are all kinds of people out there in the world, and all of them have their own believes and ...
Use Your Tax Return to Post Bail

Use Your Tax Return to Post Bail

It’s that time of the year again where everyone needs to sit down and file their taxes. Some people may ...
Coffee Myths/Benefits

Coffee Myths/Benefits

We Americans live for our morning cup of coffee. Java has become an essential part of waking up for most ...
What Are Conjugal Visits?

What Are Conjugal Visits?

Romance is in the air. Cupid’s bow is pointed, and you’re the target. The problem is that your loved one ...
Nonverbal Communication You Need to be Aware Of

Nonverbal Communication You Need to be Aware Of

Communicating with people can be challenging at times. Communicating with others involves more than just words. There are messages that ...
What Is a Real ID?

What Is a Real ID?

If you have been paying attention to the news lately, then you have probably heard something about Real IDs. This ...
Thinking of Leaving California? Try Italy!

Thinking of Leaving California? Try Italy!

Have recent changes to California law gotten you down? Are you considering leaving the state in search of better prospects? ...
Catfishing and Dating Apps

Catfishing and Dating Apps

As time goes on, dating apps and online dating are becoming increasingly more popular. While this has helped many people ...
What Is a Watson Murder Charge?

What Is a Watson Murder Charge?

This is one of those many legal terms out there that worry people the moment they hear it. They have ...
What is Love?

What is Love?

We, as a society, are obsessed with love. Love is everything, and is connected to the meaning of life, yet ...
How Do You Know You Found The One

How Do You Know You Found “The One”

Finding you’re fairytale ending is what most of us think about. Being with the one person that makes you a ...
Dating Apps Influence

Dating Apps Influence

In today’s modern and fast paced world it makes sense that we’ve started online dating and using dating apps. We ...
History of Valentines Day

History of Valentines Day

It’s time to pull out the candies and red hearts because Valentine’s Day is here. Single bodies beware or go ...
Drive High, Get a DUI

Drive High, Get a DUI

2018 is bringing a lot of new changes to California laws. One of the biggest is that licensed dispensaries will ...
What Legalizing the Sale of Marijuana Means

What Legalizing the Sale of Marijuana Means

This new year brought Californians the ability to sell marijuana. This also allows folks the opportunity to purchase marijuana for ...
Bail Doesn’t Have to Be a Big Deal

Bail Doesn’t Have to Be a Big Deal

Bailing a friend or family member out of jail is a big deal. However, most people do not know how ...
Motorcycle Laws

Motorcycle Laws

Each state has different laws in regards to a lot of things, but what you may not think about is ...
You Might Have Questions about Bail

You Might Have Questions about Bail

When it comes to bail and bail bonds, people tend to have a lot of questions. For most people, bail ...
The Stages of Grief

The Stages of Grief

As we welcome in the New Year we might find ourselves letting go of past relationships. Even though you may ...
How to Recover from Identity Theft

How to Recover from Identity Theft

We all only have one identity, and for most people that is enough. However, some bad people out there like ...
Getting a Safe Ride Home in 2018

Getting a Safe Ride Home in 2018

It is the start of a new year, and that means new laws will be going into effect. One such ...
Did You Know You Can Track Santa?

Did You Know You Can Track Santa?

Old Saint Nick is coming to town this holiday season. He’s checking his list, and he’s going to be taking ...
New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

It is that time of year where people begin to form a list of promises they want to make to ...
Preventing Christmas Tree Fires

Preventing Christmas Tree Fires

Light up your holidays with Christmas lights, not fires. It’s that magical time of year where people get to decorate ...
Staying Safe on Winter Roads

Staying Safe on Winter Roads

As a kid, winter is a lot of fun. Winter brings storms, which in turn bring snow which can lead ...
More Checkpoints Around Holidays

More Checkpoints Around Holidays

DUI checkpoints can be intimidating to people, even when they have done nothing wrong. When it comes to DUI checkpoints, ...
Stay Safe While Shopping

Stay Safe While Shopping

During the holiday season, everyone spends quite a bit of time shopping. They have to find the perfect gifts for ...
Be Wary of Scams This Holiday Season

Be Wary of Scams This Holiday Season

Nobody likes being cheated or scammed. We all worked hard to get what we have, and when someone takes it ...
Get Peace of Mind with a Warrant Check

Get Peace of Mind with a Warrant Check

One of the last things anyone wants for Christmas this year would be getting arrested for an outstanding warrant. No ...
Bailing Someone Out Is Easier Than You Think

Bailing Someone Out Is Easier Than You Think

If this is your first time attempting to bail someone out of jail, you are probably curious as to how ...
Lots of People Have Questions about Bail

Lots of People Have Questions about Bail

Finding out that someone does not know much about bail is not as uncommon as one might assume. Most people ...
A Brief History of Thanksgiving

A Brief History of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and be thankful for every good thing that came our way over the course ...
Interesting Facts about Thanksgiving Dinner

Interesting Facts about Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is here, and for many Americans, it is time to celebrate. Thanksgiving is a chance to reunite with family ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Winterizing Your Home

Winter may still officially be more than a month away, but it is time to start preparing your house for ...
Bail Bonds in Little Armenia

Working a Shorter Work Week

Just about every adult out there is currently enjoying the fun of the average five day work week. You can ...
Bail Bonds in Koreatown

Is Shoplifting a Felony?

If you know someone who recently got into trouble for shoplifting, you are probably very concerned about him or her ...
The Patriot Guard Riders

The Patriot Guard Riders

As Veterans Day approaches, we begin to reflect on all of those who have served in the armed forces. People ...
Do You Need a Warrant Check?

Do You Need a Warrant Check?

It may sound strange, but sometimes it can be hard to find out that a person has a warrant out ...
Local LA Bail Bonds Agents

Bailing Your Loved One Out of Jail Quickly

There is nothing quite worse than trying to do something quickly, and someone preventing you from doing that. This can ...
Local LA Bail Bonds Agents

They Need to be Booked before They Can be Bailed

When it comes to rescuing a friend or family member from jail, everybody wants to do so as quickly as ...
Local LA Bail Bonds Agents

Good Companies Receive Good Reviews

In the modern age, it has become extremely easy to consumers to learn about the companies that are trying to ...
Los Angeles Mobile Bail Agents

Bail Does Not Have to Be Stressful

No one ever plans on one of their loved one’s getting arrested, and yet thousands of people are arrested every ...
Los Angeles Mobile Bail Agents

If You Want the Best Bail Help, Contact Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

The only way to remain the best at something, is to continue to deal with it on a regular basis ...
LA Statewide Bail Bonds

Be Wary of Bail Scams

We all have those family members that we would do anything for. Then we have those family members who we’d ...
LA Statewide Bail Bonds

Do Not Give Up, Posting Bail Is Easy

Finding out that one of your friends or family members has been arrested can be very upsetting. Something like this ...
LA Statewide Bail Bonds

Bail Help Anywhere in California

You have lots of friends and family members, many of whom live all over the state of California. Just because ...
Bail Bonds in Culver City

Did You Know You’ve Always Had The Right to Bail?

Here in the United States of America, everyone has rights. We are a free country, and we all greatly appreciate ...
Bail Bonds in Crenshaw

Crazy Laws of the United States

It may seem unlikely, but there are hundreds of laws across the entire United States that make no sense whatsoever ...
Bail Bonds in Chinatown

What is Shoplifting?

Many people have heard of the term shoplifting. Some people do not have a full understanding of what it means ...
Bail Bonds in Chinatown

You Need a Good Support Group to Recover from an Arrest

Dealing with an arrest is never easy. No one ever expects a friend or family member will be arrested, and ...
Bail Bonds in Cerritos

Need a Warrant Check?

It might surprise you to learn that it is possible for a warrant to be issued for a person’s arrest ...
Bail Bonds in Bell Gardens

Legalizing Psychedelic Mushrooms in California?

California may be one of the first states to legalize the use of psychedelic mushrooms, or at least that is ...
Bail Bonds in Bell Gardens

Conserving Water in California

While the drought may technically be over for many areas of California, it is never a bad idea to conserve ...
Bail Bonds in Whittier

Texting While Driving Is Illegal

Being distracted while driving can be very risky. If a driver is not fully paying attention to the road around ...
Bail Bonds in South Gate

Jaywalking Is a Crime

While we do it every day without a second thought, driving can actually be quite dangerous. One small surprise is ...
Bail Bonds in Chinatown

The Strange Laws of California

The state of California is no stranger weirdness. It is part of what makes the state so great. However, there ...
Bail Bonds in Cerritos

What Happens When You Post Bad Things on Social Media

Another day, another story about someone posting incriminating content on social media. A few weeks ago, two Massachusetts teenage girls ...
Bail Bonds in Bell Gardens

You can Be Fined for Crossing the Street During the Countdown

Believe it or not, a person is violating the law if they cross the street in the intersection when the ...
Bail Bond Store in Norwalk

How to Dress and Act for Court

If you are trying to get hired, you will dress neatly and offer respectable, mature mannerisms. How you present yourself ...
Bail Bond Store in Montebello

You Do Not Need Drugs to Enjoy a Music Festival

Large outdoor music festivals and concerts invite attendees to bring their friends, enjoy some music, and have a whole lot ...
Bail Bond Store in Los Angeles

Your Actions can Inspire Others

Even if you are the younger sibling or an only child, your actions can inspire others. Even if you do ...
Statewide Bail Bonds Los Angeles

About the Bail Reform Legislation

Bail is when a defendant, who has been charged with a crime but has not yet been found innocent or ...
Statewide Bail Bonds Los Angeles

The Legality of Recording and Posting Crimes Online

It is one thing for a bystander to record an incident where a police officer is interacting, physically or peacefully, ...
Statewide Bail Bonds Los Angeles

You Will Not Believe These are Actually California Laws

It can be hard to believe statements like “men who have mustaches are forbidden from kissing women” and “no driver-less ...
Bail Bond Store in Norwalk

DUIs are No Joke in California

Instead of treating the gang to a final round of shots at last call, treat them to a pitcher of ...
Bail Bond Store in Montebello

Should Body Cam Footage Be Released to the Public

Excessive force and authority is a constant topic in today’s news. This alongside the discussion of officer’s wearing and using ...
Bail Bond Store in Los Angeles

About California’s Revenge Porn Law

Revenge porn is when one person shares sexually explicit images and/ or videos of their former intimate partner, typically on ...
LA Statewide Bail Bonds

Unpaid Traffic Fines will No Longer Result in a Suspended Driver’s License

Starting next month, Californians who do not pay their traffic fines have one less thing to worry about: risk losing ...
LA Statewide Bail Bonds

What to do in a Police Chase

Car chases in the movies are exciting and cool, but in real life, getting stuck in the middle of one ...
LA Statewide Bail Bonds

Responsibilities of Being a Parent

Being a parent takes an incredible amount of responsibility, including legal responsibility. Until a child turns 18 and becomes a ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds in La Mirada

Beware of Scams in the Modern Age

In the age of modern technology, it is important to be wary of scams used to gain private information from ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds in Huntington Park

If You File a False Report, You Will go to Jail

It is a crime to falsely report a crime. That is, you can and will get in trouble with the ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds in East Los Angeles

California’s Car Modification Regulations

Car enthusiasts view their vehicle like an extension of themselves, or like a best friend, pet, or child. They take ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds in Downtown

Struggles of Getting Arrested Out of State

While Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds in Downtown is one of the best bail bond companies in California, they cannot ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

What to do if the Cops Pull You Over

What you do and say to a cop when you are pulled over can have an effect on the outcome ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Is it a Crime to Witness One, and Not Report it?

It is a crime to file a false police report, but it is not a crime to witness one, and ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

When the Police Don’t Need a Search Warrant

Under the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution, people are protected against unreasonable searches and seizures conducted by law ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Need a Warrant Check in Los Angeles?

It is not uncommon for a warrant to be issued for someone’s arrest without that person actually knowing. Eventually, the ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

The Strangest Laws from Around the US

As many people are aware, not every law is a good law. There are some very strange and obscure laws ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

What Expunging a Record Means

To expunge a criminal record is to essentially erase or remove a prior conviction from your record so that others ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Understanding the Miranda Rights

The right to remain silent and the right to have a lawyer represent you are two rights every arrested person ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Punishments for Identity Theft

Identity theft is a very serious crime to commit because it can cause quite a big problem for the victim ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

New Immigration Laws are 1 Step Closer to Passing

Members of the United States government are one step closer to cracking down on immigration policies, particularly directed at illegal ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Save a Dog from a Hot Vehicle

In California, it is legal to break into a stranger’s car in order to save a dog that is trapped ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Money-Saving Tips

Saving money is always a good idea, no matter what you are planning to spend it on. You could be ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

Crime Rates Could Rise In California

At the start of 2017, the state of New Jersey implemented a new bail reform policy. The policy is very ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

What Is My Monthly Payment?

Once people figure out what the initial cost of their loved one’s bail bond will be, they want to know ...
Los Angeles Statewide Bail Bonds

How to Handle a Warrant

If you are like most people, then you have probably never needed to deal with a warrant. Unfortunately, there may ...
LA Bail Bond Store

No More Suspended Licenses for Californians

Normally, when a driver amounts enough unpaid traffic and parking tickets, a judge will suspend that person’s license. If this ...
LA Bail Now

Who Sets the High Bail Prices?

If you have ever needed to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you have probably seen how ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Strange Laws from Around the US

It probably comes as no surprise to anybody that politicians do not always come up with the best ideas when ...
LA Bail Now

Stunts Gone Wrong

The rise of YouTube has created several celebrities on the web. The site has made it possible for ordinary people ...
Lakewood Bail Bond Store

When can You Break into a Car without Getting into Trouble?

Toward the end of last year, California finally made it a law to protect citizens who, in good faith and ...
La Mirada Bail Bond Store

It is Illegal to Misuse 9-1-1

When there is an emergency that requires immediate professional attention and care, the number to dial is 911. Emergencies include ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

What Appears on Background Checks?

Your skills qualify you for the job you are interviewing for and you hit it off with your interviewer. They ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Is it Worth Fighting a Traffic Ticket?

When you get a traffic ticket for speeding or running a stop sign, you can easily pay it, but you ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Never Leave Someone Unattended in a Hot Car

Summer is officially here now, which means everyone will be doing their best to stay out of the heat. During ...
Watts Bail Bond Store

There is No Minimum Age to Get Married in California

Most people get married when they are adults and are more financially stable. However, there are some people who get ...
Vermont Square Bail Bond Store

If You Think Your Loved One Needs Help, Then Help

Some of the hardest years of life are the teenage years, when a person has many influences surrounding them, both ...
Vermont Slauson Bail Bond Store

It is Cheaper to Attend Harvard than it is to Pay for a Prisoner’s Housing

No one likes having to pay taxes. That is money we wish we could keep. We are told our taxes ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Can You Leave Your Child Unattended in the Car?

We made it through our first big heat wave, so you can rejoice about that. Unfortunately, this is only the ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Is Gambling Legal in California?

The world of American sports is electrifying. There is no shortage of sports to appeal to the crowd. There’s football, ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Finding Parking in Los Angeles Could Get Worse

A parkway refers to the narrow strip of land that occupies the space between sidewalks and the curb. Parkways run ...
LA Bail Bond Store

LA Bail Bond Store Can Help With No Money Down

Did you know it is possible to get out of jail for no money down? Well, it is true. Some ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Get the Right Help With LA Bail Bond Store

Getting arrested can be a stressful situation, not just for the person being arrested, but his or her loved ones ...
LA Bail Bond Store

LA Bail Bond Store will Meet Your Expectations

Here at LA Bail Bond Store, we boast about ourselves and our services in order to offer our helping hands ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Top Notch Service at LA Bail Bond Store

To be a trustworthy and truly helpful bail agent, you have to have compassion, responsibility, and a valid license. This ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Soon, Marijuana May be Smoked at Fairgrounds

It has been over half a year since Californians voted to legalize marijuana for the state. However, in the public ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Have You Received a Strange Call Lately?

Have you ever gotten a strange call from a loved one who is claiming to have gotten arrested and needs ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Legalized Marijuana: What to Expect

It has been about 6 months since Californians voted to legalize marijuana. However, full legalization has yet to kick in ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Will the Cops Need a Warrant for Cell Phone Tracking?

Unless given permission by the owner, cops need a warrant in order to search a person’s home, belongings, vehicle, mail, ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Odd Alcohol Laws in California

Compared to other states, California is pretty generous when it comes to alcohol. You can buy it at practically any ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Turn the Noise Down or Get a Visit from the Police

Now that summer is here, your weekends are filling up fast with parties at your place and your friends’ places ...
Hollywood Bail Bond Store

People Who Know How to Help You

Finding out that a friend or family member has been arrested can be shocking. You never expected him or her ...
Historic South Central Bail Bond Store

How to Get Past an Arrest

Finding out that a family member has been arrested can stir up a lot of emotions. Many people experience a ...
Green Meadows Bail Bond Store

Do You Know Where to Find Bail Help?

Would you know what to do if your friend or family member was arrested? Most people would not. Thankfully, there ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Copyright Infringement Makes its Case with Deadpool

The statute of limitations for copyright infringement is three years. Copyright infringement is the illegal copying, publishing, and distributing of ...
LA Bail Bond Store

The Differences Between Theft, Robbery, and Burglary

When a person takes something from another without permission, it is called theft, robbery, or burglary. You think to yourself, ...
LA Bail Bond Store

What is a Day in Jail Like?

Jail is undoubtedly the most undesirable place for anyone to be. As much as a person can paint a picture ...
LA Bail Bond Store

About California’s Proposed “Jordan’s Law”

It is the digital age. This is a time when we rely on our cell phones and laptops to survive ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Fireworks Laws You Need to Follow

The 4th of July is marked with reds, whites, and blues, barbecue food, and fireworks. This holiday, America’s birthday, is ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Basic Fireworks Laws in California

Fireworks are a unique sight to see. They can be witnessed on certain occasions every year such as 4th of ...
Downtown LA Bail Bond Store

What Is Jordan’s Law?

Seeing a video of any sort of crime or attack on the internet is happening more and more frequently. Most ...
Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Arrange Sober Transportation and Avoid DUI Checkpoints

Although the 4th of July falls on a Tuesday this year rather than the weekend, do not rule out the ...
Central LA Bail Bond Store

Wacky Laws That Actually Exist

Do you ever see something and wonder how it could have possibly come into existence? This is especially true with ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Extending California’s Last Call from 2 to 4 AM

Just the other week it was announced that the Senate passed a bill to extend last call for alcohol service ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

California’s Open Container Laws

In California, driving under the influence is not the only illegal alcohol and vehicle act, but it is the most ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Is Your Car Ready for Summer?

No one wants to get stranded on the side of the road because their car broke down. This is especially ...
LA Bail Bond Store

When Should the Party End?

Have you heard of the proposed bill by Senator Scott Weiner from San Francisco that would allow bars to stay ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Knowing Weird Laws Can Be a Benefit

Did you know that in California, women may not drive in a housecoat, or that no vehicle without a driver ...
bail bonds

How You Should Handle Fireworks in California

In order to have fun and celebrate the 4th of July, you need to understand the proper safety rules. Drinking ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

Did You Know You can be Charged with a Hit and Run Even if it’s Not Your Fault?

In California, you can be charged with a hit and run, even if the accident was not your fault. If ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

California’s Good Samaritan Law and Pets

In California, we love our pets as much as we love our brothers and sisters, which is why we have ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Laws You Probably Did Not Know You Were Breaking

“It is not every day that you break a law,” you think to yourself. Little do you know that statement ...
LA Bail Bond Store

What’s The Differences between Jail and Prison

Jail and prison are two places you would never want yourself, or a loved one, to end up. It is ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Do Not Make Your Loved One Miss Father’s Day

Even if your Father’s Day is interrupted with the news that someone in your family has been arrested, you can ...
LA Bail Bond Store

What to Know About Fireworks

You will not have to wait much longer to buy your fireworks for July 4. In just a few days ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Counts As Drug Possession?

With the passing of prop 64, the topic of drug possession has become more prominent in recent months. While it ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

New Jersey’s Failed Bail Replacement

At the start of this year, the state of New Jersey eliminated its bail system in favor of a system ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

How To Answer: Have You Been Drinking?

If you have never been pulled over for a DUI before, you may wonder how you should answer when asked ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Is Driving While Hungover Ok?

Everyone knows that driving while drunk is a bad idea. While drunk you have poor motor control, and lack a ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Tips for Avoiding the Heat

Summer is rapidly approaching in California, and temperatures are on the rise. Summer is a season for exploring and adventure ...
LA Bail Bond Store

What is Petty Theft?

Everyone understands the concept of theft, and how bad it is. However, once law enforcement gets involved, it can get ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Did Your Routine Get Interrupted?

Many people out there have a certain flow that they follow from day to day. This routine of theirs keeps ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Are You Prepared for a Loved One’s Arrest?

Have you ever considered what you would do if one of your friends or family members got arrested? If you ...
LA Bail Bond Store

An Arrest Can be Devastating

The human mind is an extremely interesting thing. Our minds can often react to things in ways we didn’t expect ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Why You can Rely on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

For 30 years, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has led the California bail bond industry with excellence and poise. It ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What To Do if You Move Out of State

The rule is the same wherever a person moves in the United States. If a person move states permanently, they ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When Can You Turn the Police Away?

Not enough people in the United States know their rights when it comes to police searches and seizures, and this ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

Is Jail Part of Your Summer Plans?

Hopefully, you won’t be spending any time behind bars this year. The year may be almost by half over, but ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Why Choose East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store?

Whether it is 2 pm on a Wednesday, or 3 AM on a Saturday, you can count on the team ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Fines for Misusing Your Drone

Drone flying can be fun, and get some great aerial footage, but drones are not toys. Anyone who flies a ...
LA Bail Bond Store

About California’s Three Strikes Law

California has a so-called “Three Strikes” law that was introduced in 1994. Think of this like the “three strikes, you ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Is Ticket Scalping Legal?

Ticket scalping is when a person resells their ticket to an event, like a concert or a sporting event, to ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Fireworks Safety Tips

Independence Day still seems like a way’s off, but there are people who are already gearing up for the day ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Can I Request to Change My Court Date?

Right on our heels is Summer, a favorite time of year for people to travel. The children are on break ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Even The Tough Guys Need Help Sometimes

Anyone who is arrested is going to need a tremendous amount of support, even if they act tough, and cool ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Rules of Fireworks

For anyone who is starting to plan their July 4 activities, do not forget the fireworks! It is always great ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

No Exceptions to Underage Drinking

Even if it happens under your roof and under your supervision, underage drinking is illegal in California. The minimum drinking ...
South Central Bail Bond Store

Bail Amounts for Common Offenses

In order to be released from jail, a person must meet certain “requirements.” This includes: Having not yet been convicted ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Celebrities Have to Pay for Bail Too

Celebrities are frequently given the red carpet treatment almost anywhere they go, for almost everything they do. They get special ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

The Very Serious Consequences of Hazing

Hazing is an initiation ritual or practice that happens most notoriously with college fraternities, school sports teams, or other clubs ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Dear Drones: The Sky is Not the Limit

When it comes to drones, the sky is not the limit anymore. In fact, it has not been for quite ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

How Much is 1 Serving of Alcohol?

The countdown to summer break has begun, leaving students and families eager to get away from school and work in ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Do Not Believe Everything You Read Online

You always hear that you should not believe everything you see online, and unfortunately, it still needs to be said ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Are You Ready for the Next Big One?

As Californians, we are always on the lookout for the next big earthquake. The San Andreas Fault runs along the ...
Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

Neighbors Partying Too Much?

Do you have neighbors who love to party and create a lot of noise late at night, or even into ...
Los Feliz Bail Bond Store

Los Feliz Bail Bond Store is Always Here for You

No one is perfect. Some people struggle more than others. Some people have more bad luck than others. If you, ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Are the Rights of Someone Who is Arrested?

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You ...
Boyle Heights Bail Bond Store

What Happens if My Loved One Misses Court?

If you are serious about helping your loved one bail out of jail and keeping them bailed out, do not ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Happens During and After the Booking Process?

The booking process is what happens after a person was just arrested. This process involves a series of procedures the ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

One Day, Your Arrest will be Forgotten

Stressed is an extreme understatement when you learn your loved one has been arrested and you need to help bail ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Should and Shouldn’t I Do if Arrested

Chaos ensues when someone is arrested. Sometimes, the person is neglectful of what they should and should not do or ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Bail Bond Commandments Thou Must Not Break

We are all familiar with mistakes and how they set us back from reaching our goals. People who have trouble ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Can I Get Bail Lowered?

Pretty soon after a recently arrested person learns what their bail is, one of the first questions that pops up ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

How Can a Defendant Get Out of Jail?

Someone who is arrested has been accused of a crime. They are legally considered innocent until proven guilty in court, ...
South LA Bail Bond Store

What is Bail and Who Does it Apply To?

Bail and bail bonds exist for the purpose of releasing a recently arrested person from jail. This person can then ...
San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

What Happens When an Innocent Person Lands in Jail

The justice system is not 100% flawless. Unfortunately, there are cases where a convicted person is actually innocent of the ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

California Laws That Just Do Not Make Sense, At All

Welcome to California where the sun is always golden, the beach is always waving, and the people… are still wondering ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What You Can Use as Bail Bond Collateral

Collateral is a term used to cover something that is pledged as security for repayment of a loan. Collateral is ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Car Modifications are and are Not Legal

Car enthusiasts value their vehicles more than many other things in their lives; it is a prized possession. These people ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Happens if You are Stopped at a DUI Checkpoint

Alcohol consumption increases during holidays and the weekends, and you can expect no different for Memorial Day weekend, which is ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store: Helping With Bail Since 1987

Everything you are looking for in a bail bond company can be found at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, one ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Rated #1

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is an award-winning, recognized, bail bond company that serves all of California. What would make ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is Committed to You

30 years ago, the founding family here at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store sat down and laid out a set ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

Helping Children through Foster Care

When it is discovered that a child’s parent cannot take care of the child, for whatever reason, protective services take ...
South Central Bail Bond Store

Did You Know Summer Vacations Are Good for You?

Summer is rapidly approaching, and many Californians are preparing for their summer get away. We are close enough now, where ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Out-Of-State Bail Bond Options

The next 3-day weekend coming up is Memorial Weekend and for many, that is a weekend that will be spent ...
North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

Small Ways To Save Money, Big

A savings account acts as a financial security blanket. Ideally, this savings account will be for future large wanted purchases ...
Los Feliz Bail Bond Store

What To Do When Your Loved One Needs You Most

When a person is arrested, it is too easy to believe that the rest of their life as they had ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Get Your Loved One Home For Mother’s Day: Post Bail With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Rather than disappointing and upsetting Mom in the days before Mother’s Day by admitting to her your sibling has been ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

LA Bail Bond Store Reliable Bail Bond Service Across The State

We Are a Statewide Bail Bond Company If you need bail help anywhere in the state of California, just call ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

This is Why People Choose LA Bail Bond Store

We hope you will never need a bail bond, for yourself or a loved one, but if you do, we ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What You Need to Know About Being a Bail Bond Co-Signer

When a legal document needs a co-signer, it means it needs an additional person to cover the debt in case ...
South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

A Look at Some of the Most Expensive Bails in United States History

A few weeks ago, a Northern California woman named Tiffany Li had posted the country’s 8th highest bail in the ...
San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

A Mother’s Day Miracle: The Whole Family Together

All any mother wants on Mother’s Day is to spend the day with her family. She does not get a ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Are California’s Gun Laws?

It has been 15 months since the December 2015 terror attack in San Bernardino, California, yet the community has not ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Why You Deserve Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

If you ever need a bail bond, know that you deserve the best, most affordable, and most reliable service. This ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You Need Help Helping Your Child? Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

At some point, usually when the child turns 18 and heads off to college, a parent will learn to let ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What is Bail and Why does it Exist?

Bail exists because it is unconstitutional to hold a person in jail for an unreasonable amount of time after their ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

Awkward Conversations Before Spring Break Begins

When you hear Spring Break you think of one thing: your college kid going out each day to the beach ...
South Central Bail Bond Store

Bail Your Easter Bunny Out of Jail!

If tradition has it that your husband plays the role of the Easter Bunny every year, then it would just ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Get Your Partner Home in Time for Easter

Easter Sunday is a family holiday. You spend the day helping your children dye Easter eggs without making too much ...
Encino Bail Bond Store

Is There a Legal Obligation to Report a Crime as a Witness?

There was a recent incident involving rape, Facebook, and what did or did not happen after the fact. An adolescent ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

Gambling Laws of California

Many types of gambling are illegal in California, but at least Las Vegas is not too far away! It is ...
Canoga Park Bail Bond Store

What to Expect with the New Marijuana Laws of California

As you know, California passed Prop 64 last November, making marijuana usage legal in California. However, as you might expect, ...
South LA Bail Bond Store

LA Signs New Directive Order to Protect its Residents, Regardless of Immigration Status

You know how there has been a lot of news and talk lately surrounding the discussion of immigration? Well, there ...
San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

No Child Left Behind

As the weather begins to warms up again here in Southern California, we would like to remind parents that convenience ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Still Time to Use your Tax Return for Bail

Most of us by now, have had our tax return directly deposited in the bank. Sweet! “Free” money! Have you ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do not Forget: Jaywalking is Illegal

Jaywalking refers to a pedestrian who violates traffic regulations and crosses the street when it is not their right of ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Risks of Driving in the Carpool Lane – Is it Worth It?

Carpool lanes in California are reserved for drivers who have at least 1 extra passenger in their vehicle. These lanes ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

It is You to the Rescue!

Hypothetically, if you were arrested today and needed to tell your closest friends and family what happened, how would you ...
South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Leave it to the Teams to Fight for a Win, Not the Fans

Sports games are supposed to be fun and exciting to watch. You root for your team to win and boo ...
San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

No Jokes on April Fools’ at San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store

People can be so on-edge on April Fools’ Day that they will be skeptical to nearly everything they hear that ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When April Fools’ Goes Wrong

April Fools’ is nearly here! For some people, it is a day of just trying to get by without being ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Know Juvenile Records are Sealed when a Person Turns 18?

When your child turns 18, his or her juvenile criminal records will be sealed. So it may be that right ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Moral Obligation vs. Legal Obligation to Report a Crime

Some people believe that if they witness a crime, they must report it to the police; if they do not, ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do the Police Need a Search Warrant for my Social Media?

You know that the police are looking at social media when they are investigating cases. What you may not know ...
Reseda Bail Bond Store

Do Not Forget – Your Parents will Always Support You

18 is the minimum age to be sent to jail, arrested juveniles are released back to their parents, but there ...
Northridge Bail Bond Store

Want the Best? Go to Northridge Bail Bond Store

If you want a fast, affordable, and reliable bail bond company to help get your loved one out of a ...
Canoga Park Bail Bond Store

Be Prepared and Your Arrest will Soon be Gone

Just like an F in high school did not stop you from graduating, an arrest is not going to stop ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

3 Strikes, No Outs – You can Always Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

“3 Strikes, You Are Out” is only a rule in baseball and a figurative rule in other games. When it ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Help Your Brother Bail Out of Jail

As you hang up the phone, so many thoughts and emotions are running through your head: my brother has been ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Police Rely on Social Media

Because social media is such a huge part of social culture now, police departments are ramping up units and departments ...
Crenshaw Bail Bond Store

Save Money for Bail

Although we hope you never have to use your savings fund for bail bond payments, it is still critical to ...
Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Do Not Miss Out on Life Because You Think Bail is too Expensive

When a person is arrested, there is no telling how long they will remain in jail if they do not ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

Here is how Expensive Bail Can Get

If you ever had to bail yourself or a loved one out of jail, you know how expensive it can ...
South Central Bail Bond Store

Spring Your Loved One Out of Jail

Spring is here, so why don’t you spring your loved one out of jail with a bail bond? Understandably, it ...
LA Bail Bond Store

If there is Ever a Time to Seek Help, it is now, to Bail out of Jail

If there is ever a time to let your guard down, show your vulnerability, and disregard judgment, it is when ...
Panorama City Bail Bond Store

Child Support Payments will not Affect Visitation Rights

For individuals who pay child support to their former partner, losing visitation rights is actually not an immediate and direct ...
North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

How Old Does a Child Have to be if They are Left Home Alone?

Leaving a child at home alone for the first time can make any parent nervous, even if the child is ...
Los Feliz Bail Bond Store

You May Know Someone Who has Once Been Arrested

Getting arrested could easily make you think that your life, as you know it, is over. However, take a few ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Golden State of California has its Share of Weirdness

There is no doubt that California is a pretty dang awesome state to live in. We have an entire coast ...
Boyle Heights Bail Bond Store

Debunking Common Bail Bond Myths

Contrary to popular belief, bail agents do not dress and talk like a bodyguard or club bouncer. Some may have ...
North Hills Bail Bond Store

If You Are Unfamiliar with DUI Checkpoints, This is What you Should Know

There is no doubt that St. Patrick’s Day has become a drinking holiday. This year, it falls on a Friday, ...
Granada Hills Bail Bond Store

How Juvenile and Adult Criminal Proceedings Differ

A parent whose child is arrested should know that juvenile court proceedings are not the same as adult proceedings. Proceedings ...
Encino Bail Bond Store

What Happens if You’re Arrested Outside of California?

Here at Encino Bail Bond Store, we have worked with so many people over our 30 years of experience. Most ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

Chatsworth Bail Bond Store is the Best. Period.

In the hardest, most stressful times, you deserve to have only the best help guiding you, assisting you, and offering ...
Canoga Park Bail Bond Store

Can I Still be Charged for a Crime 10 Years Later?

If you committed some sort of illegal action some years ago, and continue to think about how you got away ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

Huntington Park Bail Bond Store: A Leading Bail Bond Company

Outperforming any other bail bond company in California is Huntington Park Bail Bond Store. This family founded and owned company ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Determines the Cost of Bail?

As you are waiting for the formal arraignment of your loved one, here’s some information to help prepare yourself for ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Understanding Bail Options

When a person is arrested, they are either eligible to post bail, or they are required to stay in jail ...
Downey Bail Bond Store

Common Bail-Related Terms to Know

Understanding bail and bail bonds is like trying to understand a new language for most people. With professional help from ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

What You Need to do to Prepare Yourself for Court

For the most part, your lawyer will take care of the majority of court preparation over the days and weeks ...
Van Nuys Bail Bond Store

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Vows to Protect You

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store takes our vows seriously. As a company, Van Nuys Bail Bond Store promises to protect ...
Sun Valley Bail Bond Store

We cannot Lower Bail but We can Bail You Out Affordably

It is not often that a judge will reduce a person’s bail after setting it. The judge is the only ...
Reseda Bail Bond Store

Jail vs. Home is Like Winter vs. Spring

Mother Nature is slowly beginning her transitional period from what was a very rainy and gloomy winter season to a ...
Northridge Bail Bond Store

Northridge Bail Bond Store Genuinely Cares

Customer service is a big part of a company’s reputation. With many competing companies in one industry, a company must ...
Canoga Park Bail Bond Store

Yes, Your Tax Return can be Used Towards Bail

At Canoga Park Bail Bond Store, we are often asked if tax return money can be applied towards bail bond ...
Winnetka Bail Bond Store

What Not to do When You Are Getting a Bail Bond

When you apply for a bail bond, you want to make sure that all the information you have is 100% ...
West Hills Bail Bond Store

How to Tell Your Child about Their Parent’s Arrest

If you thought getting the phone call learning that your significant other was arrested was hard, imagine the moment you ...
Van Nuys Bail Bond Store

How can I Pay for a Bail Bond?

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store provides affordable bail bonds for defendants who are held in California jails. Bail bonds are ...
Tarzana Bail Bond Store

Be the Superhero You Always Wanted to be

At some point in our lives, we have all imagined what it would be like to be a real life ...
Surland Bail Bond Store

Catch Up and Get Ahead on Bail Bond Payments Using Your Tax Return

We hope you have not gone and spent all the money you got from your tax return already. This money ...
Tarzana Bail Bond Store

Cash Bail vs. Bail Bond: Which is Better for Your Situation?

Contrary to what some people may think, posting bail using a bail bond does not mean you do not have ...
Sylmar Bail Bond Store

A Look at Some of California’s Gun Laws

Each state has different laws when it comes to guns, and California is a state with some of the most ...
Reseda Bail Bond Store

The Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Cell Phone

Some people may not know this, but the police actually do need a warrant to search your cell phone. Just ...
Porter Ranch Bail Bond Store

The Role of a Bail Bond Co-Signer

When a defendant is in the process of bailing out of jail with a bail bond, they will need a ...
Northridge Bail Bond Store

Your Loved One is Counting on You for Bail

If you are still waiting on your tax return, take this time to think about how you want to use ...
North Hills Bail Bond Store

Consider Using Tax Returns for Bail

Wise spending and budgeting is an excellent quality to have because every now and then, there are purchases or payments ...
Granada Hills Bail Bond Store

Getting Arrested Is Not the End of the World

It is not the end of their world when a person is arrested. It will seem like it to them, ...
Encino Bail Bond Store

Encino Bail Bond Store – A Team of Heroes

Heroes come unexpected and unannounced. They save the day when it seems like all hope is lost. Most often, heroes ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

Pay Your Tickets Before You Pay with Your Time and Freedom

If you think that you can get away without paying for your parking tickets, think again. The longer you put ...
Sun Valley Bail Bond Store

Can You Use Your Tax Return for Bail?

Like any money that is yours, give extra thought into what you want to do with your tax return when ...
Studio City Bail Bond Store

Studio City Bail Bond Store Rated #1

Studio City Bail Bond Store is an award-winning, recognized, bail bond company that serves all of California. What would make ...
Reseda Bail Bond Store

Here is Why You Should Not Get Upset if You Are Getting Arrested

Depending on the scope of the situation, the police can arrest a person, or multiple persons, for a crime, and ...
Northridge Bail Bond Store

If You Think You Were Wrongfully Arrested

In general, the public has less authority than the police. However, police authority can only go so far. They have ...
North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

Time is What You Are Missing on TV and in Jail!

We all know by now that what happens on TV shows and movies is not exactly how things would happen ...
Granada Hills Bail Bond Store

Yes, Use Your Tax Return for Bail Money

Before you go spending all the money you got from your tax return, think about some wiser possible uses for ...
Encino Bail Bond Store

Your Tax Return = a Bail Bond Contribution

If you are helping your loved one by paying for their bail bond, they are putting a lot of trust ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

How You Might be able to Lower Bail for Your Loved One

Did you know that you can help lower your loved one’s bail amount from say, $90,000 to $9,000? That is ...
Canoga Park Bail Bond Store

Instead of Drinking and Driving…

We hate to boast, but California is quite a lively state and is filled with plenty of day and night ...
Burbank Bail Bond Store

Burbank Bail Bond Store is Committed to You

30 years ago, the founding family here at Burbank Bail Bond Store sat down and laid out a set of ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

CA May Become the First Sanctuary State

California is one step closer to becoming America’s first “sanctuary state.” The country already has 300+ sanctuary cities that vow ...
Montebello Bail Bond Store

A False Reports is a Crime in Itself

In California, as well as in many other states, a person is not legally obligated to report a crime if ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

About Mandatory Reporting Requirements – What is and isn’t the Law

Generally, a person is not required to report a crime if they witness one occurring, nor are they required to ...
El Monte Bail Bond Store

Treat Bail Bond Payments Like You do Rent

Choosing to post bail using a bail bond means: You pay less, overall You pay in increments over a custom ...
Alhambra Bail Bond Store

Alhambra Bail Bond Store Wants to, and Will, Help You

Alhambra Bail Bond Store is a California bail bonds company that boasts more than others can and helps more than ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

California’s Sanctuary Cities

Los Angeles is among California’s self-proclaimed sanctuary cities. There is no formal definition of a sanctuary city, but in general, ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Crucial Role of the Bail Bond Co-Signer

If there is one person that someone out on bail does not want to anger, annoy, or lose trust with, ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Art of Bailing Out of Jail

Bailing out of jail is a task that is less complex than most people think, and it is certainly a ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Get Ahead on Bail Bond Payments Using Your Tax Returns

Tax returns are treated like free money. Most people either put it into their savings account, or treat themselves to ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

The Right to Bail is Yours

When someone is arrested, it is because they are being accused of doing something illegal. They broke the rules and ...
Westwood Bail Bond Store

The Benefits to Bail Bonds

People associate bail bonds with crime, dangerous people, and jail. All of which, are negative thoughts. At Westwood Bail Bond ...
Melrose Bail Bond Store

How to Get Out of Jail

In the justice system, “arraignment” is when a defendant, stands before a judge for the first time. This is not ...
Century City Bail Bond Store

Think Twice Before Hitting “Post”

These days, we live on our cell phones and social media. This is how we stay in touch with friends ...
Brentwood Bail Bond Store

Help Wanted!

In a scary moment, a person should never be afraid to ask for help. In fact, it is in these ...
Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store

The Best Agents at Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store

With your loved one’s freedom literally in the hands of a stranger at Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store, you must ...
Torrance Bail Bond Store

Torrance Bail Bond Store to the Rescue

Unfortunately, California jails are overcrowded with convicts serving short sentences and recently arrested individuals who cannot post bail. Do not ...
Southgate Bail Bond Store

When Getting Arrested Might Actually Be Funny

Usually, getting arrested is no laughing matter, but maybe one day it will be both a laughing matter and a ...
South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

All the Services at South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Bail bond services, it is in our name. South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has another helpful service that you ...
Santa Monica Bail Bond Store

The Cost of a First-Time DUI in California

$45,000. That is the low end of the average cost of what a first time DUI can cost you in ...
Riverside Bail Bonds

Roadblock in New Year Resolutions? Riverside Bail Bonds Is the Solution!

January has passed and it is time we check in on those New Year Resolutions of yours. How do you ...
Toluca Lake Bail Bond Store

Where Are Our Sanctuary Cities?

Though there is no formal legal definition of a “sanctuary city,” the United States is made up of about 300 ...
Studio City Bail Bond Store

Let’s Talk About Sanctuary Cities

The Trump Presidency has brought fear to undocumented immigrants now more than ever. With such debate, many cities in the ...
Sherman Oaks Bail Bond Store

Fun Facts Are Your Crime Warnings

It’s Fun Facts time! Well, these may be fun facts, but truth-be-told, it might not always be fun, especially when ...
North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

Crimes, Defined

The criminal justice system categorizes crimes into one of three groups: infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Each category involves a different ...
Hollywood Bail Bond Store

A Valentine’s Day to Remember

Valentine’s Day is just a couple weeks away and you cannot wait for the happiness and love that fills the ...
Westmont Bail Bond Store

What Happens If I Bail Someone Out of Jail and They Do Not Show Up for Court?

You definitely do not want that to happen. If you pay for someone’s bail bond and they do not show ...
Westlake Bail Bond Store

How Can I Lower Bail?

Bail is money owed to court in order for a defendant to be released from jail. The amount owed depends ...
Watts Bail Bond Store

What to Do When Your Loved One Is Arrested

If a loved one of yours is ever arrested, they are going to need you now more than ever. This ...
Vermont Square Bail Bond Store

Fact: Vermont Square Bail Bond Store Is On Your Side

We will get right to the point, if you, or a loved one, are ever arrested and thrown into any ...
Vermont Slauson Bail Bond Store

Bail – Your Gift To Your Valentine This Year

If you truly love your loved one, you will do everything you can to help them bail out of jail ...
Vermont Knolls Bail Bond Store

Bail Bonds over Cash Bail – Here Is Why

Bail bonds are an alternative method to posting cash bail. Cash bail can be in the tens or hundreds of ...
Van Nuys Bail Bond Store

The Right to Post Bail

You have the right to remain silent. This is the first clause of the Miranda Rights, a set of rights ...
Palmdale Bail Bond Store

Mini Celebrations: Relief for an Arrest Situation

Breaking up a long, stressful situation with small celebrations can be very helpful in alleviating pain and the stress, but ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Can Defendants Travel While Out On Bail?

One of the more common concerns with bail bond release terms is whether or not the defendant is allowed to ...
Lancaster Bail Bonds

A Best Friend, Help’s Post Bail

You are at that point in your life now where we no longer want to be the type of best ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Out on Bail, Will More Likely Appear For Court

Did you know that a person who is out on bail is more likely to show up for their court ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

No Valentine in Jail

Valentine’s Day is approaching. This is a day filled with extra love, not just for significant others, but also for ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Downtown Bail Bond Store Can Check If You Are a Wanted Criminal

Did you know that besides issuing bail bonds to defendants who are already in jail, Downtown Bail Bond Store can ...
Downey Bail Bond Store

Why Downey Bail Bond Store?

Downey Bail Bond Store is a 30 year old California bail bond company. What we do at Downey Bail Bond ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

Rainy Weather Driving Checklist

It looks like California may be on its way out of a drought. We have seen more rain this year, ...
El Segundo Bail Bond Store

Handling Arrests with Grace

No matter who you are, know this: you are a role model for someone out there, whether it is your ...
Contra Costa Bail Bond Store

Friends, Family, and Contra Costa Bail Bond Store = A Combination for Success

No doubt, the best people to confide in when you are in a dark place are your parents, followed by ...
Concord Bail Bond Store

Concord Bail Bond Store Sheds Hope Too

Having an arrest and criminal record is not the best thing to have, but it is not the worst thing ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

A Rocky Start to 2017, but Who Really Cares?

So it is already days into 2017 and you have learned that a good friend of yours has already been ...
Burbank Bail Bond Store

Texting and Driving? Too Much, New Laws

Let us be real, these days, texting and driving is no longer texting and driving. It is more like social ...
Torrance Bail Bond Store

How Soon Can Bail Be Posted?

When it comes to getting arrested, posting bail, dealing with trial, and all that not-so-good-stuff, the length of time it ...
Southgate Bail Bond Store

They Lean On You, You Lean on Southgate Bail Bond Store

You know that maintaining close relationships with friends and family is important. You get a heck of a lot of ...
South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Ultimate Law at South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The laws in California are constantly changing but the “law” forSouth Los Angeles Bail Bond Store does not. The law, ...
Santa Monica Bail Bond Store

Save Your Holiday Money with Santa Monica Bail Bond Store

The holidays have come and gone and it is a new year. You may have spent a great deal of ...
Riverside Bail Bonds

New Driving Laws in California – 2017 Edition

There are a couple of new driving laws you are going to want to know about if you are a ...
Hawthorne Bail Bond Store

So What if You Have a Criminal Record?

Having a criminal record is not exactly a good thing, however, having a criminal record is not the worst thing ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

Are You Sure You Want to Post That Online?

Employers are not the only people you should be worried about when you think, “I shouldn’t post that on social ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

Bail First, Lecture Later

Mad, scared, worried, stressed – these are feelings that you face when you learn a loved one of yours has ...
Glendale Bail Bond Store

New Laws For 2017

Every January 1st, a whole bunch of new laws go into effect in California. The new laws this year include ...
Gardena Bail Bond Store

No Matter How Old You Are, Your Parents Will Still Be “Parent-y”

You know all those times growing up you wished your parents would stop being so “parent-y” and just let you ...
South El Monte Bail Bond Store

Did You Know: The Police Need a Warrant to Search Your Cell Phone?

In the broadest answer as to whether the police need a warrant to search your cell phone in California, the ...
Pico Rivera Bail Bond Store

“New Year, New Me”

“New Year, New Me.” This is an all too familiar phrase around this time of year. It is cliché, but ...
Norwalk Bail Bond Store

Get the Best with Norwalk Bail Bond Store

You get more than you pay for when you use Norwalk Bail Bond Store to help bail your loved one ...
Montebello Bail Bond Store

What Makes Montebello Bail Bond Store the Best?

What makes Montebello Bail Bond Store the best bail bond company in California, is their foundation and mission. This is ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Collateral Is Acceptable for Bail Bonds?

When looking into getting a bail bond, you might come across the term collateral, and wonder what it means. Companies ...
Lakewood Bail Bond Store

Bail Bond Contingencies

While bail bonds offer more flexibility and are more affordable than cash bail, there are a few extra contingencies attached ...
La Mirada Bail Bond Store

La Mirada Bail Bond Store Promises Confidentiality

Keeping things confidential is not a problem with La Mirada Bail Bond Store. This is one of our core promises ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

Learn about Bail Bonds First

Whoever said that bail bonds are sketchy and for the lower class was wrong. Bail bonds are just as legitimate ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Get Help from East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did you ever imagine being that person to get the disturbing phone call learning your loved one has been arrested? ...
Downtown Bail Bond Store

Lean On Downtown Bail Bond Store

Getting arrested is not the end of the world. This is coming from someone who has bailed many defendants out ...
Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Who Do You Call? Chinatown Bail Bond Store

When one is arrested, they will contact their close friends and family who they can confide in. They will also ...
Cerritos Bail Bond Store

How Can I Pay for Bail?

Think of all the ways you can pay for something: cash, credit, debit, or checks. That is plenty of options ...
Bell Gardens Bail Bond Store

Rainy Weather Driving Precautions

Rainy days are still ahead California, whether you are in Northern California where rainfall is more abundant, or you are ...
Whittier Bail Bond Store

Benefits and Risks of Bail Bond Co-Signers

Dealing with an arrest is an incredibly stressful and tense time, not just for the individual, but for their loved ...
South Gate Bail Bond Store

No Resolution Is Too Late to Start

It is not January 1 anymore, but you can still come up with some 2017 resolutions. It is never too ...
LA Bail Bond Store

The Risks and Rights of Bail Bond Co-Signing

Bail bond co-signers have a very important role in the release of a defendant. Their role can often also be ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Top Notch Bail Bond Work with LA Bail Bond Store

Rated one of California’s most trusted and reliable bail bond companies, LA Bail Bond Store works magic when it comes ...
LA Bail Bond Store

New Voting Laws in California

You might have thought the talk of elections and voting had ceased for a while, but January 1, 2017 saw ...
LA Bail Bond Store

New Laws to Prevent Distracted Driving

We all know that using cell phones while driving is a no-no. It has been illegal for several years now, ...
LA Bail Bond Store

New Gun Laws for 2017

We will not ask what your stance is on guns, gun laws, and gun ownership, but we do ask that ...
Downey Bail Bond Store

Downey Bail Bond Store Is Always There for You

Some people will never need a bail bond, others may need it once and still, some may need it more ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

Make a Habit of Saving Money

Saving money is an extremely good habit to have. Hopefully those savings will not need to be touched and can ...
Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Arrested for Licking a Toad? You Can Post Bail for That

Bail bonds are used to release defendants from jail who are accused of all sorts of crimes, such as theft, ...
Cerritos Bail Bond Store

Advice to Future You

You wanted to start 2017 off with a bang and make it a memorable celebration, but you didn’t imagine you ...

Bail Options for You to Know

When a person is arrested, they will have to face 1 of 3 scenarios, which are to the judge to ...
Palos Verdes Estates Bail Bond Store

How Do I Choose A Bail Agent?

Choosing the right bail agent is a very important task, your loved one’s freedom hangs in the balance. So, how ...
Lynwood Bail Bond Store

How Much Does A Bail Bond Cost In California?

Are you looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, but are worried about the cost? Do ...
Baldwin Park Bail Bond Store

What Do I Do When Someone I Care About Is Arrested?

When someone you care about has been arrested, you undoubtedly want to help out. This means that you will probably ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Sleep Can Wait – Bail Cannot!

Just when it seemed like your New Year's celebrations were going perfectly, and you were going to make it home ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Hang in There! 2017 Will Be Better

You want to start the New Year with the utmost positivity. Have this mentality: no matter what hardships you come ...
LA Bail Bond Store

What Determines Own Recognizance Release

Not all who are arrested are given the opportunity to be released on own recognizance, which is when a defendant ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Juvenile vs. Adult Proceedings

There are different proceedings, rights, and consequences for someone 17 or younger who gets arrested versus someone 18 or older ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Post Bail and Celebrate the New Year

Ringing in the New Year is not the same when you know a friend or family member of yours is ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Feeling Lost?

Are you feeling lost and confused due to a loved one’s arrest? We know that you want to help your ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Interest Is How Much?

Are you wondering how much the interest on your friend or family member’s bail bond will be? Well, if you ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Do You Know How You Are Going to Pay for a Bail Bond?

Wondering how you are going to pay for your loved one’s bail bond? Do not worry, a good bail agent ...
LA Bail Bond Store

When Is the Best Time to Bail out Your Loved One?

If you were to receive a call in the middle of the night that told you your friend or family ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Do You Want To Show Your Loved One You Care?

Everyone likes to know that someone is out there watching out for them. This is definitely true when that person ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Why Would You Give Up Hope?

You should never give up hope on something, especially when it involves getting a friend or family member out of ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What to Do If You Need To Bail Some Out In another State

Do you have a friend or family member that was recently arrested that you want to bail out? In most ...

Do You Want 0% Interest On a Bail?

When paying for something, no one wants to worry about interest. This is especially true when it comes to bailing ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When Can You Bail Out Your Loved One

Are you wondering how long you have to bail a friend or family member out of jail? When it comes ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do Not Waste Time On Something You Hate

No one wants to spend time doing something they hate. This definitely includes spending time in jail. No one ever ...
West Hollywood Bail Bond Store

Read What Others Have Praised West Hollywood Bail Bond Store For

Putting your freedom, or that of your loved one, into the hands of a stranger is a nerve-racking thing to ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Your Loved One Will Not Have to Celebrate New Year’s in Jail

If you are thinking it is too late to bail your loved one out of jail in time for New ...
Hollywood Bail Bond Store

“I Told You So” and Bail Bonds

There are two types of people: those who hate confrontation, and those who do not mind speaking up. Confrontation is ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Winter Break Driving Tips for College Students

Winter Break is a favorite of college students. Getting to go home to spend a few weeks with family and ...
Downtown LA Bail Bond Store

Support New Year’s Resolutions by Posting Bail

New Years is the best time of the year for everyone to begin the fresh start they have been waiting ...
LA Bail Bond Store

The Difference between Pre and Post-Arrest Questioning

Pre-Arrest Questioning Since no one is being arrested, no Miranda warning is given. Post-Arrest Questioning The police read the arrestee ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Do You Know That Bail Is Not Scary?

There is no reason to be afraid of bail or bail bonds. Bailing a friend or family member out of ...
LA Bail Bond Store

You Can Get a Discount on a Bail Bond

Are you looking to bail a friend or family member out of jail, but are afraid you will not be ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Finding a Good Bail Agent

Your friend or family member was just arrested, and you want to help, but what can you do? You have ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Personalized Payment Plans Make Paying for a Bail Bond Easy

Paying for a bail bond is a lot easier than most people realize. Bail bonds are 90% cheaper than the ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Credit and Paying for Bail

A person’s bail is often very expensive. It can be in the thousands, or tens of thousands. A bail bond ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Posting Bail has Its Many Benefits

When someone is arrested for a crime, then they post bail, there are two thoughts on the situation. One thought ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Your Criminal Record Will Not Ruin Your Life

Come 2017, make it your goal to no longer be that friend who gets into all kinds of trouble with ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Curious If You Are a Wanted Person?

Did you know that racking up unpaid parking tickets is reason enough for the police to issue a warrant for ...
LA Bail Bond Store

Breaking Up with Bad Habits Is Hard To Do

Resolving to change your bad habits could sound like a silly resolution for 2017, but is it really? What kind ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Why Do Some Companies Need Collateral?

Sometime when you are paying for a large bail bond, some bail bond companies require their clients to put something ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Best Way to Get Your Loved One Out of Jail

If you have a friend or family member who was recently arrested, you are probably trying to figure out what ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do You Know the Difference?

You May Be Surprised To Learn the Truth In the bail bond industry, there are many questions that we are ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Know There Is Still Time Left?

Do you realize that there is still time to get your loved one out of jail in time for Christmas? ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Are My Options When Paying for a Bail Bond?

At a good bail bond company, like Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, you will have many options when you need ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Find the Help You Need at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

In California, where people are arrested for various crimes, there are plenty of support systems for these people. Not only ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

A Bad Start to 2017 Will Not Ruin the Whole Year

Getting 2017 off to a bad start is not an indication that the rest of the year will go just ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

New Year’s DUI Checkpoints

New Year’s is one of the top 3 times of the year where alcohol is consumed, and it is also ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Safe Way to New Year’s

You have probably got New Year’s Eve plans and you were probably invited to multiple parties. Whether you are going ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Family Is What Matters Most

Though you went through more stress this holiday season than years past, this is the happiest, Christmas season ever. This ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Know Bail Bonds Do Not Have To Be Paid All at Once?

You Can Get a Payment Plan To learn more about payment plans for bail bonds, call 323-282-2157. Many people think ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Can Friends Bail Each Other Out?

Did you know that you do not need to be related to someone to bail them out of jail? Friends ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Who Has Any Interest in Paying Interest?

No one wants to pay more than they have to for something, so naturally, no one wants to pay interest ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Difference between Bail and Bail Bonds

You can learn more about the differences between these 2 terms by calling 323-282-2157. Do you know the difference between ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When Does Your Loved One Become Unbailable?

There are many people out there that worry if they take too long to come up with the money for ...

Why Do You Get Your Money Back for Bail, but Not Bail Bonds?

Some people who have an understanding of bail and the bail process, know that when you pay for someone’s bail, ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Know There Is a Difference Between Bail and Bail Bonds?

Many people do not realize that there is actually a difference between bail, and bail bonds. The difference between the ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do You Know What a Co-Signer Does?

A co-signer is very important for a bail bond. This person is making a promise that the defendant he or ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do You Know What the Hardest Part of Bail Is?

Often times, the hardest part of getting a bail bond for people is making the down payment. While bail bonds ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do You Think You Have to Face Bail Alone?

There Is another Way to Help Your Loved One When you need to bail a loved one out of jail, ...
South Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do You Know How Long Bail Takes?

Whenever something is called a process, people automatically assume it is going to take a long time. Things that can ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Know You Can Get Your Loved One Out of Jail?

Do you know how happy your loved one will be if you bail him or her out of jail? As ...
Koreatown Bail Bond Store

Do You Know How To Get Your Questions Answered?

Everyone has questions about a lot of different things, and in this day and age, the internet proves to be ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Know There Is Still Time?

Many people may not realize, but there is still time to bail a friend or family member out of jail ...
Downtown Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

How Do You Make Payments Convenient?

You Allow the Client to Pay However He or She Likes When you need to bail a friend or family ...
Central Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did You Know You Might Not Need Collateral

There are a lot of places out there that require clients to put something up as collateral when a lot ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

One of the Best: Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Welcome to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, a safe haven for many Californians who are in search of an easier ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Affordable Bail Bonds Are Ideal

The holidays put everyone in a more giving mood, but do not expect everyone to be super nice. You cannot ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Give a Friend the Happiest Time of the Year

If it is supposed to be the happiest time of the year, what is your loved one doing in jail? ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Post Bail in Time to Greet 2017!

Being in jail for the countdown to 2017 is quite a story, but honestly, no one wants to have that ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Really Is 24/7

All we want on Christmas is to have a nice time with family. Maybe a warm evening filled with delicious ...
Lynwood Bail Bond Store

Holiday Travel and Staying On the Nice List

Travel peaks during the holiday season as everyone goes on a holiday vacation to be with loved ones. We always ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Keeping the Holiday Spirit Alive When It Matters Most

It can be difficult to get into the holiday spirit if someone in your close-knit group of friends or family ...
Long Beach Bail Bonds

A Real 24/7 Bail Bond Company

Long Beach Bail Bonds is a 24/7 company and that is 100% fact. A person can be arrested at any ...
Lomita Bail Bond Store

Bail Bond Myths Debunked!

Anyone who is in need of a bail bond is most likely going to be frantic and stressed. In all ...
Lawndale Bail Bond Store

Lawndale Bail Bond Store Will Make It the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

In such a short period of time, one person can miss so many things if they are stuck in jail ...
Glendora Bail Bond Store

We Never Stop Training

Our Bail Agents Are the Best in the Business We are constantly training our bail agents to keep them at ...
Glendale Bail Bond Store

Do You Want To Get Out of Jail Quickly?

You Can Do That by Coming to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store No one ever wants to spend extra time ...
Gardena Bail Bond Store

Family Takes Care of Family

This Is Especially True at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Families do not always get along, but they always support ...
El Segundo Bail Bond Store

Do Not Lose Hope This Holiday Season

Talk To a Caring Bail Agent Instead Do not let a loved one’s arrest cause you to lose hope this ...
El Monte Bail Bond Store

Bail Is Simpler Than You Think

Talk To One of Our Bail Agents to See for Yourself Most people think bailing a loved one out of ...
Duarte Bail Bond Store

How Will Bail Affect My Holiday Travel Plans?

Holiday travel is something you planned on doing for a few months now. Your recent arrest was unexpected, a spur ...
Downey Bail Bond Store

This Holiday Season, Splurge on a Taxi, Lyft, or Uber

This holiday season, especially on holidays like Christmas and New Year's Eve, be prepared when you are going out. By ...
Diamond Bar Bail Bond Store

Your Holidays Are Saved Thanks to Diamond Bar Bail Bond Store

Treat your family to a delightful and unexpected surprise by being the person to bail that one family member out ...
Culver City Bail Bond Store

What to Know About Co-signing a Bail Bond

Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility. Co-signers essentially pledge to be responsible for a defendant’s whereabouts when they ...
Cudahy Bail Bond Store

Do Not Give Up, Cudahy Bail Bond Store Will Save Your Holiday

Do not give up on the idea of having your entire family present for holiday dinners because someone is stuck ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

It Is Not Too Late To Help

You Can Bail Out Your Loved One Today There is still time to get your loved one out of jail ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Needing a Bail Bond Does Not Make You a Bad Person

Bail Bonds Reunite You with Loved Ones Everyone needs help from time to time, and that is what bail bonds ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When You Need To Bail Out a Loved One

You Need To Talk To a Bail Agent from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store When you need advice or help ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Your Best Friend Is the Best

Find another Amazing Best Friend in the Bail Agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Best friends are always there ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

This Is Not the End

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Can Help You Get Past This We know that getting arrested can be scary, but ...
Covina Bail Bond Store

The Gift of Freedom and a Happy Holiday Season

In need of an unbelievable gift for a certain someone in jail this year? How about their freedom? Do not ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

New Gun Laws for California Once Again

California gun owners and sellers, prepare yourself for even more gun laws. Here is some of what you will need ...
Commerce Bail Bond Store

Let’s Not Talk About Your Juvenile Criminal History

Starting 2017, anytime you apply for a new job, you have one less thing to worry about when employers ask ...
Claremont Bail Bond Store

New Cell Phone Laws Coming for California

With all the talk about Donald Trump being President Elect, and the ensuing protests, how much have you heard about ...
Cerritos Bail Bond Store

What is the Rush to Go to Jail?

Even if you are running late for your holiday engagement, it is better not to frantically rush and drive recklessly ...
Carson Bail Bond Store

Why Immigrants Need to Know Their Rights

It is no secret that a significant percentage of California residents are made up of immigrants. In Los Angeles alone, ...
Calabasas Bail Bond Store

Seventeen Versus Eighteen

Turning 18 is a lot of fun, and very cool, but it also comes with an incredible jump in responsibility ...
Burbank Bail Bond Store

TV Does Not Teach You Everything

You know this already: what you see on television shows and in movies is never 100% accurate. Storylines have to ...
Bradbury Bail Bond Store

Do Not Miss the Holidays, Contact Bradbury Bail Bond Store Today

One of your favorite things on Christmas is watching your young children open their gifts with joy and reckless abandon ...
Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store

Beverly Hills Bail Bond Store Will Get You Home for the Holidays

The holidays are the happiest time of the year, and your family is counting on you to keep that light ...
Palmdale Bail Bond Store

2017: The Year to Not Need a Bail Bond?

2017 is right around the corner, and it is time again to start thinking about New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of ...
Lancaster Bail Bonds

Get Over the Embarrassment and Get a Bail Bond

When you are in a very rocky situation, keeping secrets is not the best idea. It is brave, yet immature, ...
Arcadia Bail Bond Store

Arcadia Bail Bond Store Works Faster Than Others

In your family, it is not a genuine Christmas unless every single member of the family is there. Your family ...
Alhambra Bail Bond Store

A Priceless Gift This Holiday Season

One of the greatest gifts a person might ever give to another, is the gift of freedom. With the holidays ...
Agoura Hills Bail Bond Store

Superhero Parents Save the Day Once Again

Parents are forgiving, and their instinct is to always protect their young, even if their young are not really young ...
South Pasadena Bail Bond Store

Hidden Fees = Worst Enemies

Hidden fees and small print can be your worst enemies, but it is really the fault of the person who ...
South Gate Bail Bond Store

Find the Help You are Looking for at South Gate Bail Bond Store

We hope you will never need one, but if you do find yourself needing a bail bond to get yourself, ...
South El Monte Bail Bond Store

Please, No Drinking and Driving

It is during the holidays at this time of year, when America consumes the most alcohol because there is so ...
Signal Hill Bail Bond Store

I’ll Be Home for Christmas

Tell your family that you will be home for Christmas and make sure you keep that promise. If you are ...
Sierra Madre Bail Bond Store

Full House for the Holidays

An incomplete family gathering during the holidays can definitely ruin the mood. When young children are running around with joy, ...
Santa Monica Bail Bond Store

What Are My Rights When Protesting?

America has seen days of protests since Donald Trump became the President Elect on November 9, 2016. Americans have the ...
Santa Fe Springs Bail Bond Store

What Does the Passing of Prop 64 Entail, Exactly?

Marijuana is now legal in California. Whether you voted yes, or no, you are probably wondering what the new rules ...
Santa Clarita Bail Bond Store

What Does the New Presidency Mean for Immigrants?

With Donald Trump as our new President Elect, many immigrants across country have worries about their safety and status. Unfortunately, ...
San Marino Bail Bond Store

When Being Greedy During the Holidays Is Justified

Believe it or not, there may be exceptions to the whole giving concept of the holiday spirit, where instead, you ...
San Gabriel Bail Bond Store

Ready for Rain? Tips to Avoid Issues

Get ready for rainy days, California! Whether we get few rain days or many, it is best to check over ...
Redondo Beach Bail Bond Store

Redondo Beach Bail Bond Store: A New Hope

If you are ever arrested, the attitude and mentality that you need to maintain is: this arrest is not going ...
Rancho Palos Verdes Bail Bond Store

Preparing for the Holidays: DUI Checkpoint-Style

This holiday season, be prepared for an increase in DUI checkpoints at night. As much of an annoyance as you ...
Pomona Bail Bond Store

Do Not Let Jail Ruin the Holiday Fun

Holiday reunions, not much can get more exciting than them. You cannot wait for that annual get-together with your lifelong ...
Pico Rivera Bail Bond Store

About Those Holiday Travel Plans…

Holiday travel is inching closer and closer and with your loved one’s recent arrest, you may be wondering how that ...
Pasadena Bail Bond Store

Arrest, Jail, Bail: A Test of Your Relationship

Your loved one has been arrested and now you think that this year could not get any worse for you ...
Paramount Bail Bond Store

What Is Bail, and What Is a Bail Bond?

Bail bonds and bail can easily be mistaken as the same thing, especially to the many of those who do ...
Palos Verdes Estates Bail Bond Store

Do Not Let a Bad Day Ruin Your Entire Life

It is so easy to give good advice, but somehow it is difficult to take that same advice and apply ...
Palmdale Bail Bond Store

Your Criminal Record Is Just a Record

Having a criminal record does not mean your life is over. It means that you have made some bad mistakes ...
Norwalk Bail Bond Store

The Best Gift Yet

During the holidays, people typically budget out their spending and plan a maximum on how much to spend on one ...
Monterey Park Bail Bond Store

Figuring Out Bail and Holiday Gifts

Between paying for bail and paying for Christmas gifts, it seems that you do not have much wiggle room. However, ...
Lynwood Bail Bonds Store

Infractions, Misdemeanors, and Felonies: Did You Know the Differences Between Them?

Infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies are the three classifications of law violations. The type of crime, and the resulting punishments, differentiate ...
Los Angeles Bail Bonds Store

Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store At Anytime of The Day!

Getting a bail bond for your loved one who has recently been arrested is not as hard as you might ...
Long Beach Bail Bonds Store

Keep Your Holiday Traditions Alive and Bring Your Loved One Home

The holidays are filled with many small, intimate, family-only traditions, such as cookie decorating, caroling, opening a gift on Christmas ...
Lomita Bail Bonds Store

Lomita Bail Bond Store Will Bring Your Family Together This Holiday Season

The holiday season is all about hot chocolate, sweets, and family time. The holidays encourage us to spend extra time ...
Lawndale Bail Bonds Store

A Thanksgiving You Will Not Forget

Spare your family and friends by bailing your loved ones out of jail in time for Thanksgiving. There is a ...
La Habra Heights Bail Bond Store

Wet Weather Driving Tips

You will notice the weather has changed and rain is definitely making itself known to us again. There will continue ...
La Canada Flintridge Bail Bond Store

La Canada Flintridge Bail Bond Store Is Like No Other

You will never come across more kind, helpful, and genuine strangers than the bail agents employed by La Canada Flintridge ...
Irwindale Bail Bond Store

Irwindale Bail Bond Store Will Make Sure Thanksgiving Is Complete

If you are worried about not being able to post bail for your loved one in time to bring him ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

A Company That Is Open on Thanksgiving

As much as we wish we did not have to work on Thanksgiving, we at Inglewood Bail Bond Store will ...
Industry Bail Bond Store

Bring Your Loved One Home in Time for Thanksgiving

If people really took the time to ponder all that they have to be thankful for, they would realize that ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

Get the Bail Bond Assistance You Deserve at Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

In a state where there are many competing bail bond companies, you have to wonder how you are going to ...
Hidden Hills Bail Bond Store

Hidden Hills Bail Bond Store Gives You More Than Others Will

When your loved one is arrested and put into a jail, it automatically seems like all the odds are stacked ...
Hermosa Beach Bail Bond Store

Wrong Move on a Citizen’s Arrest?

By turning one person in to the police, you could be saving harm to people who could have been potential ...
Hawthorne Bail Bond Store

Hawthorne Bail Bond Store Will Save Your Thanksgiving

What do you have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving? Your whole family is together on Thanksgiving. Your loved ones ...
Hawaiian Gardens Bail Bond Store

The Rough Side of Parenting

Parents, isn’t keeping your children safe is your top priority? If you see something wrong or even suspect it, take ...
Duarte Bail Bonds Store

Support Starts With You

The best thing you can do for a loved one when they are in trouble is to help them, not ...
Downey Bail Bonds Store

Your Family, Our Priority

As a family-owned and operated company, we at Downey Bail Bonds Store truly understand the importance of family. We will ...
Diamond Bar Bail Bonds Store

Advantages and Benefits to Using Bail Bonds

It is easy to see the negatives when you are involved in a bail bond process, whether you are the ...
Culver City Bail Bonds Store

The Company You Need Is Culver City Bail Bonds Store

The compassion, honesty, and dedication you find in a bail agent from Culver City Bail Bonds Store is unmatched when ...
Cudahy Bail Bonds Store

5 Things You Need To Know About Cudahy Bail Bonds Store

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We never close, not even for New Years, Christmas, ...
Carson Bail Bonds Store

Being Blunt Hurts, But Helps

Sometimes blunt honesty is a good thing, like one friend telling the other that if they keep drinking and driving, ...
Calabasas Bail Bonds Store

It Is Time for You to Realize Your Importance

As we grow up, we typically learn that role models are generally people who are older than ourselves. They have ...
Burbank Bail Bonds Store

Patience Is Truly a Virtue

Testing your patience has probably never been harder than waiting for a bail bond approval. At Burbank Bail Bonds Store, ...
Bradbury Bail Bonds Store

Cheerleaders Rule the World

When it seems like all your family and friends will not support you through your toughest times because you let ...
Beverly Hills Bail Bonds Store

The Truth about Bail Bonds

The truth about bail bonds is not that needing one means you are a bad person for breaking the law ...
Bell Gardens Bail Bonds Store

You Should Have Read the Fine Print

You know the scheme, contracts are binding agreements filled with jargon written in ways that are meant to confuse the ...
Bellflower Bail Bonds Store

What It Means To Be a Real Best Friend

The title of Best Friend requires that the person share the best stories and memories with another. They have a ...
Bell Bail Bonds Store

How Does Bail Affect Credit Score

Most bail bond companies, such as Bell Bail Bonds Store, accept credit cards as a form of payment. Credit is ...
Baldwin Park Bail Bonds Store

DUIs Cost More Than You Know

Everyone knows not to drink and drive, but everyone also knows that a lot of people do not follow this ...
Azusa Bail Bonds Store

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Good People?

That is a very good question that no one will ever have an answer to, and unfortunately, there is no ...
Encino Bail Bond Store

Getting Arrested Really Is Not Too Bad

That may be what you need to tell yourself, or your loved one who was arrested. Spirits are going to ...
El Monte Bail Bond Store

You Are Taking This Out of Proportion

Overanalyzing and stressing about a situation is so easy. We psyche ourselves out when one thing goes wrong and we ...
Echo Park Bail Bond Store

Always There for You

There is no rule that says you cannot use the same bail bond company over and over again, even if ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Forget What You Heard About Bail Bonds

When there is so much chatter that goes around, something is bound to get lost in translation. It does not ...
Eagle Rock Bail Bond Store

Being Thankful for Family and Bail

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful. You have a ton of friends and family members surrounding you during this ...
Culver City Bail Bond Store

What Happens On Social Media Does Not Stay There, It Comes Back for You

So much good has come from the dominance of social media in our lives: we remain connected with friends and ...
Crenshaw Bail Bond Store

Before You Book a Holiday Vacation….

As you are already planning travel arrangements for the upcoming holidays, keep in mind the scheduling of that one family ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

What Juveniles Face vs. What Adults Face

Legally, anyone 17 or younger is considered a juvenile. When a person turns 18, they become a legal adult. A ...
Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Who Benefits from Bail Bonds?

Believe it or not, the defendant in jail is not the only person who benefits from posting bail with a ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

Why You Should Know CA’s Gun Laws

Would you be surprised if we told you that California has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the ...
Santa Clarita Bail Bond Store

The Best Thing to Do for Your Best Friend

Do you have that one friend who you would do anything with? This person is your “ride or die.” They ...
Pasadena Bail Bond Store

Definition of a Co-Signer

The role of a co-signer is to provide their legal obligation to be financially responsible for another person’s dues if ...
Palmdale Bail Bond Store

Never an Empty Seat at the Dinner Table

An empty seat at an otherwise completely full Thanksgiving dinner table is awkward. Even more so when the reason behind ...
North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

The Best Package from North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

The best packages are not ones that come wrapped nicely in large boxes, they come in the form of communication ...
Montebello Bail Bond Store

Why a Bail Bond Is Worth Your Money

If your loved one means anything to you, then you will definitely consider paying for their bail bond; it will ...
Culver City Bail Bond Store

Tips To Save Money for Your Bail Bond

People are always looking for ways to earn more money, but they rarely look at ways they can save more ...
Crenshaw Bail Bond Store

Now You Can Afford To Pay for Bail

Did you know that your loved one’s ability to post bail may rest in your hands? Bail is expensive, and ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

Pros and Cons of Helping Post Bail

If it ever came down to it, would you agree to help pay for your loved one’s bail bond, or ...
Chinatown Bail Bond Store

How You Should, and Shouldn’t, Conduct Yourself in Court

How you represent yourself at your court hearing is nearly as important as the case your lawyer is making. Your ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

Let’s Get Weird, California!

There is no shortage of weirdness in California. We have odd people who tried to do strange things that led ...
Lynwood Bail Bond Store


You may not have to like the police, but you sure as heck better respect them. They have tough jobs ...
Long Beach Bail Bonds

About Those Creepy Clown Sightings….

By now, you have probably heard in the news about clown sightings, and we do not mean doll clowns or ...
Lennox Bail Bond Store

Miss Thanksgiving Dinner? You May Have To This Year

Snow season and the holidays are coming up, which means it is once again time to start planning winter vacations ...
Lawndale Bail Bond Store

Listen To the Little Person on Your Right Shoulder

The current situation you are in is heartbreaking. Your loved one has been arrested and cannot afford to pay for ...
Lancaster Bail Bonds

Early Merry Christmas to You!

The best early Christmas gift you can give to a friend this year is possibly going to be the most ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

Domestic Violence Should Not Be Taken Lightly

Domestic violence is a matter that is never taken lightly. This is violence that occurs within a familial or intimate ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

What Happens When You Do Not Post Bail?

Spending an unknown amount of time in jail. Being away from family and friends. Being out of a job and ...
Hollywood Bail Bond Store

Don’t Give Up On Your Parents Because They Never Gave Up On You

No matter how old you get, when you’re in serious trouble, do you know who will always be there for ...
Glendale Bail Bond Store

Dedication and Commitment with Glendale Bail Bond Store

When you hire a lawyer, you expect him or her to give you his or her best efforts. A truly ...
Gardena Bail Bond Store

The Gift of Bail Bonds

Trying to figure out how to manage your finances during the holiday season is something you hate to do, but ...
Culver City Bail Bond Store

You Win, We Win

If you think your arrest is the end of your life, you are being a little dramatic and are underestimating ...
Crenshaw Bail Bond Store

Here Is Why Clichés Are Good

Take a moment to think about your daily life. How well do you really know the people who you cross ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

Advice from Compton Bail Bond Store

Being out on bail is not a good reason to live your wild life again. If anything, it should be ...
Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Fall Is Here, but the Fun Keeps Going

Summer is officially gone, but do not expect your friends to stop hosting beach parties. Fall has beautiful, comfortable weather ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

Protect Your Right To Vote and Bail!

As you are well aware, the presidential election is just days away. We urge all everyone to vote, including loved ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

To Be Mirandized

When someone is Mirandized, it means that they have been arrested and given their Miranda Rights. We are sure you ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

How Much Will Bail Cost?

The moment you learn that your loved one has been arrested, one of the first thoughts that starts running through ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

There Is No Stronger Support System than Family and Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store provides the best care for all of their current, former, and future clients when it ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Jumpsuits for Halloween? No Thanks!

An orange jumpsuit is not a good Halloween costume at all, and the best Halloween parties will not be in ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What to Expect When You Are Arrested for a DUI for the First Time

DUI arrests happen a little too often around you. You can’t count the number of people you know who have ...
Santa Clarita Bail Bond Store

In Case You Didn’t Know

In case you didn’t know, in California, the legal age to smoke is 21, not 18. This change happened a ...
Palmdale Bail Bond Store

What to Do When Your Loved One Is Arrested In Front of You

If you have faced the horror of bearing witness to your loved one’s arrest, you should not have to face ...
Palmdale Bail Bond Store

Take the Time to Get to Know Palmdale Bail Bond Store

Positive testimonials about a company from previous customers are a good indicator that the company is one you can trust ...
North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

Halloween Checkpoints – What to Prepare For

Halloween for adults is completely different than Halloween for kids. Costumes are still involved, but instead of candy and trick-or-treating, ...
Montebello Bail Bond Store

What Is the Role of a Bail Bondsman?

If you are seeking a way to help bail your loved one out of jail after he or she has ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

What Happens If I Cannot Pay for Bail?

If you are arrested and granted bail, it means you have the chance to be released from jail as long ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

What It Takes To Have a Fun Halloween

On top of getting your Halloween costume in order, make sure you also plan transportation for the night if you ...
Hollywood Bail Bond Store

How Long Until I Can Put This Case To Rest?

When you have been keeping up with legal cases in the news, have you ever wondered why you are hearing ...
Glendale Bail Bond Store

Cannot Decide If You Can Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail?

Your loved one has been arrested and needs your help to meet bail. You have a lot of things to ...
Gardena Bail Bond Store

How Can I Reduce My Bail?

Simply put, there really is no way you can reduce your bail once the judge has declared it. You can ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Second Chances Are Given at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Just when you thought everything was going wrong in your life, that the odds were against you, and there was ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Common Bail Bond Related Terms and What They Mean

To most of you, the bail bond industry is probably a bunch of mumbo and jumbo that you don’t really ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Bailing Out of Jail in Time for Halloween Is Possible

If you think you cannot get your loved one out of jail and back home in time for the family ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Why Bail Bond Payments Are So Important

Paying for a bail bond on time is just as important as paying for rent on time. Paying for a ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do I Get My Money Back After Paying for a Bail Bond?

One of the most frequently asked questions we are asked here at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is if the ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

Can I Bail Someone Out of an Out-of-State Jail from California?

Bailing someone out of jail in a state other than California is doable, but will be a little more complex ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

I’m In Jail; Can I Vote?

If you are wondering if you are eligible to vote in this year’s Presidential election since you are a convicted ...
Hollywood Bail Bond Store

The Crucial Role of the Bail Bond Co-Signer

If there is one person that someone out on bail does not want to anger, annoy, or lose trust with, ...
Glendale Bail Bond Store

What to Expect If You Are Arrested While Out On Bail

One major condition while being out on bail, is that the defendant cannot get into trouble and get arrested again ...
Gardena Bail Bond Store

The Art of Bailing Out of Jail

Bailing out of jail is a task that is less complex than most people think, and it is certainly a ...
Culver City Bail Bond Store

Strangers Are Friends and Allies

Have you ever felt that talking to a stranger would be more therapeutic than talking to your parents or best ...
Crenshaw Bail Bond Store

Crenshaw Bail Bond Store Will Help You Protect Your Right to Bail, and to Vote

The United States Presidential election is only a few weeks away, and we would like to remind you that if ...
Compton Bail Bond Store

Now Is the Time to Make Things Right

The happiest time of the year is approaching, so it is time to start thinking about our loved ones and ...
Chinatown Bail Bond Store

Stop Sharing Netflix Passwords Now

To all of you out there who use Netflix, HBO GO, Hulu, or other subscription streaming sites, you better stop ...
Chatsworth Bail Bond Store

Jail – Not the Halloween Scare You Are Looking For

If you are really trying to scare someone this Halloween, getting arrested and thrown in jail will definitely do the ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Help Your Loved One with a Bail Bond

Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail with Family Help from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store You would do anything ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Wouldn’t It Be Great to Get a discount On a Bail Bond?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Offers a Discount Everyone pretty much knows that bail bonds can be expensive, but did ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Have Questions about Bail Bonds?

Get a Free Consultation at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store There are so many questions when you find out a ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You Always Want To Get Professional Help

Especially When Bailing Someone Out of Jail Do not settle for an inexperienced bail agent, talk to a professional by ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Time Is Very Important

Which Is Why Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is Available All of the Time Once you find out that a ...
Santa Clarita Bail Bond Store

We Will Make Sure To Bail Your Loved One Out

The last thing you wanted to hear was that your loved one was in jail and needs your help to ...
Pasadena Bail Bond Store

Don’t Give A Cop A Reason To Arrest You

When a cop stops you for any reason whether on foot or pulled over in a car, you should never ...
Palmdale Bail Bond Store

Settle Your Stress With Palmdale Bail Bond Store

At the end of the day, family is family and you’ll go to bat for them, whether you wholeheartedly want ...
North Hollywood Bail Bond Store

This Is A Gift That Shouldn’t Wait Until Christmas

The holidays are approaching and every year the issue of gift giving comes about. “I should have started planning months ...
Montebello Bail Bond Store

Bring Your Loved One Home In Time For Halloween

Take a couple of minutes to remember the days when you were a young child, dressed up in what you ...
Inglewood Bail Bond Store

Flexibility Has Never Been More Attractive

Paying for bail is daunting for everyone. Who wants to pay thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars to get out ...
Huntington Park Bail Bond Store

Everyday Is Important. Bail Out Today.

As a new parent, you probably learned that being there for your child as they grow up is absolutely critical ...
Hollywood Bail Bond Store

You’re Selfish For Getting Arrested

If you think about it, getting arrested is a very selfish thing of you to do. How? Think about all ...
Glendale Bail Bond Store

Three Rights For Many Doors

When you were younger and watching all those cool crime shows on TV, you probably got scared out of your ...
Gardena Bail Bond Store

Don’t Over-Spook Your Child!

Giving your children a spooky fun Halloween is exactly what you want to do, but scaring them by getting taken ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is The Name You Want To Remember

The number for Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is 323-282-2157. You might want to remember that (and the company’s name) ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Ease Your Fright

Among a parent’s most frightening thoughts is that their child is going to be or has been arrested. In this ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When Small Costs Make Big Differences

x Compared to cash bail, bail bonds are a small cost. Bail bonds cost 10% of cash bail. So it ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Rights And Wrongs To Bail Bonds

x There is a right and a wrong way to bail bonds, just FYI. The wrong way is to go ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Cheap Bail Bonds in Los Angeles

We Can Make Bail Bonds More Affordable for You Bailing someone out of jail can be expensive, but it can ...
Encino Bail Bond Store

When You Can’t Do Own Recognizance…

Being released from jail on what is called ‘own recognizance’ is reserved for the lucky few. This means that those ...
El Monte Bail Bond Store

Don’t Let Your Loved One Miss Halloween!

Every Halloween you and your boyfriend or girlfriend dress up in coordinating costumes: Mickey and Minnie, mustard and ketchup, etc ...
Echo Park Bail Bond Store

The Benefits Of Posting Bail

There are two types of people: those who bail out of jail, and those who do not. Let’s compare the ...
East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The BEST Thing About East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store ?

If you were to ask former clients of ours, what the best thing about East Los Angeles Bail Bond Store ...
Eagle Rock Bail Bond Store

Regret Is An Awful Pain

Paying for bail or a bail bond is something that 1) you never thought you’d have to do, and 2) ...
Eagle Rock Bail Bond Store

Getting Out Of A Bail Bond Jam

When your loved one is in a jam and needs you to help pay for bail, one of the questions ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

CA Felon Voting Rights May Soon Change

Voting rights for some convicted felons in California could soon change - possibly. Currently in California, the law only allows ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Just When You Think You Got Away

One unpaid parking ticket - you think you can get away with it for awhile. They have way more important ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Your Loved One May Not Be Thinking Straight, So You Need To

Even if your loved one is so befallen with guilt about the crime he or she has just been arrested ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Forget What You Think You Know About Bail Bonds

Whatever negative, threatening, and intimidating thoughts you have surrounding bail bonds and bail bond agents, you need to drop them, ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

What Cosigners And Defendants Need To Know

Cosigning onto a bail bond is a huge gesture of the signer towards the defendant who needs the bail bond ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

We WILL Find A Way To Help You

There is no such thing as a company that doesn’t have flaws and doesn’t have at least one less than ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Truth About Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The truth about bail bonds is that for anyone out on bail through a bail bond is more likely to ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Police Will Arrest You, And Protect You

It’s hard to believe that in the moment a person is being arrested by the police, the police are also ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store: Unsung Superheroes

The team at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store in California are unsung superheroes. These men and women are the people ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is Here To Support You

Getting arrested once is not your burden to carry throughout the rest of your life. It’s not a burden at ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Takes An Oath

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we are incredibly proud of who we are. We are a hardworking, dedicated team ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Unfortunately, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Can’t Do Everything

When Los Angeles Bail Bond Store bails your loved one out of jail, it seems as if their company can ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Small Savings Equals Big

Saving money can be easy for some people, harder for others. We always try and justify all our purchases but ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Make Your Friend Get Help Before It’s Too Late

Sometimes being a best friend means doing things that will make your friend very, very mad at you. For example, ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Cash Bail Isn’t For Everyone

The Justice Department behind the Obama administration is making efforts to further protect defendants’ rights, especially those who come from ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

How to Deal With Getting Pulled Over By the Cops

Getting pulled over by the police is always, on some level, nerve-racking, whether you know what the reason for getting ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Makes Bail Easier and More Affordable

You probably think that bailing someone out of jail is difficult to do, especially since it means letting a possible ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Detention and Arrest Are Different

Detention in school was simply staying late one day, and sitting in room with a handful of other students, and ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Probable Cause vs. Reasonable Suspicion

To you, reasonable suspicion and probable cause sound like they mean the same thing. However, to Los Angeles Bail Bond ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

How to Party In College, a Lesson from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

As much as all of you college-aged kids do not want to go back to school for academics, we bet ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Who Wouldn’t Want a Discount On a Bail Bond?

You Might Qualify for a 20% Discount at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Call 323-282-2157 now to see if you ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Best Bail Bond Help in California

You Can Find Amazing Bail Help at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Do you know where to find the best ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You Do Not Need To Give Collateral

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, Your Signature Is Enough No one wants to put up their house or car ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do Not Let a Bail Bond Company Waste Your Time

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Works Quickly To Bail Out Your Loved One Why waste time driving from bail agent ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You’re Wanted! How To Find Out

Did you know that you can find out if there is a warrant out for your arrest, by getting in ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Why Do Bail Bonds Exist?

As you might know, a person’s court trial likely won’t start immediately after their arrest. Investigators take their time and ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

How Long Is The Bail Process?

It can seem like forever for the one in jail, but the bail process is relatively short, so to speak ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Does Paying For Bail Affect Credit Score?

Having to pay for a loved one’s bail out of jail is likely to cost hundreds to thousands of dollars ...
Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

LDW DUI Checkpoints

This Labor Day Weekend, do not be surprised if you hear about an increase in DUI checkpoints or even drive ...

Put Yourself On A Pedestal For Your Older Sibling

Even if you’re the younger sibling, do you realize how much influence you may have on your older counterpart? Generally, ...

Get Out Of Jail Free With “Own Recognizance”

Being released from jail on “Own Recognizance” is basically like the ultimate “Get Out Of Jail Free” card. Most people ...

Immigration Bonds

Bail bonds are used by yet-to-be-convicted-or-acquitted defendants to be released from jail. All defendants who have been granted bail are ...

Take The Word Of Your Loved One

Anyone who has been arrested before knows two things: They are not obligated to reveal the details to anyone who ...

These Celebs Have Used Bail Bonds Too, For Themselves

If you think celebrities get special treatment when they have a slip-up and run into trouble with the law, think ...

Take a Stress Test and Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store!

Take a Stress Test and Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store! Bailing your loved one out of jail seems ...

Save the Drama for… Los Angeles Bail Bond Store?

There will be so much drama and gossip among friends, family members, coworkers, and other acquaintances when someone they know ...

When You Live Up Your Vacation A Little Too Hard

Trying to squeeze one last mini-vacation in before summer ends? We do not blame you. Even if you are doing ...

What Exactly Are Search Warrants For?

When the police want to go through your property and belongings, they will need a search warrant, which is an ...

Awkward Talks Before College Begins Again

Summer break is ending, and your children will be off to college in a few weeks. You are trying to ...

Building Puzzles: A United Family

It is so easy for loved onesto encounter argument after argument, disagreement after disagreement, when one of the pack is ...

Infractions, Misdemeanors, and Felonies: Know the Differences

Infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies are the three classifications of law violations. The type of crime, and the resulting punishments, differentiate ...

Traveling? Here Are Some Small Tips to Consider

Labor Day Weekend is a high travel weekend, and if that is part of your plans, make sure you also ...

Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Anytime!

Getting a bail bond for your loved one who has recently been arrested is not as hard as you might ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Vows To Help You

Among your wedding vows was “in sickness and in health.” Most people take this literally, with the idea of sickness ...

The Best Bail Agents in California Are from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we have some of the most professional bail agents in California ready and willing ...

Call Long Beach Bail Bonds If You Need Help Bailing Out a Family Member

Taking care of family is a very important part of life. When a family member has been arrested, you need ...

Our Family at Burbank Bail Bond Store Will Help You Rescue Your Family Member from Jail

Burbank Bail Bond Store was founded in 1987, and has been a family-owned company ever since. Our bail agents are ...

What Can We Say? Everyone Loves Us!

We know it can be a little hard to wrap your head around the idea of loving a bail bond ...

Learn To View Bail Bonds with Positivity – Choose Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Most people get discourages when they think of bail bonds. They can only focus on the negative aspects: someone in ...

Before You Hit Publish

Social media has taken over life, and it is now just as important to be cautious of what you post ...

Bail Bonds: Wise Man’s Way

If you ever thought of bail bonds as the poor man’s way of bailing out of jail, you are completely ...

The Help You Have Been Searching for All Along

In the business where the police and court officials are involved, people are always in a desperate search for a ...

If Jail Is the Problem, Then Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is the Solution

Committing a crime was the problem, so jail was the answer. However, jail is also a problem, so bail bonds ...

It Is Okay to Not Understand

Understanding how to fill your car with gas, how to cook a simple meal, and scheduling out your day are ...

Respect Gun Laws, Save Lives

Even if you have the slightest feeling that your gun-owning friend will use it irresponsibly, you should report him or ...

Be a Part of the Statistic That Prevents Crime, Not Increases It

Disappointingly, crime in Los Angeles has increased for the second year in a row, by 16% this time. You have ...

Violent Crime Increase in Los Angeles

The LAPD recently released its mid-year crime statistics report and unfortunately, it shows that violent crime in Los Angeles have ...

We All Have That One Friend

Admit it, you probably have a few friends who you just know that one day, they are going to be ...

It Is Our Job to Educate You on Bail and the Bail Bond Process

If it helps at all, you are not the only person to feel confused when a loved one gets arrested ...

You Need a Bail Bond Agent You Can Rely On

Other bail bond companies may be a pain to work with or just to get ahold of, but Los Angeles ...

You and Los Angeles Bail Bond Store to the Rescue

The thought of your loved one in jail makes you shudder. The image you paint in your head is one ...

Aren’t You Tired of Deaths at Raves?

It is the middle of summer, and our calendars have a bunch of outdoor concerts and music festivals on it ...

Bail Bonds Balance the Justice System

The justice system needs balancing, and bail is a part of this balancing system. Bail is what allows a recently ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Help Protect Your Family

Police station holding cells and jails are scary, intimidating places, no matter who you are. We all know what happens ...

Understanding the Reality of Bail Bonds

Bailing out of jail is not as fast as what you see on television shows, unfortunately. As they do with ...

Parents Save the Day Once Again!

Growing up, we think Mom and Dad have all the answers to everything. When things get too hard, complicated, or ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store and Your Parents Are Your Strongest Allies

When you are in trouble, you call your parents or 911 most of the time, except when you are in ...

Why Is Bail So Darn Expensive?

Bail is so darn expensive because it acts as an incentive for the defendant to comply with all of his ...

Here Is the Positivity in Bail Bonds

We want you to know that even though your loved one has been arrested, there is a lot you both ...

Do Not Let Your Criminal History Stop You

If you have a criminal history, it may seem like the odds are going to be stacked against you. Employers ...

Make Smart Decisions This LDW

Another holiday weekend is coming up: Labor Day Weekend. It is yet another long weekend of traveling, beach going, partying, ...

Family Over Everything

Family is the most important thing in life; we think everyone can agree to that, above all the disagreements and ...

Yet Another Awry Outcome of Pokémon Go

Just when you thought you had heard all of the strange and bizarre outcomes of playing Pokémon Go; getting hit ...

It Is Time to Change Your Netflix Password and Not Tell Your Friends What It Is

There was a time when people watched TV shows and movies at the theaters and at home when their program ...

Absolutely There When You Need Us

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is “Absolutely there when you need us.” This is our motto and we stay true ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Does Not Waste Time

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store can get your loved one out of jail in no time, just trust us. We ...

Bail Amount is X Amount of Dollars, but Feels like $0

The literal price for a bail bond will eventually become priceless. A bail bond will cost you 10% of the ...

Additional Tips to Becoming the Ultimate Pokémon Master

To become the ultimate Pokémon master in Pokémon Go, one must have the quickest fingers, the sharpest eyes, and the ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Bail You Out When Everyone Else Bails On You

When it seems like everyone else has bailed on you and your loved one in jail, when it seems like ...

Use Your Arrest as Personal Motivation

Tell your loved one that he or she needs to stop moping around and start getting active on what he ...

Your Loved One Was Arrested? No Way!

Most people who are arrested once will realize their mistake and learn from it. They see that they are not ...

Need a Bail Bond? Do Not Panic, Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When you learn that your loved one is in jail, do your best not to panic. Panicking, especially in front ...

You Cannot Catch Pokémon In Jail, So Why Bother Getting Arrested?

Even Pokémon trainers get caught in unwanted situations when playing Pokémon Go on their mobile devices. What do we mean? ...

Drink and Jail = Bail

Summer is in full swing and we can tell you all are having the times of your lives. For some, ...

What to Expect When You Did Not Expect Your Loved One to Be Arrested

When your loved one is arrested and taken away, you are initially offered short and few details about what to ...

Smoking Trends Rise and So Does the Legal Age Limit

In recent years, vaping has become a very popular ‘alternative’ to smoking cigarettes. Compared to smoking cigarettes, vaping is ‘healthier’ ...

Millennials: Stop Sharing Your Netflix Passwords Now

This note goes out to all the millennials who use Netflix, Hulu, HBO GO, or any other similar, subscription-based, streaming ...

Make Your Family Whole Again

Your child has been begging you to take them outside so they can catch Pokémon, but you just do not ...

Keep Pokémon Go Fun! Avoid Jail and the Potential Need for Bail

Answering phone calls, texting, checking traffic and finding alternate routes, replying to emails, there are plenty of distractions on mobile ...

Netflix Password Sharing: It Is Now a Federal Crime

Let’s be honest, if you are a Netflix user, than you either: Have your own account but have shared your ...

Your Child Needs You, Now More Than Ever

When your son or daughter is arrested, they are arguably the most worried person, not you. Even though you have ...

Responsibilities of a Bail Bond Co-Signer

Bail bond co-signers play a vital role in the bail bond process. Some bail bonds can be dependent on having ...

Exercise Caution While Playing Pokémon Go!

Pokémon Go has very rapidly consumed our entire lives and we hate to admit it, but it is so freaking ...

Your Arrest Is a Temporary Lapse; Your Bail Bond Is a Permanent Fix

Many people grow in a positive way after being arrested and put through the whole jail, bail, and trial process ...

Will Bail Affect My Credit Score?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store offers affordable bail bonds set up on customized payment plans that work with the defendant ...

Welcome To California, Where You Cannot Peel Your Orange in Your Hotel Room

California may be known as the Golden State, with a majestic coastline, warm sunny days almost year-round, and beautiful actors ...

Current Events and Gun Laws

In the past few weeks, there have been a handful of fatal police-involved shootings that have captured the nation’s attention: ...

You Know You Are Addicted to Pokémon Go When… and When to Delete the App

By now, you have definitely heard of the mobile game, Pokémon Go. You may even be playing it, but do ...

California’s Powerful New Gun Seizure Law

As you are well aware, five Dallas, Texas cops were killed during what was, a peaceful protest regarding the shootings ...

Important Things to Know When Getting a Bail Bond

Applying for a bail bond is a fast and easy process, but there is little room for error. We at ...

Find Yourself above Your Arrest

Do not cling to the thought that your recent arrest is going to prevent you from getting places in life ...

You Will Get Through This, Just Like Others Have

Bailing your loved one out of jail is a most unwanted task where you feel as if no one is ...

Remember When Pokémon Go Took Over?

As if we all did not spend enough time on our phones already. If you are not playing the game, ...

You Need To Change Your Netflix Password Now

If you want to continue using Netflix from here on out, we highly recommend you change your password. Why? It ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Take Care of All Your Bail Bond Needs

When is it acceptable to call a person at the earliest hours of the day when you should be sleeping, ...

Repair Your Reputation with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Reputation is a big deal to everyone. As much as we do not want to be judged based on our ...

California’s Gun Laws

As is the trend, being a California gun owner just got more complicated again. To start off, California has some ...

Cash Bail or Bail Bond: Which One Is for You?

Can you think about bail bonds like the “get out of jail free” card in Monopoly? Well, not entirely, since ...

How Well Do You Know The People You Know Well?

Everyone has dark secrets from their past that they are hesitant to reveal to close friends. You probably have some ...

How to Find Out If Your Loved One Is Given Bail

The option to post bail is not up to the defendant, the defendant’s family and friends, or the arresting police; ...

Bail Bonds Are for Adults Only

When an 18 year old is arrested, their legal process is much different than someone who is 17 or younger ...

Bail First, Achieve Success Next

When you work with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store to bail your loved one out of jail, you will quickly ...

Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail

If you are worried your child is going to grow up with his father or mother missing a good chunk ...

You Are Greater Than Your Arrest

Arrests, and resulting convictions, may go on permanent records, but that permanent record can almost be artificial. It will be ...

Successfully Overcoming Your Arrest

If a loved one of yours has been arrested, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is going to be one of ...

Bail Bonds Are More Reasonable Than Cash Bail

Paying for cash bail is more often than not, a financial struggle. It requires paying the entire bail amount, thousands ...

It Is Illegal To Leave a Child Unattended in a Hot Car!

It keeps getting hotter and we cannot stress enough how criminal it is to leave a young child or a ...

Do You Know How to Pick a Good Bail Agent to Help You Bail Out Your Loved One?

If one of your friends or family members got arrested, would you know how to help him or her? Bailing ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Makes Bailing a Loved One Out of Jail Simple

Days filled with obstacles come and go, and most do very little to slow us down. However, there are a ...

Bailing Your Friend Out of Jail Is Easy with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

If you are having fun at a party, remember not to get too carried away. Nobody ever wants to go ...

Team Up With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store to Save Your Loved One from Jail

What would you do if you found out that a friend or family member got arrested? Would you leave your ...

Rescue Your Friend from Behind Bars with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

If a friend has found him or herself behind bars, you do not have to worry. You can use Los ...

No Missed Opportunities with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

There are so many missed opportunities when someone is arrested and put into jail. However, those missed opportunities can very ...

Successful Bail: Serious and Fun

Every person deserves an opportunity to re-evaluate themselves and prove to others that they are a good, honest, and hard-working ...

Get More Results with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is a professional bail bonds company in California. With nearly 30 years of experience, dozens ...

Copyright Infringement

Anyone who pops in a DVD never likes sitting through any of the ads. Fortunately those can be skipped over ...

Filter What You Are Posting On Social Media

Slowly we are all beginning to realize how important social media is. What was once an online source for fun ...

Summer Fun – From Pause to Play

Thanks to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, thousands of Californians will have the summer they planned on having this year ...

Bring Your Loved One Home with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The saying, “there is no place like home” carries such a true meaning. Home is where a person’s loved ones ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is the Solution to Your Family Problems

When one person in the family is arrested, there is bound to be more drama to follow. It is such ...

Cash Bail vs. Bail Bond – Which Is Better for You Financially

Between cash bail and bail bonds, there is not necessarily a better way to bail out of jail. They both ...

The Price of Collateral

Many bail bonds will require collateral in order to be authenticated. Collateral is typically property, vehicles, and valuables that a ...

We Step In To Save Your Family | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is a professional and reputable bail bonds company in California. This bail bond company is ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is a Second Chance for You

When something bad happens, our natural thought is that “this is it. This is the end.” That you, figuratively, are ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Save Your Loved One

Some people think that those who are arrested do not need saving, that they are right where they should be ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store and Your Parents to the Rescue

Admitting guilt to your parents is something we never fully get comfortable with. We hate to embarrass ourselves and we ...

Brief Overview of the Miranda Rights | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The Miranda Rights are a set of rights read to each person upon his or her arrest. These rights inform ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is a Miracle Making Company

Miracles do happen, and sometimes when they do present themselves, they are not immediately recognized. Some miracles are subtle. Some, ...

Here Is Why Bail Bonds Are a Good Thing

Our team here at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store aims to get your loved one out of jail, and change ...

Can I Travel While Out On Bail?

Undoubtedly you have some kind of travel plans for this summer, whether you made them way in advance or last ...

Bail Bonds Are Simple

Contrary to popular belief, understanding the bail bond process is quite simple. Of course there is going to be a ...

Worry Less, Bail Now!

Worrying about your loved one who has just been arrested is not going to do much. Obviously, there is no ...

Bail Out So You Do Not Have To Tell Your Kids Their Mom or Dad Has Been in Jail

When Mom or Dad does not pick them up from school one day like they do every day, when they ...

More People Seek Bail Bonds than Cash Bail

Bail bonds are what many people use to get out of jail. However, please note that bail bonds are only ...

Over-Posting on Social Media While Vacationing?

Posting pics on social media has become synonymous to traveling and vacationing. We love to show our friends and family ...

Everything You Need To Know About Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

24/7, state-wide availability in California Customized, low monthly rate payment plans No interest No hidden fees Licensed, experienced bail agents ...

Your Arrest – Just One Tiny Remark On Your Criminal Record, That Is It

Do not ever let your arrest define who you are. You have dealt with the arrest, you owned up to ...

Easy Ways to Save Money for a Bail Bond

Even though paying for a bail bond is significantly more affordable than paying for cash bail, some people still struggle ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Not Judge

Unlike other bail bond companies, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store in California does not judge, and does not try to ...

Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Right Bail Bond

We like to caution people to be aware of their surroundings because you can never really know what may happen ...

Hopefully Jail Is Not a Part of Your Summer Plans

The year may already by half over, but summer is just beginning. We are willing to bet that you have ...

Now You Have To Be 21 or Older To Buy Cigarettes

If you are between 18 and 20 years of age, and recently tried to buy cigarettes at the same store ...

Even People Who Can Afford Cash Bail Use Bail Bonds

Bail bonds are an alternative means to bailing out of jail, costing people 10% of the full bail amount. Understandably, ...

We Are Quick and Right to the Point

We do not want to waste your time, we know it is precious so we are going to get right ...

What You Want from a Free Consultation

Any place that is going to give you a free consultation better mean it. Some places claim to offer free ...

Preparing for When You Need Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

At some point, you may need to hire a bail bondsman. As much as you do not want to admit ...

You Will Not Over Pay to Bail Your friend Out of Jail with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Did someone you care about just recently get arrested? If so, you should lend him or her a hand and ...

You Get Only the Best Bail Bonds Help When You Go To Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

There is no need to say goodbye if one of your friends or family members gets arrested. You can get ...

You Only Get Honest Answers from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When someone you care about has been arrested, you will want to get him or her out of jail as ...

Getting Arrested Can Be Scary, but It Does Not Have To Be With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Getting arrested can be a terrifying experience. No one wants to sit handcuffed in the back of a police car, ...

Get Professional Bail Bonds Help from the Bail Agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you want help from an expert in ...

Why You Need To Know About This Powerful New Gun Law in California

This year, California enacted numerous new gun laws including one that we consider to be rather powerful, but only powerful ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Get Your Loved One Out Of Jail in Time for the 4th

You are getting the whole gang together for Independence Day weekend, except one person is missing, your best friend. He ...

4th of July Party Planning

Usually we go out to the big fireworks show on July 4th and watch the professionals light up the night ...

CA Laws You Did Not Know You Were Breaking

Most laws that you should obey and not break are no brainers; do not steal, do not vandalize, do not ...

No Child, or Pet, Left Behind

The sun is starting to beat down on us here in Southern California and it sure feels nice when you ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Has Been Answering Clients’ Questions Since 1987

For the past 29 years, we at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store have been making bail easier for our clients ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Bail Agents Are Here To Assist You

Getting a friend or family member out of jail can be difficult if you do not use the right bail ...

The Most Professional Bail Help You Can Afford Is at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Every day in California, thousands of people are arrested daily and most are not prepared for such an event. Bailing ...

You Get Honest Answers from Our Extraordinary Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Bail Agents

When someone you care about has been arrested, you will want to get him or her out of jail as ...

Yet Another Look At Some of California’s Gun Laws

We are all still coping from the recent Orlando, FL event that took place at Pulse nightclub where 50 people ...

California Wins 1st for Driving Selfies

Ever since selfies became a thing over the past 5 years or so, they have succeeded in taking over our ...

Quick Fireworks Laws in California

If you are planning to purchase any fireworks for your July 4th, make sure you are buying it from the ...

Warnings Against Drinking and Driving

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store cautions against drinking and driving all the time. With July 4th just around the corner, ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Predicts Your July 4th

There are only 2 more weeks until Independence Day. We are betting your weekend will consist of some combination of ...

State-wide Service with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

One of the most convenient things about Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is the fact that they serve the entire ...

Turn Bail Bond Negatives into Positives

We are going to debunk some myths haunting the dreaded bail bond industry and in itself, debunk the myth that ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Superheroes like No Other

You have not met a real life superhero until you have met the Los Angeles Bail Bond Store team. Doctors, ...

Remain Calm If You Approach a DUI Checkpoint

Over the 4th of July weekend, you will probably notice an influx of traffic checkpoints. This is because it is ...

Let Someone Else Take Care of Your 4th of July Transportation

Our favorite mode of transportation remains our own personal vehicles because we drive at our own speed and do not ...

4th of July Travel Tips

Perhaps the best thing about 4th of July this year is that it falls on a Monday, which means it ...

California Fireworks Laws

4th of July is close, and we have got all the do’s and don’ts of fireworks for you right here ...

Why You Should Not Reach for Your License and Car Registration Until the Officer Asks for It

When you are pulled over for a standard traffic stop, the police officer is not allowed to search your vehicle, ...

Factors Determining Bail

California judges have what is called a bail schedule, which they follow whenever they are required to determine the amount ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Your Greatest Ally

When your loved one is in jail, it probably seems like you can only count on a few friends and ...

False Arrests and False Imprisonments

Everyone makes mistakes, and some are bigger than others. False arrests and false imprisonments are some of those huge mistakes ...

Do Not Be Afraid of Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Do not be afraid to get on the internet to chat or call up Los Angeles Bail Bond Store when ...

Do Not Be Afraid of a Checkpoint

There is a good chance you, or someone you know, will come across a DUI checkpoint sometime in your life, ...

Fireworks for the Big Boys

It should be pretty apparent that playing with fireworks can be dangerous and there are rules that apply to doing ...

How to Cope When Your Loved One Is in Jail

Learning that your loved one is in jail may be the second greatest heartbreak ever. However, your heartbreak will not ...

What Fireworks Are and Are not Legal in CA

Every year, there are incidents where fireworks are improperly handled and some people end up in the hospital with a ...

What Kind of Bail Will Get My Loved One Out of Jail?

“Help! My loved one is in jail and I want to bail him or her out of jail ASAP, but ...

Common Bail Bond Incidents

People get arrested for all kinds of crimes ranging from harmless to serious. Our team at Los Angeles Bail Bond ...

Which Is Better: Federal or State Court?

If you have noticed, there is a Federal Court System that is separate and different than a State Court System ...

Do Not Let Your Friend Spend His Birthday in Jail

Just a few nights ago, you and some pals were out celebrating one of the guys’ birthdays. His real birthday ...

Bail Bond Eligibility

Bail bonds get people out of jail. But they do not get everyone out of jail. Here are the requirements ...

You Will Want Los Angeles Bail Bond Store after Reading This

If you are reading this, it is probably because you have a loved one in jail and it is up ...

Prepping for The 4th of July

Prepping for your 4th of July should take more effort than you think. You have already planned who you are ...

Barbecue Safety Tips

Everyone loves a good barbecue party, and no one likes disastrous aftermath. To avoid the latter from happening, please review ...

What to Know About Bail Bond Co-signing

Being a bail bond co-signer requires a lot of responsibility, but even more trust. Many bail bonds require a co-signer ...

California Leads the Nation (Again!) in Auto Thefts

We’re No. 1. Again. California led all states in auto thefts last year, and Los Angeles was the top city ...

Use a Bail Bonds Company That Is Actually Fast at Bailing Out Its Clients Use Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

If you have a best friend who is in deep trouble with the law and has found him or herself ...

Do You Have Little Hope of Posting Bail, Not When You Use Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Defendants who cannot afford to pay for bail are looking at extended time in jail, loneliness, discomfort, fear, unappetizing food, ...

Father’s Day Surprise: Bail Bond-Released Loved One

Father’s Day is only a few weeks away and we bet you are all already making plans to get together ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Upholds Core Values

Confidentiality. Integrity. Respect. Unity. Support. These are 5 integral values of our family-founded, owned, and operated company; Los Angeles Bail ...

Summer Is Peak Season for Travel – and Jail/ Bail?

Grab those passports, pack your bathing suits, and charge up your camera, you are going on vacation! Summer undoubtedly is ...

Here Is Why You Always Need a Constant Dose of Positivity

“Positivity goes a long way” may be cliché but truthfully, it is very true. Positivity has the power to really ...

How To React When You Learn Your Loved One Ends Up Is in Jail

Coaching someone on how to react when they learn their loved one has been arrested and put into jail is ...

Jail-Bound College Students – Life Is Just Beginning For You

We have a special message to deliver to all college students: do not get yourself arrested. You are probably thinking, ...

Our Favorite, Wacky Laws in All of America

Bored at work and want some fun? Try some light reading to educate yourself with some tips for when you ...

You Can Vote For The 2016 Presidential Election While Out On Bail

American’s are getting pretty antsy now as the 2016 Presidential election draws nearer and nearer. Vote-by-mail instructions have already started ...

When in Doubt, Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

No matter what predicament your loved one is in, as long as they have been granted bail, you need to ...

Yes, Fireworks Are Still Illegal in CA

California, nothing is different this July 4th. Most fireworks that you want to set off yourself, are illegal. The state ...

Would You Want to Miss The 4th of July Celebration?

America’s birthday is just a few weeks away, and because it is such a big bash every year, plans get ...

Not Yet 21? Sorry, No Cigarettes for You

To all liquor stores, convenience stores, gas stations, and markets, selling cigarettes to minors in California now means selling them ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Offers 24/7 Service

When your best friend gets arrested in the middle of the night without warning, you are going to be one ...

What Kind Of Collateral May Possibly I Pledge?

Getting a bail bond requires a few items: Premium - 10% of the bail amount A co-signer Collateral The defendant’s ...

Hollywood Bail Bond Store Will Take Care of You

When researching different bail bond companies who can potentially provide you with the best bail bond support you need, you ...

What Kind Of Collateral Can I Pledge?

Getting a bail bond requires a few items: Premium - 10% of the bail amount A co-signer Collateral The defendant’s ...

Do the Cops Need a Warrant for My Phone?

Cell phones are small objects that can hold a lot of information and secrets. When the police want to look ...

Fraud Is Wrong, Bail Is Not

Fraud is defined as: “wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.” There are all kinds ...

What You Can Expect with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Wondering whether you should help bail your loved one out of jail or not should be a no-brainer. So many ...

Jail-Bound College Students – Life Is Just Beginning

We have a special message to deliver to all college students: do not get yourself arrested. You are probably thinking, ...

Here Is Why You Need a Constant Dose of Positivity

“Positivity goes a long way” may be cliché but truthfully, it is very true. Positivity has the power to really ...

Our Favorite, Wacky Laws in America

Bored at work and want some fun? Try some light reading to educate yourself with some tips for when you ...

You Can Vote While Out On Bail

American’s are getting pretty antsy now as the 2016 Presidential election draws nearer and nearer. Vote-by-mail instructions have already started ...

How To React When You Learn Your Loved One Is in Jail

Coaching someone on how to react when they learn their loved one has been arrested and put into jail is ...

Customizable Bail Bonds from Chinatown Bail Bond Store

If someone very close to you has been arrested, you can show how supportive you are by contacting us here ...

New York: Let That Expectant Mother Drink!

A pregnant woman is well aware that she should not drink alcohol, but even if she does order something alcoholic ...

The Countdown to EDC… And Jail

The ever-popular Electric Daisy Carnival (EDC) music festival is a few weeks away and once again, it will be held ...

Different Kinds of Trespassing

There is a reason for that “Do not enter” sign that is posted on the fence. Whether it is private ...

Smoking One Day, Being Denied the Next: CA’s New Smoking Laws

As teens, we looked forward to turning 16 because it is sweet, 18 because we become adults and can vote ...

What Is at Reseda Bail Bond Store for Me?

You are in need of a bail bond and frankly, you do not have time to scour the Internet for ...

Q&A Session on Bail Bonds

Most people are not familiar with bail and bail bonds, which we see as a good thing, because it means ...

Celebrities Do Not Get Special Treatment

When you are on social media, you are putting your life up for others to see. For most people, we ...

Things to Avoid for Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend is fast approaching, and in order to allow yourself to stay out as long as you wish, ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Answering Contact Sports

The NBA Finals are here and things are getting intense and even personal among fans. This beloved game gets fans ...

What It Takes to Be a Bail Bond Co-signer

Should you ever agree to co-sign someone’s bail bond, you must take your role very seriously. Being a bail bond ...

Major Bail Bond Benefits You May Not Know About

Being in jail is simply sitting around all day doing and nothing, having a few just-okay meals, and being allowed ...

The Bail Bond Red Carpet

Celebrities live the good life, so why do so many of them end up getting arrested and charged with gun ...

How California Bail Works

For defendants, there is a price for freedom and that price can be very low, a few hundred dollars, extremely ...

Want to Know If There Is a Warrant for Your Arrest?

The police often put out arrest warrants where the suspect may not immediately know they are wanted. Situations like these ...

California Raises The Legal Age To Buy Cigs

Starting June 9th, people age 18, 19, and 20, will no longer be able to purchase tobacco products in California ...

3 Tips To Successful Bail

Applying for a bail bond is a quick and simple process, but there is no room for error. A bail ...

Surprise! A Birthday Celebration After Bailing Out of Jail

If you really want to wow and surprise someone who is important to you for their birthday, and if you ...

What You Should Know About Bail And Bail Bonds

You know that with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, you will not be facing this bail situation alone. You will ...

How to Get Away With Jail

If How To Get Away With Murder is one of your favorite shows at the moment, then How To Get ...

New California Smoking Laws You Should Know About

It is no secret that cigarette smoking is increasing among teens; not everyone obeys age limit laws. The U.S. Food ...

You Cannot Leave Your Gun Just Anywhere in Your Home

Grey’s Anatomy recently aired an episode where a young boy accidentally shot his friend because the two found a gun ...

Memorial Weekend Checkpoints

Because driving while intoxicated is all too common, never a non-issue, and always important to address, the police will set ...

Learning How to Budget Your Money

Something everyone should learn how to do when they become adults is how to divide paychecks. Schools should to really ...

How To Spend Summer In Jail

Spending time in jail is totally on your to-do list this summer, isn’t it? You can’t wait for your moment ...

Valley Glen Bail Bond Store Is Thankful for You

Bail bonds are all too often associated with negative thoughts and energy. Considering it is a bond that gets a ...

Your Phone Is Worth Way More Than You Think

Your most expensive valuables may not be your car, home, fine China, or jewelry. Your most expensive valuables might actually ...

Save Your Summer, Do Not Get Arrested!

Summer is nearing and for college students, this is the best time of the year. No more lectures, no more ...

Telling On Your Friend for His or Her Own Good

If your best friend is struggling to post bail while in jail and you cannot help out, maybe the best ...

Can Bail Ever Be Lowered?

It is not often a judge will lower a bail amount after it has been formally announced, but every now ...

Why Checkpoints Are a Good Thing for You – The Drunk Driver

Memorial Day is a day when we honor and remember those who have died while serving our country. Here in ...

Heroes Face Consequences Too

As cliché as this is going to sound, this is life and in life, things do not always go the ...

What to Know About Detentions Vs. Arrests

Detention and arrest are similar, yet drastically different situations. Detention does not mean the kind of detention you received when ...

Hoverboard Laws That You Need To Obey

Even after all the fires and bursts, hoverboards still seem to be one of the trendiest toys. However, you will ...

Bail Is Easier With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Trust us when we say that that dealing with a loved one’s arrest is no easy feat. You can be ...

Skate Away from the Freeway Challenge

Have you heard of the freeway challenge in California? This new challenge that is happening in Los Angeles has skateboarders ...

Together, We are Stronger; Let Chatsworth Bail Bond Store Bail Bonds Help You

Our team here at Chatsworth Bail Bond Store will be the first to reassure you that your son or daughter’s ...

Worried About Your Upcoming Background Check?

In applying for a loan, a job, or an apartment, you are pretty familiar with the interview and background check ...

More People Use Bail Bonds to Get Out Of Jail

The demand for bail bond release has been growing over recent years and it shows no sign of slowing down ...

What Do You Mean Bail Bonds Can Put You In Jail?

Bail bonds have the power to get people of out of jail, but, in another dimension of thought, they can ...

Aggressive Is Good – In the Bail Bond Industry

California has its fair share of bail bonds companies. Hundreds, of thousands, of people are arrested each year for anything ...

Best Friends and Bail Bonds

No matter how much you have tried to get your best friend to turn their lives around, no matter how ...

You Are Selfish for Getting Arrested

We can think of a hundred reasons why you should never be arrested, why you should stay out of trouble, ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is a Name You Can Rely On

Friends tend to come and go and with that, so does trust and reliability. Friends who grow apart may not ...

It Is Time to Grow Up

Being stupid and careless is a part of growing up. Mom and Dad were always there to pick you up ...

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Works for You

Word about your arrest will inevitably get around to some ears that you would rather not have reach. Our team ...

Millennials, Social Media, and Jail

Hey all you social media-loving millennials with quick-texting fingers! How thoughtful are you when it comes to posting content on ...

Weird Laws in California That You Can Be Arrested For

You may think that California is all ideal beaches, beautiful sunshine, and has nothing odd to it, but trust us ...

In Case of Emergency, Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You know how in your phone, you can set up In Case of Emergency (ICE) contacts? You have probably got ...

Things You Should and Should Not Do In the Presence of the Police

Being on your best behavior should be obvious when you are in the presence of a police officer. If you ...

Jail Is One of the Places You’ll Go, Says Dr. Seuss

We know how much you love to read books, which is a great thing! For one couple, it got them ...

How to Prepare for Your Court Appearance

Preparing for court, specifically as a defendant, can be very nerve-racking. It might seem like an odd comparison, but think ...

Bail Bond Truths Revealed By Debunking Common Myths

A lot of what people understand about the bail bond industry, before ever finding out they will need a bail ...

Superheroes Unite at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Superheroes really do exist outside of comic books, television shows, and movies. As you might expect, they are hiding in ...

What Does Love Have To Do With Bail Bonds?

As cheesy as it sounds, love is the most valuable quality to understand. Love has some pretty incredible powers, including ...

Chinatown Bail Bond Store Can Do a Lot, but Not Everything

You may think that Chinatown Bail Bond Store might be the one group who can help you through your whole ...

Choose Pacoima Bail Bond Store Regardless of Your Income

Money and income are a regular topic of discussion for every household. There will always be a constant struggle to ...

Hollywood Bail Bond Store Will Be Your Savior

Hollywood Bail Bond Store can be the savior you never knew you had on your side until now. If there ...

Jail or Bail – How Hard Is The Decision?

Once you have been arrested, you have 2 choices: jail, or Los Angeles Bail Bond Store. Picking the right choice ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Protects Your Rights

One might think that someone who is arrested for breaking the law and committing a crime is automatically stripped of ...

Explaining Bail Bonds

When a person is arrested for a crime, he or she will have an arraignment hearing, at which time the ...

Downtown Bail Bond Store Will Give You Your Mother’s/Father’s Day

Mother’s and Father’s Days are both approaching and all that is really wanted is a united family. If you have ...

Quality Service, Affordable Cost

In California, there is one bail bonds company who you can trust 100% to get the job done, and that ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is Open 24/7

A 3 A.M. phone call from your loved one in jail may be disturbing and troubling to you, but one ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Hardly a Stranger

No human is perfect and some are more imperfect than others. It is up to us to help each other ...

Bye Bye, Vacation – Bail Comes First

Spring is springing and that means travelers are traveling! All kinds of destinations are calling our names, but sometimes, travel ...

There Are Laws Regarding Gun Storage. Did You Know That?

All kinds of laws surround California gun owners. There are laws for purchasing and selling guns and there are obviously ...

Do Not Be Afraid To Ask Your Parents for Help

Turning 18 is a big deal because you officially become an adult. That means you can buy lotto tickets and ...

How You Know You Found the Right Bail Bonds Company

When your loved one is in jail and you are trying to help bail him or her out as soon ...

It Is the 21st Century and You Can Technically Still Be Arrested for This

What century are we in? That is certainly a question to ask, especially after you read about these odd, and ...

Drinking and Driving Is Never a Good Idea

There will never be too many warnings against drinking and driving because, even though we are constantly reminded of this ...

Weighing Pros And Cons Of Cash Vs. Bail Bonds

When a person is granted bail, they have two ways of paying for it: a cash bond or a bail ...

North Hollywood Bail Bond Store Is the Best in California

The best bail agents in town (or should we say state) are at North Hollywood Bail Bond Store. Our bail ...

What Is a Search Warrant, and When Is It Needed

If the police, while investigating a criminal matter, need to look through your property and belongings, they will often need ...

Bail Is Not Tax Deductible, but Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Considers Your Finances

Although tax season just ended, and taxes are the last thing you want to think about right now, it is ...

You’re Not Invincible; You Can Go To Jail!

You’re young and you might like to have a lot of fun. You might like to party, drink, hang out ...

3 Laws You Probably Have Broken Without Realizing It

Have you sung happy birthday recently, or went on the Internet while at Starbucks? Well, if you have, you broke ...

When The Cost Of A Music Festival Includes Bail

As the popularity of attending massive music festivals rises, so does the number of arrests, unfortunately. The most common offenses ...

Trouble Is Not In Your Vacation Plans

Grab your sunblock and your bathing suits because it’s time to travel! It’s the perfect weather to hit the beach ...

Cyberbullying, And How It Relates To Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Cyberbullying (intentionally posting personal information of and/ or harassing another person by electronic communication like texts, emails, and social media ...

What Is A Governor’s Pardon?

Not every hard criminal is a truly bad person that their criminal record might make them out to be. Some ...

Bail Prices Range For Infractions, Misdemeanors, and Felonies

As you know, bail prices will be based on the crime that took place. Crimes are categorized into three different ...

3 Reasons Why Downtown Bail Bond Store Is The Best Bail Company In California

Available 24/7: The police don’t wait 8 hours overnight before making an arrest. Hospitals don’t close emergency rooms until the ...

Expunging Vs. Sealing A Criminal Record

Having a criminal record can be haunting, especially for a person who is generally good and honest. We know that ...

Believe It Or Not: The Most Expensive Bail In U.S. History

If you’re curious to learn just how expensive bail can be, check out some of these real cases where bail ...

Fully Understanding the Statute of Limitations

A statute of limitations is the time frame in which a person or party can file a lawsuit against another ...

Understanding Background Checks

Whenever you apply for a job, a loan, a new home, or even a gun, you’re going to have to ...

The Cost of Keeping a Person in Jail

Can you guess how much it costs to keep a person in a California prison? $64,000. That’s $64,000 per person ...

Bail Is No Different For Celebrities

Everyone thinks that celebrities get special treatment and many times, it proves to be true. However, in serious times, it ...

Keep Calm And Don’t Get Yourself Arrested Too

If you’re in a situation where the police happen to be arresting your friend, at that particular moment, do not ...

What Does A Bail Bond Cosigner Do?

Applying for a bail bond means you need to meet a few qualifications. For one, whoever the bail bond is ...

Arrest Situations For Immigrants

If you know someone who is an immigrant to the United States and has just been arrested, you should know ...

Help, I Can’t Afford My Bail!

Bail is expensive and not many people can afford to pay it. Bail bonds are the more affordable alternative to ...

The Steps To Bail – Simplified

If you get a call and learn that your loved one has been arrested, try not to freak out too ...

The Differences Between Jail And Prison

Jail and prison are technically not the same place. They’re not two terms that refer to the same institution. What ...

Paying For A Bail Bond? That’s Not A Problem!

Budgeting money is something you should be doing regularly in order to maintain balance in your life. Whenever you get ...

You Can Be The Role Model To Your Older Sibling

Whenever you might hear that “age is nothing but a number” you really should believe it. However, in the dating ...

Don’t Ever Give Up, Even If Your Loved One Has

Whenever someone might be arrested, it can become very easy for them to give up on themselves. They’ve gotten themselves ...

What Makes Panorama City Bail Bond Store Great?

Some reasons as to why Panorama City Bail Bond Store is the number one bail bond company in California that ...

The Pain Of Explaining Jail And Bail To Children

If you thought that explaining the story behind “Santa Claus” isn’t real to your children was difficult, imagine having to ...

Facts About The Bail Bonds Industry That You Might Want To Know

Bail bonds always receive a negative connotation because it is a concept that releases suspected, not yet convicted or acquitted ...

You CAN Afford Bail!

Thinking you cannot afford bail shouldn’t be a reason to give up and accept the fate of a temporary jail ...

How Bail Protects Your Loved One

When a person does not post bail, they must remain in police custody until and during their trial. This is ...

How Long Will It Take To Post Bail?

The time it takes a person to post bail and be freed largely depends on how busy the jail is ...

The Evolution of Bail

When judges set bail at a specific amount of money for a defendant, that individual or anyone on their behalf ...

Avoid These Common Bail Bond Mistakes

The bail bond process is complicated, yet simplified with Mojave Bail Bond Store. We know that you really don’t want ...

An Ideal Bail Bond Situation

In a perfect world, you will never have to pay for a bail bond, for yourself or for a loved ...

Around The Clock Service From Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store provides around the clock bail bonds service. If someone ever needs our services at even ...

Understanding Bail Bonds 101

If you’re someone who doesn’t know too much about bail bonds, but you find yourself needing to pay for one, ...

Most Affordable Bail Bonds At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

A bail bond is one of the last things that anyone expects to have to pay, yet, if they ever ...

Should You Use A Bail Bond Or Not

If you are ever in the position where you or someone you know needs to bail out of jail, you ...

The Approval Process For A Bail Bond

The approval process for a bail bond is simple. The judge is the one who grants or denies bail, but ...

About Kaitlyn’s Law

‘Kaitlyn Russell’ was a six month old infant who died after she was left alone in a parked car for ...

Everyone Benefits From Bail Bonds

The person who is getting bailed out of jail isn’t the only one who benefits from the bail bond. Many ...

Reporting Crimes: Required or Moral Obligation?

Did you know that if you witness a crime, you are not legally obligated to report it to authorities or ...

What Is A “Bounty Hunter?”

For some reason, the “bounty hunters” only sound like they’re in the movies or on television shows. It’s how they’re ...

What A Bail Agent Can And Cannot Do

A bail agent cannot: Offer legal advice Get bail lowered Refer to you to an attorney Accept bribes Deposit any ...

What To Know Before Cosigning A Bail Bond

Before co-signing a bail bond, you may want to know what you’re getting yourself into. It’s a nice gesture to ...

California’s Traffic Amnesty Program Is Better Than An Arrest

California’s traffic ticket and infraction Amnesty program is in full swing and if you don’t know what this is, you ...

Helpful Tips For Driving When It’s Raining

Here, in Southern California, we may not see too many rainy days, even with a visit from “El Nino”, but ...

The First Gun Laws You Need To Know About In California

In light of recent events happening around the world, the topic of gun ownership always comes up. Some people want ...

Make Your Bail Bond Payment On Time With Your Tax Return

You should be getting your tax return any day now, and remember, because this is your money, you can certainly ...

Why Some Juveniles Will Get Bail While Most Won’t

In the majority of cases, juveniles (17 years of age or younger) who have been arrested won’t have to pay ...

Streaming TV Online Is Illegal – Remember!

These days, there aren’t as many people watching television shows and catching movies at the movie theater as there once ...

What Are People Saying About Los Angeles Bail Bond Store?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is ranked among the best bail bond companies in California. From kind and trustworthy bail ...

Tips And Tricks For Lowering Your Bail

Bail can cost hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, even a million dollars, depending on the crime. A million dollar bail ...

What If I Can’t Afford Bail?

Let’s face it - bail is expensive no matter how much your bail bond is priced at. Whether your bail ...

Do You Know About Miranda Rights, Private Attorneys, and Public Defenders?

The Miranda Rights read as follows: “...you have the right to remain silent; you have the right to an attorney ...

The Positivity Behind Bail Bonds

Most people tend to associate negative thoughts and feelings with bail bonds because it means that someone that they love ...

Putting Your Tax Refund Towards A Bail Bond Payment

As much as you hate taxes and tax season, perhaps this time of year you might like it because you’ll ...

Mom And Van Nuys Bail Bond Store: Your Best Bets

Moms will be moms, and that means that they are always going to worry about you, wherever you are, whatever ...

Ask For Help Before It’s Too Late

Asking for help might be intimidating and embarrassing, especially for young adults. Young adults want to prove they can handle ...

What Happens To A Bail Bond When Court Is Missed

When a person is released from jail on a bail bond, they are also making a promise to go to ...

What Are Bail Bonds For?

The purpose of a bail bond is to ensure a person’s release from jail and the pre-trial, but also to ...

Federal Vs. State Court: The Differences

There are different types of courts; but we are here to focus on the Federal and State court systems. Most ...

You’re Greater Than Your Arrest

Getting arrested and bailing out of jail is going to be embarrassing for everyone involved; initially for the individual, who ...

Even If You Are Innocent; Don’t Resist Arrest

Unfortunately, human error is not a stranger to the justice system, however, that is not just one person’s fault. Many ...

What Powers A Search Warrant Does And Does Not Have

A search warrant is a document authorizing the police to search through a person’s property and belongings. In order for ...

Request A Tax Return – And Use It For Bail

When filing taxes, you’re asked whether you want to apply excess taxes from the previous year towards this year’s dues ...

Any Jail, Any Time – Always Bail

No matter what California jail you are taken to, Van Nuys Bail Bond Store can help bail you out, if ...

An Example Of A False Report

Not only is it under-whelming, but it’s also very disappointing, that there are still a number of people in prison ...

Lying Always Gets You Into Trouble

Lying to the police and making a false report is a crime. Making a mistake by telling the police one ...

The Weirdest California Laws

As absurd and un-imaginable as they may seem, yes folks, at one time or another they were actually considered laws ...

Your Tax Return Can Help Pay For Bail

No matter how much or how little you might be receiving for your tax return, any amount that you do ...

Spend Easter Sunday With The Whole Family

Easter Sunday is a family holiday where parents and their children run around together looking for Easter eggs, painting hard ...

San Fernando Bail Bond Store Bail Agents Are The Best You’ll Get Anywhere

Being a bail bondsman in the bail bond industry where the life and freedom of somebody (who is more than ...

How You Could Change Your Parent’s Life For The Better

Not every family is the perfect family. Some families are broken because there is constant conflict within; therefore, the home ...

Tax Returns Will Alleviate Bail Bond Payments

Receiving your tax return soon? If you have already, or are expecting it to come shortly, then we recommend you ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Offers The Best And The Most Options

Services offered on a daily basis: 24/7 service and availability anywhere in California Numerous offices throughout California Personalized, affordable, low ...

Sort Your Bail Bond Payments With Tax Refunds

If you overpaid taxes last year, you have the option of applying the excess amount to this year’s taxes, or ...

What Happens To Voting Rights If You Are In Jail

The presidential election is starting to take shape and voting happens in September. Anyone 18 years of age or older, ...

How You Know If You Can Apply For A Bail Bond

Most defendants will be eligible to apply for a bail bond to get out of jail if they wish to ...

California To Raise Legal Smoking Age from 18 to 21

In quite the bold move, California lawmakers just recently voted to change the minimum age for smoking from 18 to ...

The Big Differences Between Seventeen Year Olds And Eighteen Year Olds

When you’re fifteen and sixteen years old, and you get into trouble with the police, your parents are the ones ...

Downtown Bail Bond Store Accepts Tax Returns As Payment

Bail bonds through Downtown Bail Bond Store are both flexible and affordable. We have customized payment plans dedicated to each ...

Admitting You’ve Been Arrested

Admitting to something so serious like getting arrested can be very hard to do but once you get it over ...

You Need To “Interview” A Bail Bond Company First

When your freedom, or that of someone you love, is literally on the line, you of course are going to ...

Even More Hoverboard Laws

Hoverboard laws are continuing to get stricter. In January, a number of Hoverboard laws in California began, For example: Hoverboard ...

How Much Time Do I Have To Post Bail?

You may post bail at any time; after your bail hearing - as long as the judge has granted bail, ...

Bail Is Not Tax Deductible, Sorry

Although it might seem tax deductible because it’s a payment going to the government, bail is not tax deductible. Bail ...

Bail Is An Option With Tax Money

Bail is ridiculously expensive, period. Most people won’t easily have enough money to post bail on their own. Even getting ...

Bail Bonds Work And Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Can Prove It

Bail bonds as a way of jail release are working. What do we mean by that? We mean that by ...

Pay For Your Bail Bond, Not Strained Relationships

Getting arrested can be viewed as a selfish thing to do. How many people are affected by one person’s arrest? ...

People With A Criminal Past Can Always Find Work

As we always make sure to reassure our clients, being arrested will never be “the end” for you. For many, ...

Keep In Mind You Can Use Tax Returns For Bail

As you’re filing your taxes for 2015, you’re probably groaning because it’s just a reminder of all the money the ...

Call Agua Dulce Bail Bond Store At Any Time Of The Day, and We Will Answer

It’s so great having those few friends and family members who you can rely on and trust the most. You ...

Filing A Complaint On A Police Officer That Is Violating Your Rights

While the police protect the public and promote peace and safety in the streets, their authority still has limitations. The ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Has Very Affordable Payment Plans

It’s no secret that paying for bail is expensive, no matter how high or low the bail is set at ...

How Bail Is Determined

In the justice system, there is a “bail schedule” that outlines the bail price for each crime. This is the ...

Using Taxes To Your Bail Bond Benefit

Taxes are the last thing you want to think about or take care of this time of year, but really, ...

How Paying For Bail Can Affect Your Credit Score

Paying for bail may impact your credit score so this is something you may want to pay attention to. Because ...

How You Can Find Out If You Have A Warrant

It is absolutely possible for you to find out if there is a warrant out for your arrest without the ...

Sporting Events Safety – And Avoiding Jail

Plenty of people who attend sporting events like basketball, football, and hockey like to enjoy a cup or two or ...

Opportunities Are Best When Bail Is Posted

For those who are granted bail, posting bail is an option. They have the option to pay the money to ...

Use Your Tax Return To Get Ahead On Bail Bond Payments

From canceling your Netflix subscription to cutting back on dinner outings, when it comes to your budget, you may have ...

Bail Out Of Jail And Into A Healthy, Supportive Home

One arrest doesn’t have to ruin your entire life, especially if it is one where you were eligible for bail ...

Why You Should Always Post Bail

Even though posting bail is a very expensive cost, is a cost that is most worth it. If a person ...

Your Reaction To A Loved One’s Arrest

There’s no predicting your reaction to hearing that a loved one has been arrested. Depending on the circumstance, the type ...

Brighten A Day By Bailing Out

Just like spring presents brighter, happier days, you too can brighten a loved one’s future, by helping them bail out ...

Social Media, Celebrities, And The Laws

The more prevalent social media becomes in our everyday lives, the more cautious we have to be with what we ...

Getting A Tax Return? Use It Towards Bail!

Even if you were recently arrested, you will still be eligible to receive your tax return as long as the ...

Record Number Of Exonerations In 2015

Earlier this month, it was reported that in 2015, a record-breaking number of people were exonerated, meaning they were finally ...

Bail Bond Associated Terms, Defined

Before you agree to a bail bond company and their payment plan they set you up on, you’re going to ...

How Long Do I Have Until I Can Post Bail?

As soon as you finish your bail hearing, you are free to post bail as quickly as possible. You cannot ...

What Can You Offer For Collateral?

In order to complete a bail bond application, collateral is required. Collateral is pledged as security for payment. If the ...

Yes You Can Pay For Someone Else’s Bail Bond With Your Tax Return

Although the IRS will issue your tax return made to your name, you can absolutely use this money towards a ...

What Happens If My Daughter Is Arrested?

Moms and dads, if you ever get the call that your daughter has been arrested, please contact us at Glendale ...

When To Get Yourself Some Help

A person should never have to go through their deepest hardships alone, not matter what the situation is. For many ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Stays On Top

Anything is supposed to get better with age (like wine!) and experience, right? Wrong. As much as we’d like to ...

Tax Returns Can Be Used Towards Bail

A tax refund is the difference between the taxes that an individual has paid and the taxes that the individual ...

The Rights Of Arrested Individuals

Just because someone commits a crime, gets caught, and gets arrested doesn’t mean they lose all their rights and become ...

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Believes In Second Chances

We at Van Nuys Bail Bond Store are firm believers in giving everyone a second chance and we hope you ...

Bail Accessibility – Need It or Not – It’s Everyone’s Right

Some people may think that bail bonds are only for those who cannot afford to pay for bail on their ...

BAIL – What Is It For?

Imagine you have been arrested for a crime. Your trial doesn’t begin for 2 weeks. During these two weeks, the ...

Turn Your Tax Return Into A Bail Bond Payment

Having extra money on hand is one of the most relieving things for us. By having some extra financial wiggle ...

Travel, Eat, And Don’t Get Arrested

When you are planning to travel to another state or even another country, you’re prepared for the weather, you’ve mapped ...

Travel Restrictions While On Bail

Unless a judge explicitly bans a defendant from traveling while they are out on bail, the defendant can technically take ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Process Is As Easy As 1-2-3

If you’re unsure of what you can do to help a loved one get out of jail, don’t panic. First ...

Count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Every Time

You know that if you ever needed to get a bail bond, again, you can always count on Los Angeles ...

Your Tax Refund Can Be Used To Pay Someone Else’s Bail Bond

Agreeing to help pay for a loved one’s bail bond payments is a huge responsibility, whether you’re paying only a ...

Bailing Out Of Jail On A Budget

A $50,000 bail is nearly impossible for you to pay to secure your loved one's bail because by the time ...

Brush Up On The New Hoverboard Laws

Now is the time to be fully aware of the new hoverboard laws in California, especially if you currently own ...

Coping With Arrests, Bail, And Children

You're well aware that an apparent arrest would be difficult for any family members to have to deal with, but ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Saves Families

An arrest within a family can very easily tear family members in opposite directions; there is no doubt about that ...

No Tax Return Is “Too Small” To Make Towards Bail

We know that using your tax refund towards a bail bond payment is not how you initially envisioned using this ...

The Echo Park Bail Bond Store Family Is Your Family

When you call Echo Park Bail Bond Store, don’t expect a draining conversation with an automated message where you’re asked ...

About Those CA Gun Laws

There has been a lot of chatter in the last few months regarding gun control. And because the topic is ...

What Is Bail For?

During a defendant’s trial period, it’s not (always) fair to keep the defendant in custody. He or she has technically ...

Bail Bond Store: What You Need To Remember

A bail bond is a non-refundable payment to a bail agent and company that gets a person out of jail ...

Got A Bail Bond Payment Coming Up? Use Your Tax Refund

Before you go spending your tax return on new clothes and alcohol, think about your financial commitments first. Don’t ever ...

You Deserve To Have Your Beloved With You V-Day Weekend!

Valentine’s Day weekend is approaching and you can still get your significant other out of jail and back home with ...

CA Laws That Leave Us Scratching Our Heads

You think you’ve heard and seen the weirdest, strangest things like powdered eggs and an app that allows people to ...

How You Can Reduce Some Of Your Unpaid Traffic Ticket Costs

In case you haven’t heard yet, California has a new amnesty program for some people who have outstanding traffic tickets ...

Bail – A Lot To Understand, But Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Can Help

When it comes to bail and bail bonds, and the whole legal process in general, there is a lot to ...

Use Your Tax Return For Bail!

Does Mojave Bail Bond Store accept tax return money for a bail bond payment? Of course! Because your tax return ...

Get Your Valentine Out Of Jail With Agua Dulce Bail Bond Store

Every person means something to another person. They are cared about, thought of, looked after, loved. When something goes wrong, ...

Avoid Accidents And Arrests During El Nino With These Road Tips

We hear that El Nino is going to really begin in February and when the rain comes, so do more ...

Why Bail Bond Store Will Help You

You might be able to afford to pay for bail without a bail bond because you have the money. But ...

Understanding False Arrests

As you’re well aware, not every person who has been arrested is truly guilty of the crime they were arrested ...

Downtown Bail Bond Store Wants You To Have A Valentine

Valentine’s Day may be cheesy to some people while others may absolutely love this Hallmark holiday. Then there are some ...

When Your Tax Return Comes In – Pay For Bail!

Concern about paying for bail and even a bail bond is not uncommon. Though bail bonds are much more affordable ...

Answers To Your 4 Most Pressing Bail Bond-Related Questions

If this is your first time needing to bail someone out of jail, we’re sure you have a lot of ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Agents – Your Everyday People

When you call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, you’re calling because you’re in desperate need of someone to help you ...

Rights During Detention Versus During An Arrest

It’s important to understand the differences between being detained and being arrested because a person’s rights will change under each ...

Super Bowl, Alcohol, And Responsibility

Super Bowl Sunday and alcohol basically go hand in hand (for those who are 21 and over). Before you embark ...

Super Bowl Sunday – Not Bail Bond Sunday

Did you know the most popular TV program for Americans to watch every year is the Super Bowl? And as ...

Pay Bail With Your Tax Return

San Fernando Bail Bond Store is one of the easiest, friendliest bail bond companies to partner with when it comes ...

Some Of The Most Expensive Bail Cases In The History Of The U.S.

$40,000 for a bail bonds would be expensive to anyone, but just remember that it could always be worse. These ...

Using Your Right To Bail

If you have the right to bail, why not use it? By not posting bail you’re punishing yourself by sitting ...

Valley Glen Bail Bond Store Family Is Your Family

Any real family member will do anything and everything to support you and help you succeed in all facets of ...

Studio City Bail Bond Store: The Best Of The Best

Even among hundreds of other bail bond companies in California, including many which have been in business longer, more people ...

Tax Refunds – A Relief For Bail Bond Payments

Tax refunds are being issued out soon to millions of anxious people. Some wish to put this into their bank ...

Understanding Infractions, Misdemeanors, And Felonies

There are three classifications of crimes as defined by the justice system. How a crime is classified will depend primarily ...

Pros And Cons Of Bail Options

There are two options when it comes to posting bail: paying court directly or hiring a professional bail bondsman to ...

Simi Valley Bail Bond Store Will Always Be There For You and Your Loved Ones

We provide all of our clients with fast, courteous, and confidential service at Simi Valley Bail Bond Store. We have ...

Let Fullerton Bail Bond Store Show You How Affordable Bail Bond Store Are

At Fullerton Bail Bond Store, we know how difficult paying for a loved one’s bail can be. We know that ...

At Pasadena Bail Bond Store, We Know That Our Clients Will Do Anything to Help Their Loved Ones

You would do anything to help or protect your friends or family members. If someone you care about got arrested, ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Forever Be By Your Side

If someone you care about has been arrested, it is not the end of the world. You have an ally ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Never Quits On Our Clients and Forever Gives Them Hope

When a friend or family member gets arrested, you hope that you will be able to help him or her ...

Simi Valley Bail Bond Store Will Make Bailing Your Loved One Out of Jail Easy and Affordable

For the past 29 years, Simi Valley Bail Bond Store has been making bail easy for all of our clients ...

We Take Care of Our Clients Here at Fullerton Bail Bond Store

When a friend or family member you care about is in trouble, you will do anything to help. Sometimes, this ...

Do Not Lose Hope, Pasadena Bail Bond Store Is Here For You

Do not lose hope if one of your friends or family members gets arrested. Just because someone you know has ...

It’s Always Faster Bailing Out Your Beloved With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Just because your friend or family member was arrested, does not mean there is nothing you can do for him ...

Always Trust That With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, You’re In Good Hands

When you are trying to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you want to work with a ...

Your Signature Can Be Your Collateral When You Use Hawthorne Bail Bond Store To Rescue a Loved One

When it comes to making payments, a lot of bail bonds companies will want collateral, in case their clients stops ...

Gardena Bail Bond Store’ Amazing and Knowledgeable bail agents Can Answer All of Your Questions

If someone you care about has recently been arrested, you probably have a lot of questions. If so, you have ...

Get High Quality, Professional Bail Bond Store Help from Fullerton Bail Bond Store

When you need to bail a loved one out of jail, you need more than just professional help, you want ...

Pasadena Bail Bond Store Will Help You Rescue Your Loved One at a Price You Can Afford

You do not need to pay an arm and a leg to bail a friend or family member out of ...

Our Caring bail agents at Simi Valley Bail Bond Store Are Here to Help You

You do not have to panic if you find out that a loved one has been arrested and placed behind ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Always Be Here To Help Get Your Beloved Back Home Where They Belong

When you have a friend or family member that has been arrested, you probably want to bail him or her ...

Work With Only Top Notch Bail Agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you want to do so quickly. You ...

Spring into Action with Help from the Professionals at Simi Valley Bail Bond Store

When you have a friend or family member who has been arrested, it is time to jump into action and ...

You Can Easily Get Your Loved One Out of Jail by Going to Fullerton Bail Bond Store

Did you know that bailing a loved one out of jail is not as difficult as most people think? Bailing ...

Show Your Loved One Some Kindness and Bail Them Out of Jail with Pasadena Bail Bond Store

Forget about being mad at your friend or family member because he or she got arrested, instead, show forgiveness and ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Show You How Bail Bond Store Work

Everyday thousands of people are arrested in California, and yet most do not understand bail bonds, or how they work ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Prove Its Loyalty To You By Rescuing Your Loved One From Jail

Bail bonds can easily intimidate a majority of the population, but there is nothing to be afraid of when it ...

You Will Always Get Bail Help That You Can Rely On from Hollywood Bail Bond Store

When you need to bail someone you care about out of jail, you want only the very best. You want ...

Go To Westlake Bail Bond Store and Get the Bail Process Started, and Finished, Today

Bailing a loved one out of jail is much easier than most people think. All you really need to do ...

The Best bail agents in the State of California Are Working at Willowbrook Bail Bond Store

At Willowbrook Bail Bond Store, we have some of the most professional bail agents in California, ready and willing to ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Bail Agents Take Pride In Helping Out Our Clients And Their Loved Ones

The price of a loved one’s bail tends to intimidate a lot of people, so much so that they do ...

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, We Always Have Our Clients’ Back

Do not lose hope just because one of your friends or family members got arrested. You can get your loved ...

Choose Florence Bail Bond Store, a Company That Can Actually Assist You in Rescuing Your Loved One from Jail

When you are looking for a bail agent, make sure you find one that actually works in your local area ...

Boyle Heights Bail Bond Store Makes Bail Quick and Easy For All of Our Californian Clients

When you need to bail someone you care about out of jail, you need professional bail help. You can count ...

At Bell Bail Bond Store We Make Bail Affordable For All of Our California Clients

At Bell Bail Bond Store, we offer discounts to qualified clients. We will work with you to setup a customized ...

Your Beloved Will Know You Care When You Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store For Help

You would always be there for your friend or family member no matter what, right? If someone you cared about ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Alwyas Help You Get Your Loved One Home

If you have a family member who has run into a rough spot in life and found him or herself ...

Walnut Bail Bond Store Will Help You Exercise Your Loved One’s Right to Be Bailed out of Jail

Did you know that everyone has the right to be bailed out of jail? At Walnut Bail Bond Store, we ...

All It Takes To Answer Your Bail Questions Is Talking To an Azusa Bail Bond Store Bail Agent

When you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you can have a lot of questions ...

Glendora Bail Bond Store Is the Best Way to Rescue Your Loved One from Any Jail in California

There is a better way to rescue your friend or family member from jail, besides breaking him or her out ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is Always Here For Our Clients In Their Time Of Need

Bail bonds tend to intimidate a vast majority of the population. This is mostly because people very rarely have to ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Specializes In Re-uniting Loved Ones With Their Families

Bailing a loved one out of jail is easier than most people realize. The hardest part about bailing out a ...

Hawthorne Bail Bond Store Will Always Be There For You and Your Loved One When You Need Us Most

Do not chase after a bail agent that will not return your calls, instead, go to a bail agent that ...

Alhambra Bail Bond Store Is the Best at Making Bail Bond Store Easier For Their Clients

Bailing a friend or family member out of jail can be faster and easier than most people realize, provided you ...

Get Back to Your Relaxing Normal Life Sooner By Using Cerritos Bail Bond Store to Rescue Your Loved One

If you get woken up in the middle of the night by a loved one calling from jail, you will ...

Always Spend Your Money On What’s Best For You and Your Loved Ones

Tax season is now upon us and that can mean some extra spending cash in your bank account. You would ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Always Gives Affordable Options To Our Clients to Get Them Out Of Jail No Matter What

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store makes bailing someone you care about out of jail quick and easy. Our highly trained ...

Watts Bail Bond Store Will Help You Rescue Your Loved One No Matter Where In California He or She May Be

If you have a loved one who has been arrested, do not force him or her to stay in jail ...

How Can Bell Bail Bond Store Bail Out Your Loved One If You Do Not Know How Bail Bond Store Work?

When you are trying to bail someone you care about out of jail, you want to make sure that you ...

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store bail agents Will Take Care of You As You Bail Out Your Loved One

If you have a friend or family member who has been recently been arrested, and you want to bail him ...

Our Dedicated Bail Agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Rescue Your Beloved

Do not try to bail a friend or family member out of jail with a bail agent that you cannot ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store’ Number One Priority Is Always The Well-Being Of Our Clients

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store was founded in 1987 with the goal of helping the people of California when they ...

Hawthorne Bail Bond Store Will Always Be There to Help You When You Want To Rescue a Loved One from Jail

What would you do if you found out that one of your friends or family members was arrested? Would you ...

Do Not Over Pay to Bail Your Friend Out of Jail, Go to Alhambra Bail Bond Store for a Bail Agent You Can Afford

Did someone you care about just recently get arrested? If so, you should lend him or her a hand and ...

You Get Only the Best Bail Bond Store Help from Our Agents at Cerritos Bail Bond Store

There’s no need to say goodbye if one of your friends or family members gets arrested. You can get him ...

Go with The Best Bail Bond Store Company in the Business With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When you need a helping hand bailing someone you care about out of jail, contact the bail agents at Los ...

Our bail agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Always Remain Dedicated To Our Clients

When someone you care about has been arrested, you will want to get him or her out of jail as ...

Bradbury Bail Bond Store Services Will Not Waste Your Valuable Time

If someone you know and love has found his or herself in jail, you can come to your loved one’s ...

At Baldwin Park Bail Bond Store Services, We Make Rescuing a Loved One from Jail a Stress-Free Endeavor

You do not have to stress out when you discover that a friend or family member has been locked away ...

Show Your Friends You Care by Bailing Them out of Jail with Help from Bellflower Bail Bond Store Services

When someone is arrested, they can feel isolated and alone in jail. Do not make someone you care about, feel ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Always Help You Bail Out Your Friend or Loved One

Most people do not wake up in the morning planning on getting arrested, it just is not something people actively ...

Expect The Unexpected, Stay Prepared, and Know That You Can Always Count On Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

If one of your friends or family members, someone you cared about, got arrested right now, would you know what ...

Use a Watts Bail Bond Store Services Bail Agent, an Agent You Can Trust

When someone you care about has been arrested, you will do whatever you need to, in order to get him ...

Go to Bell Bail Bond Store Services and Save Your Loved One from the Experience of Going to Jail

Nobody likes to be alone, and you never feel more alone than when you are ripped out of your life ...

We Make Bail Affordable For All of Our Clients at Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Services

Bail bonds are not cheap, and paying for a bail is not easy. However, Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Services ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Always Be Here For You and Your Loved One

Every once in a while, we all need a guiding hand to help us. If you have a friend or ...

With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services, Your Friend Or Family Member Will Get Home ASAP

You do not have to say goodbye to a friend or family member when he or she gets arrested. You ...

Helpful Ways To Save And Recoup Money For Bail

Paying for a bail bonds means meeting monthly payments on time. While easier and more affordable than the straight bail ...

When A Citizen, Not A Police Officer, Will Make An Arrest

There are certain situations where a citizen will make an arrest because the police are not present to do so ...

Reporting A Crime: Moral Or Legal Obligation?

If someone witnesses a crime or learned of later, they morally should report it, but legally, they are not required ...

The Rich And Famous Need Bail Bond Store Too

Just because someone is rich and famous (or just rich) doesn’t mean they always get special treatment. Just like every ...

The Signs Of Someone With A Secret

Do you know the signs of someone who needs help, but won’t be the one to ask for it or ...

How You Can Find Out If There’s A Warrant Out For Your Arrest

If you were up to some suspicious activity recently but haven’t been caught (yet), you may want to check to ...

Boyle Heights Bail Bond Store Services Does Not Deny Anyone

Unlike other bail bond companies, Boyle Heights Bail Bond Store Services will not deny someone a bail bond because they ...

Embarrassed To Need A Bail Bond? Don’t Be!

We mean it when we say you should never be embarrassed to need a bail bond. For one, our team ...

Do Not Get Behind The Wheel!

Come New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, you cant count on two things to be present: A lot of ...

Embrace The New Year Along With Your New Goals

With every New Year comes a new set of personal goals. For 2016, what do you think about being an ...

Your Happiness Matters Most To Chatsworth Bail Bond Store Services

Chatsworth Bail Bond Store Services is a reliable name in California. Regarded as one of the best performing and most ...

Being Released On Your Own Recognizance

Most people who are released from jail during their trial period have to pay bail. Some people however, do not ...

Important Safety Tips For El Nino

Californians, the much anticipated and historic El Nino is here and we want to make sure you all are keeping ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Always Have Your Back

Once you get a bail bond once, there’s no rule that says you cannot come to Los Angeles Bail Bond ...

The Complications Of Getting Arrested

Anytime you encounter the police, you need to be on your best behavior. You never want to give them any ...

What Happens During Post-Arrest Questioning?

If at any time the police arrest you and start asking questions, make sure they have read you your Miranda ...

Sorry, Bail Is Never Tax Deductible

If you’re wondering whether bail is tax-deductible, well, it’s not. Even though it is money that goes to the government, ...

What To Look For When Hiring A Lawyer

If you’re ever in need of a lawyer, you need to find one who is the right fit for your ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Agents Are At The Top Of The Industry

Every year, the agents and representatives of Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services attend annual training classes. This is mandatory ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services’ New Year’s Resolutions

Our team at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services has created New Year’s resolutions for ourselves that we want to ...

Florence Bail Bond Store Services – The Well-Rounded Bail Bond Company You Need

Finding a trustworthy, affordable, reliable, and genuinely caring bail bondsman isn’t the easiest thing. For one, your trust may be ...

Family Is The Reason You Need To Post Bail

Your motivation for bailing out of jail and representing yourself properly should be your family (and that includes you in ...

How Can I Get My Bail To Decrease?

“$50,000 bail?! Is there anything I can do to lower that amount?” You probably won’t like the answer to that ...

Your New Year’s Resolution: Always Be The Reason Your Loved One Smiles

No New Year’s resolutions list can be too long and too unrealistic, right? For 2016, we have one challenge, one ...

The Best Thing About Gardena Bail Bond Store Services – You Decide

Trying to figure out what the best part about Gardena Bail Bond Store Services is (compared to other companies) can ...

Help A Loved One See New Perspective By Bailing Them Out

2016 is on the horizon and everyone has big dreams and goals for the new year. Whether 2015 was an ...

Drinking And Driving Among Minors Is Decreasing

Here’s some news that’s headed in the right direction: fewer teens and young adults (between ages 16 and 20) are ...

No Charges After 48 Hours? You’re Free To Go

So you know, a person can only be detained up to 48 hours in California without having any charges filed ...

Best Behavior Practices When Out On Bail

When you post bail, the judge will tell you (and it shouldn't be a surprise) that you need to be ...

3 Most Common Bail Bond Myths: Debunked

Knowledge about bail and bail bonds is not something you learn in school, it's something you probably learn while watching ...

Honesty And Integrity – Core Values At Florence Bail Bond Store Services

Florence Bail Bond Store Services is one of California’s most popular bail bond companies. Florence Bail Bond Store Services believes ...

The History Of The Miranda Rights

Have you ever wondered how or why the Miranda Rights are named after a girl named Miranda? Well first of ...

Why You Need To Stay On Top Of Your Friends’ Social Media Too, Not Just Yours

You know by now that anything incriminating you post on social media can come back to taunt you later. You’re ...

Do You Have Something To Worry About At A DUI Checkpoint?

DUI checkpoints are not at all uncommon in California. Checkpoints are temporary in that they only operate for a few ...

Warning: DUI Arrests Increase On New Year’s Eve

In early January 2015, California Highway Patrol reported that the number of DUI arrests made over New Year’s Eve 2014 ...

Why Bail Bond Store Are Worth The Cost

While there is always a price tag on a bail bond to get a loved one out of jail, the ...

Here’s What You Should Know About California’s Voting Rights For Convicts

When a convict is eligible to vote again (including in next year’s presidential election) will depend on their state. In ...

How Your Phone Or MP3 Can Get You Arrested

Your text messages don’t contain information and secrets that you did something wrong, you’re not bullying another person through your ...

As Absurd As It May Sound, You Can Actually Be Arrested For Watching Movies Online

Unless you’re a loyal Netflix or Hulu user, or a user of another legal and legitimate TV and movie streaming ...

If Our Work Means Reuniting Loved Ones, You Can Definitely Find Us Right In The Mix, Even On A Holiday

With your spouse sitting in jail and Christmas being only a couple days away, can you imagine what Christmas morning ...

Be Careful Renting Party Homes In Hollywood Because It Could Be Criminal

It may soon be a misdemeanor to rent a house in the Hollywood Hills for the purpose of extravagant, wild ...

6 Reasons To Choose Alhambra Bail Bond Store Services

Here are several options that Alhambra Bail Bond Store Services offer on a daily basis: 24/7 service to all of ...

Guns, Bail, And Jail

California holds the nation’s strictest gun laws. Most assault weapons are illegal to sell, purchase, and own, including the ones ...

What Getting Arrested And Posting Bail Means For Your Travel Plans

It’s December, meaning it’s only a matter of days until you take off for your holiday travels! You’ve had these ...

California Gun Laws

The debate over gun laws and control will never be changed so that everyone is satisfied with the results. This ...

Get Your Friend Out of Jail by Calling Gardena Bail Bond Store Services

Someone you love went out last night to party, and he or she never came back. Then you get a ...

Clients Are Our #1 Priority at Florence Bail Bond Store Services

Trying to bail someone you care about out of jail can be difficult and stressful. A vast majority of bail ...

Expert Bail Help Is Closer Than You Think

If someone you are close to was arrested, would you not do everything in your power to get him or ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Makes Rescuing a Loved One from Jail Simple and Quick

If you are trying to bail a friend or family member out of jail, you want a bail agent who ...

Help Your Loved One Exercise Her Right to Bail

Your friend or family member getting arrested does not have to be the end of all fun. Everyone has the ...

South Central Bail Bond Store Services – The Whole Package

When it comes to providing fast and affordable bail bonds and meeting client expectations, South Central Bail Bond Store Services ...

Bail Bond Payments Are For Us

Paying for a bail bond has never been easier and more seamless. These days, bail bonds are not only paid ...

One Arrest Shouldn’t Stop You From Succeeding

If you were arrested for some incident, you should never let that arrest stop you from succeeding in the future ...

All The Costs Of A DUI

Unless you work for the police, the DMV, or a car insurance company, it’s likely you don’t know how extensive ...

The Best People To Ask For Help & Support: Your Parents

It should go without saying that the best people to ask for help and support in critical times are your ...

What To Expect If You’re Arrested Out-Of-State

If you’re ever arrested out-of-state, depending on the crime/ reason, you might expect quite a headache of a trial case ...

This Is What You Need To Do If You’re Ever Pulled Over

If you're ever pulled over, there some things you can and should do in order to protect your rights. These ...

No, A Bail Bond Cannot Get Your Convicted Loved One Out Of Jail

Yes it is true that the purpose of bail bonds is to get people out of jail. But that doesn't ...

Do You Know The Difference Between Bail And Bail Bond?

Don’t even think about what the holidays might be like for your recently-arrested loved one - bail them out of ...

Florence Bail Bond Store Services Works 24/7/365

Most people shut down for some time during the holiday season because well, it’s the holiday season. But there are ...

Lawndale Bail Bond Store Services Can Be A Huge Help To You, But There Are Also Some Things We Cannot Do

Our team at Lawndale Bail Bond Store Services can help bail you out of jail. We can start with a ...

A Bail Bond: The Best Gift You Can Give This Holiday Season

For kids, the best Christmas gifts are toys and clothes. For adults, the best gifts are simply spending time with ...

Paying For Bail Has Never Been Easier

Paying for bail is stressful both emotionally and financially. It requires getting a large, very large sum of money that ...

Estimated Bail Based On Crime

As you know, the bail price for a defendant will depend on what the crime was. There are also other ...

Glendale Bail Bond Store Services Makes Bail Affordable For All of Our Clients

Finding out a friend or family member was arrested can be shocking. No one plans on their loved ones getting ...

Let Koreatown Bail Bond Store Services Show You How Easy Bail Bond Store Can Be

Did you know that bail bonds can be very simple? Most companies do not want their clients to know that ...

Let Chinatown Bail Bond Store Services Help You Bail Out the People You Care About

Finding out that someone you care about, a friend, has been arrested can be worrisome. You think things like; how ...

Go To Downtown Bail Bond Store Services If You Get Arrested

Everyone likes to go out and have some fun, and on most nights it is perfectly fine. Every once and ...

It Does Not Matter Where In California Your Loved One Was Arrested

Someone you care about can get arrested at anytime, anywhere in California. If this person was arrested several cities away ...

This Is When You’d Get Arrested For Jaywalking

Even though most people do it, it’s still illegal: jaywalking. There are a bunch of other such instances where it’s ...

5 Laws You Probably Didn’t Know You Have Broken Or Are Breaking

There are completely stupid and silly laws that you could, but probably never will, break (like herding 2,001 sheep in ...

Can You Really Hike To The Hollywood Sign?

If you’ve seen the movie “Friends With Benefits” (2011) starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis, you know that in the ...

You Are More Influential Than You Know

You are more influential on others than you might think, especially when it comes to your children. There is good ...

If There Is Anyone Who Can Relate To You At This Moment, It’s Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Your loved one has been arrested and you truly don’t believe any of your friends can relate to how you’re ...

For Your Entertainment: 7 Oddest California Laws

The below are a round-up of what we have concluded to be the 7 dumbest, silliest, most absurd laws in ...

Understanding The Statute Of Limitations

A statute of limitations refers to the time period in which a person can be charged with a crime they ...

‘Reasonable Suspicion’ And ‘Probable Cause’ Are Not Quite The Same Thing

It’s important for you, as a citizen, to understand the difference between “reasonable suspicion” and “probable cause". For you, it’s ...

Wet Weather Driving Tips – Bring On El Nino!

Everyone is preparing for El Nino by repairing their roofs and sealing up cracks. But have you considered reading up ...

Be “Nice” This Holiday Season By Being A Bail Bond Store Co-Signer For Your Loved One

“Tis the season”! It’s the season and that time of year that we should all look back and reflect on ...

About Those Criminal Background Checks…

After filling out all sorts of forms and applications (universities, jobs, loans, credit cards, housing, etc.), you have definitely noticed ...

The Worst Relationship Strain An Arrest Can Cause

One person's arrest affects multiple other people. Having to deal with the situation is obviously tough and tiring. But perhaps ...

That $8 Shot Is Going To End Up Costing You Thousands

Consider this before you even start drinking tonight: that last $8 shot that you're half hesitant on taking could end ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Search For Your Warrant Then Bail You Out Of Jail

You know that by piling up unpaid dues (parking/ traffic tickets, credit cards, bills, etc.), you’re setting yourself up to ...

Jail Vs. Prison: What’s The Difference, And Where Might Your loved one End Up?

To most people’s surprise, jail and prison are not exact synonyms for each other because they refer to two separate ...

Use Your Criminal Record As Motivation And Determination To Achieve Future Goals

Having a criminal record obviously isn't the best thing, but it won't stop you from obtaining future opportunities. If you ...

You Can Count On Your Willowbrook Bail Bond Store Services Agent To Be There For All Your Needs

In your daily, weekly routine, do you ever pass some of the same people who are out on their own ...

Why We Don’t Give Bail Bond Store For Juveniles

No bail bond company will give a bail bond for a juvenile. Why? Juveniles go through a different process when ...

Keep Your Family Together This Holiday Season

No one wants to be left out of holiday festivities, especially when young children around! No parent wants to miss ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Help You Keep The Holiday Spirit Alive

If you have a loved one in jail and are worried it will ruin your whole family’s holiday season, there’s ...

Protect A Loved One With Hollywood Bail Bond Store Services

Some might think that keeping a defendant in jail is safer, for the community but also that individual. But sometimes ...

What To Know Before You Cosign For A Bail Bond

Being the cosigner of a bail bond is a huge responsibility. The truth is that no matter how much you ...

How “Tattling” On Your Best Friend Might Just Be The Best Thing You Can Ever Do For Them

There is only so much you, or any one person, can do for a stubborn friend or family member. Perhaps ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Offers A Win-Win Situation For All

Here are just a few options that Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services offer our clients daily: Free consultations Affordable ...

What We, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services, Are Thankful For

We’d like to share what our family here at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services is thankful for. We’re thankful ...

Why Violent Crime In Hollywood Has Increased In The Last Year

A recent study has shown that violent crime in Hollywood has increased by 21% in the last year. Hollywood is ...

More Rules About Drones That You Need To Know!

Many larger-sized drones will now have to be registered with the government in order to be owned and operated by ...

Getting A Bail Bond Should Never Be An Invasion Of Privacy

When you’re getting a bail bond, you should never feel like your privacy is being invaded. Yes, you will have ...

Where To Go When Your Best Friend Is In Jail

You were having a regular, pleasant day until your phone rang a couple minutes ago and now you're stressed, frustrated, ...

The Importance Of Your Relationship With Your Parents

If there’s one thing you must always remember about your relationship with your parents, it’s that they are always going ...

These Driving Tips Will Prove To Be Even More Helpful This Season Than Previous Ones

It’s no secret that rain makes drivers well, worse. Especially in harsh weather, it’s dangerous to be driving. The roads ...

This Question About Bail Is More Common During The Holiday Season Than Any Other Time Of Year

One of the biggest questions we at Monterey Park Bail Bond Store Services get (especially now, during the end of ...

What To Be Thankful For This Season

As always, be thankful for your friends and family. It might come off as cliché but you can never be ...

Cyber-Bullying Is A Crime And It’s A Crime That Can Set Off More Crimes

With the rise of social media comes the rise of cyber-bullying, unfortunately. Defined, cyberbullying is using electronic communications like email, ...

Social Media – Best Friends And Worst Enemies

Our cell phones and social media have become our very best friends, but they can also be our worst enemies ...

If You’re Arrested, Be Cooperative But Know Your Rights Too

If you are ever arrested, you want to make sure you are cooperative with the police. At the same time, ...

Lawndale Bail Bond Store Services Helps Not Just Those In Jail, But Their Friends And Family Too

For 28 years, Lawndale Bail Bond Store Services have been giving families a sense of relief and support when they ...

If You’re Eligible For Bail, Then Bail!

Not everyone who gets arrested is guilty of the crime they are accused of. It wouldn’t be fair to make ...

What Your Bail Agent Can And Cannot Do

California has certain laws for bail and bail bonds that must be followed. You know that defendants have the right ...

Give A Loved One A Second Shot By Bailing Them Out Of Jail

In the season of giving, options are endless. There are of course, the standard material items we gift friends and ...

Use Your Rights To Your Benefit

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in court. You ...

There New Rules In Manhattan Beach For Drone Operators

The push to regulate drone operators has moved forward, at least in Manhattan Beach. A measure was passed recently that ...

Defendants Are Capable Of Being Good People

It’s quite important to remember that no one is ever perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and has flaws, but everyone is ...

We’ll Give You The Bail Bond You Need

This time of year is about giving and lending a helping hand, right? Well why don’t you let us lend ...

“I’m Thankful For My Family Bailing Me Out Of Jail”

Thanksgiving means a big dinner table with lots of food and every seat at the table taken by a loved ...

La Habra Heights Bail Bond Store Services Has Always Been The Ideal Bail Bond Company

Years ago, bailing out of jail was neither easy nor affordable. People were struggling to pull financial resources and finding ...

How To Protect Yourself From An Unlawful Cell Phone Search

As of a few weeks ago, California police officers now need to get a warrant to search your cell phone ...

Updated: Consensual Sex In California

California has become the first state to require high schools to have a class on sexual consent for their students ...

Don’t Be Fooled By That Cute Innocent Face

We know the weather is cooling a bit and you’re less likely to hit the beach (or maybe not - ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will NOT Let You Down

In our 28 years of bail bond experience, we have never given up. We don’t give up on people who ...

Did You Know It’s Actually A Crime To Open Another Person’s Mail?

You’re in possession of mail that is clearly addressed to another person. Maybe their mail continues to get sent to ...

What Can Chatsworth Bail Bond Store Services Offer Me?

There are several services that Chatsworth Bail Bond Store Services offer to our very important clients on a daily basis ...

Have You Ever Considered That Getting Arrested Could Be A Good Thing?

That’s a pretty outlandish thing to hear, is what we bet you’re thinking. What good can come out of my ...

Celebrities Use Bail Bond Store Too

Believe it or not, even celebrities with millions of dollars will approach a bail bond company like ours to get ...

Start Thinking Of The Holidays – Bail Your Loved One Out Now

Everyone’s favorite time of year are upon us - the holidays! Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Christmas, New Years. It’s the time ...

Being An Immigrant In The U.S.

Living as an immigrant (especially an undocumented one) is pretty terrifying, we bet. Every day. But, immigrants do have special ...

The Secret To Bailing Your Loved One Out Of Jail

The secret to bailing your loved one out of jail really isn’t much of a secret. It just happens to ...

We Get What You’re Going Through

No, this is not part of our standardized customer service procedures. Our team, our family here at Westmont Bail Bond ...

This Could Happen To Anyone, Including You

There are so many things in life we can prepare for (and that’s great), but there are some things we ...

What Is Acceptable Bail Bond Collateral?

A common necessity to secure a bail bond is to get collateral for it. The collateral is pledged, kind of ...

California, Marijuana, And The Law

As lax as the police and the people might seem about marijuana in California, the drug is still technically not ...

If You’re Going To Settle, Settle For The Best: Willowbrook Bail Bond Store Services

On the surface level, what you want is a bail bond for your loved one, right? But deeper down you ...

A Minor Detail Can Make A Big Difference

“Thank you Westmont Bail Bond Store Services for being there for me. Very nice staff and good service!” “Great service ...

Bail Bond Agents Are Mean, Scary, And Intimidating – That’s A Myth!

Let’s get one thing straight: bail bond agents aren’t intimidating and mean thug-like people. (Don’t worry, that’s a common misconception ...

A Criminal History Won’t Necessarily Prohibit You From Voting In The Next Election

With the presidential election of 2016 coming up next year (you’re definitely hearing more and more about it in the ...

You ARE Innocent Until Proven Guilty

No matter what, when you are arrested, you are still presumed innocent until proven guilty. The “proven guilty” part occurs ...

What A Bail Bond Company Can And Cannot Do

We wish we could do everything for you during this legal process you face, but unfortunately we cannot. We can: ...

Willowbrook Bail Bond Store Services Agents Can Help You More Than You Think

You may not know your Willowbrook Bail Bond Store Services agent too well at first, but know that no matter ...

Family First – Bail Out Of Jail And Be With Them

With just one person in jail, a whole family will be affected. There’s an essential part of the family that ...

Bail First, Then Maybe You May Travel A Bit

When you bail your loved one out of jail in cash or with a bail bond, you need to keep ...

Find Out Who Is And Isn’t Eligible For Bail

Echo Park Bail Bond Store Services is a California, statewide bails bond company that serves out bails bonds to arrested ...

Jail Is No Place For Someone With Anger Issues – Bail Them Out And Get Them Help

If you think someone you care about deeply has some anger issues, you may want to reach out to them ...

Keep The Dream Alive By Bailing Out Of Jail

For young adults especially, it is very important to bail out of jail because it means they can return to ...

Bail Is Better Than A Night In Jail

If you’re really concerned about the well-being and safety of your loved one, you will help bail them out of ...

How You Can Get Your License Back And Reduce Your Outstanding Traffic Tickets For Good

Attention California drivers who have outstanding tickets - you may now begin applying for California’s new traffic ticket amnesty program! ...

How You Can Get Your License Back And Reduce Your Outstanding Traffic Tickets

Attention California drivers who have outstanding tickets - you may now begin applying for California’s new traffic ticket amnesty program! ...

Find A Friend In Your Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Agent

From a stranger to a helpful individual to a friend. This is the process you go through with your Los ...

The Steps To Bail With Bail Bond Store

Find out the charges made against the person you love, the cost of their bail, and where they are currently ...

What The Eighth Amendment Has To Do With Bail

The Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects those who have the right to post bail. The Amendment prohibits ...

No Matter What, Do Not Resist Arrest

If the police intend to arrest you, do not resist arrest, no matter what. This is a bit of advice ...

Planning Halloween Early? Might As Well Plan Your Safety Too, Now

Halloween can be two totally different holidays between children and adults. For children, it’s about dressing up and going trick-or-treating ...

Jail Is No Place For Your Loved One

Dirty. Dark. Uncomfortable. Isolation. Dangerous. These are all terms that describe jail, where your loved one is right now. Yet, ...

Let Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Take Some Weight Off Your Shoulders

Can we at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services give you a handful of things to worry less about? We ...

Do You Need Professional Help?

Sometimes, handling an issue by ourselves is not enough. Sometimes, getting help from friends or family is also not enough ...

You Might Not Know You’re Breaking These California Traffic Laws

California has some pretty lax driving laws (California roll stop, lane splitting, going with the flow of traffic instead of ...

Can Someone Be Denied Bail?

Bail is offered for most criminals but in extreme cases, a judge will deny bail altogether for a criminal deemed ...

You Want To Know About California’s New Traffic Amnesty Program

California drivers, there’s a new program that can help you pay off outstanding tickets and still be in possession of ...

What Are The Various Forms Of Bail?

Not being able to afford bail may not be a problem - cash isn’t the only way you can pay ...

You Just Might Be The Role Model To Someone Who Is Older Than You

Who says role models have to be people who are older than you are? Age doesn’t matter. It’s the qualities ...

Know The Signs Of Trouble

It’s not always easy to ask for help, especially if that person is in trouble. When friends and family begin ...

Are Your Practicing The Proper Court Etiquette?

How you represent yourself (dress, act, speak) in court is very important. It does affect the ease of the trial ...

Pros And Cons To Being A Bail Bond Cosigner

A bail bond cosigner plays a very crucial role in the bail bond process. Potential cosigners should educate themselves of ...

Knowing Your Rights When You Are Arrested Will Benefit You

Do your best to remain poised and confident (yet still compliant) with authorities if you are ever detained or arrested ...

It’s Okay To Tell Your Parents You’re In Trouble

As a youth, you pretty much always had to tell your parents when you were in trouble. Concealing your issues ...

What You Get When You Go With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

When you choose Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services to help you, you get around the clock service, a personalize ...

This Is What You Need To Know About A Citizen’s Arrest

In any situation, that involves breaking the law, it is best to allow the police to get involved and let ...

The Best Person To Call When You Are Arrested

There are a few people you should probably call when you are arrested, but the person you should prioritize should ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Agents Have Been In Your Shoes Too. We Know How To Help You Best

You only think of your Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services agent as someone who is being polite and helpful ...

There’s A Solution To Getting Out Of Jail That You CAN Afford

The judge slapped you with a bail amount you cannot afford, not even a little. You’re sitting in jail trying ...

Yes You Can Have Your Criminal Record Sealed

If you don’t know this already, you’ll definitely want to, especially if you yourself have a criminal record: it may ...

What Shows Up On A Background Check

As you know, you are subject to background checks every now and then, like when you’re applying for a new ...

How Bail Really Works

Most people’s understanding of how bail works in real life is what they watch on television, which is a very ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Help You Out No Matter What Hour Of The Day Or Night It Is

There's no shortage of nightlife in this vibrant city of Los Angeles. From bars to clubs and concerts to sporting ...

If Getting Arrested Is Part Of Your Game, Bailing You Out Is Part Of Ours

Man do we love this time of year - football! Like any big sports fan, we're die-hard for our team ...

Everything You Get At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

When you contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services for assistant, a representative will search for all the best solutions ...

Getting Arrested Doesn’t Mean You’re A Bad Person

Don’t beat yourself up for one mistake you’ve made, okay? Getting arrested and jailed isn’t the end of your life ...

Contacting Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Is The Responsible Thing To Do

You never ever thought you'd be responsible for helping bail someone you love out of jail. You're shocked, speechless, angry, ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Help Keep Your Relationships Alive!

It’s no secret that jail can ruin relationships between families, lovers, and friends. It’s no easy situation to get through ...

We’re Scratching Our Heads At These Looney California Laws

Amid all our serious talk about California laws and bail and jail, we think it’s nice to throw in some ...

Sitting In Jail And Missing Out Of Life Is A Totally True Cliché

The longer you sit in jail, the more you miss out on life. It might sound cliché but it’s totally ...

Your Relationship Might Be Illegal. . .

Every state has laws regarding sexual intercourse, age of consent, and statutory rape. For the record, in California, the law ...

Holiday Weekend DUI Checkpoints And What Happens At Them

If you plan on drinking over Labor Day Weekend, as always, drink responsibly. And make other decisions (such as driving) ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Bail Bond Store Doesn’t Waste Any Time

Little is worse than sitting in jail waiting and waiting and waiting to get out. Los Angeles Bail Bond Store ...

Some People Can’t Pay Their Whole Bail Amount; Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Are Here

Some other people use a bail bond, which costs them 10% of the whole bail amount. This doesn’t mean that ...

Paying For Bail Alone? Use A Bail Bond From Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services!

You don’t need to ask Mom or Dad for money to bail out of jail. You’re financially independent and you’re ...

Can Someone Travel While They’re Out On Bail?

You’ve been anxious and excited for your upcoming travel plans ever since the beginning of the year when you locked ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Offers The Whole Package

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services offers the whole package anyone is looking for when it comes to needing help ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Works Around The Clock, Around The Calendar

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services is a California bail bond company that works around the clock and around the ...

Why You Should Allow Happiness And Relief When You Use Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Posting bail doesn’t have to be a bad, negative thing for a person; it could be a relieving thing because ...

College Fun Isn’t Worth The Dangers Of Social Experimentation

If you think your friend in college is in danger of harming themselves or another person, we encourage you to ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Agents Are Leaders In The Industry

Many agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services are long-term employees who have been with us since the start ...

Bail Bond Co-Signers Have Rights Too

Before agreeing to co-sign a bail bond, you need to know some key important details. Like signing any contract, you ...

Who To Go To When You’re In Trouble

Being the independent person you are, you hate having to go to others when you need their help or if ...

Your Friend Can Get Out Of Jail Faster With Your Help

Money is valuable but when it compares to the freedom and happiness of a loved one, it means nothing at ...

The Most Common Crimes in California

There are all types of crimes in the criminal justice system and as you can probably imagine, it can get ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Offers Flexible Bail Bond Plans

You got a call that someone you care deeply about has been arrested. You hung up and frantically starting searching ...

We Can Search For Your Warrant And Start Your Bail Bond All At The Same Time

If you’re wondering what is happening to all those unpaid tickets you owe, well, you might just find out soon ...

We Can’t Do It All – What Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Cannot Do For You

Boy, we sure wish we at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services can do it all for you, but unfortunately ...

A Letter To Every Person Turning 18

This is for everyone for when they turn 18. Turning 18 is great. Somewhere in history, turning 18 became the ...

Don’t You Forget Your Rights When The Police Are Around? Brush Up On Them Now

Did you know that you don’t have to let the police into your home if they don’t have a search ...

Sundays Are For Football, Not Jail

Football season is finally here and we’re sure you can’t be any more excited! Tailgating, barbecuing, drinking, catching the game ...

Friendly Faces At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Have you ever gotten on the phone with someone in customer service and immediately could tell they were not going ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Has The Best Agents To Help You

You can always expect a friendly, unintimidating and non-judgmental agent at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services. Family values a ...

LAPD Begins Using Body Cameras

More and more police groups are starting to use body-cameras, and the LAPD is the latest to join in. There ...

New California Laws for 2015 You May Not Know About

Laws change all the time and with half of 2015 already over, we bet you don’t know a lot of ...

What Happens If You Are Arrested For A Crime You Committed As A Minor

In some situations, an adult (18 years or older) gets arrested for a crime he or she committed as a ...

Don’t Be Shy – Agents At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Are Welcoming, Friendly, And Understanding

It’s very nice and refreshing to approach a company and be greeting with a friendly, genuine person. That’s what you ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Agents Care About Your Child As Much As You Do

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services agents and representatives want to help you get your child one out of jail ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Is The Most Outstanding And Professional Bail Bond Company For You

What’s worse than having to deal with making bail bond payments? Working with a bail bond company and agent who ...

The Miranda Rights Are Your Rights

You probably have heard and seen on television cops say to the people they are arresting, “You have the right ...

Let’s Work Together To Bail Out Your Friend In Time For Labor Day Weekend

Get the whole crew together for Labor Day Weekend! Don’t make your friend sit in jail while the rest of ...

Get Your Friend Out of Jail Today With Help from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

There are other ways to get your friend out of jail besides just breaking him or her out. You can ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Take Care of You and Your Loved One

If you need to bail a friend or family member out of jail, do not spend your precious time driving ...

Get the Bail Help You Need from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Whenever you need a hand rescuing a member of your family from jail, you can count on the bail agents ...

We Provide Our Clients with Options Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services we make bailing a loved one out of jail easy for all of our ...

North Hollywood Bail Bond Store Services Makes It Easy To Be Responsible

If a friend or family member, someone you care about, gets arrested, then it may be your responsibility to bail ...

You Get Professional Bail Bond Store Help from Long Beach Bail Bond Store Services

When you need a helping hand to get a loved one out of jail in California, call Long Beach Bail ...

Do Not Get Overwhelmed, Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Getting arrested can be a very confusing event. One minute you are out and about having fun and the next ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Help You Get Your Loved One Out of Jail

Just because your friend or family member gets arrested, it does not mean that their life is over. You can ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Help You Get Your Loved One Out of Jail Quickly

If a friend or family member gets arrested, you need expert bail bonds help to get him or her out ...

Get Your Best Friend Back With Help from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Friends always have your back, but who will have it if your friend gets arrested? When you need to bail ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Can Get Your Friend Back In Your Life

Time is of the highest importance when you need to bail a loved one out of jail. No one wants ...

Rescue Your Loved One from Jail with Help from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Some people have a hard time recognizing when they have gone too far. People will not realize they have crossed ...

Get Your Friend Out of Jail Today By Calling Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Someone you love went out last night to party, and he never came back. Then you get a phone call ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Has Talented bail agents to Help Our Clients

Some people do not always get along perfectly with other family members, but that does not change the fact that ...

Get Superior Bail Help from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

In this day and age, bailing a friend or family member out of jail should be easy, yet some bail ...

Get Your Friend Back Today with Help from Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Finding out that your best friend, someone you care about, has been arrested can be devastating. What are you going ...

Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services and Rescue Your Loved One from Jail

Every day, thousands of people are arrested in California alone. Lucky for them, Los AngelesBail Bond Store is here to ...

You Can Trust That the bail agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services Will Take Care of You

If one of your friends or family members has been arrested it can feel like the rug has been pulled ...

Get Your Loved One Out Of Jail Quickly By Calling Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services

Sometimes life does not always go your way and someone you care about can get arrested at any moment. You ...

It Does Not Matter Where Your Loved One Was Arrested, Panorama City Bail Bond Store Can Bail Him Out

Someone you care about can get arrested at anytime, anywhere in California. If this person was arrested several cities away ...

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

We can talk up our company and services all we want, but it’s better that you check out client reviews ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Serivce Makes Bail Quick and Simple

Some bail bonds companies are all about making as much money as they can from their clients. They will try ...

Use A Bail Bond Storeman You Can Trust, Use Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Serivce

When someone you care about has been arrested, you will do whatever you need to, to get him or her ...

Let Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Serivce Help You Rescue Your Family Member from Jail

Most people will do anything to help their family members and at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Serivce we understand ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Serivce is the Best Bail Bond Store Company in California

When you need to rescue a friend or family member from jail, you want to use the best bail bonds ...

Help Your Friend By Using Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Serivce

Getting arrested can be a terrifying experience and you can feel all alone. Do not make someone you care about ...

Bail Agents That Know How To Take Care Of Their Clients

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store was founded nearly 30 years ago in 1987. Since then we have worked non-stop at ...

Get The Help You Need To Bail Out Of Jail

If you need to get bailed out of jail to begin putting your life back together then you need help ...

If You Have Been Arrested You May Need A Bail Agent As A Friend

If you have found yourself in the unfortunate position of getting arrested, you will hope that your best friend will ...

Change: Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid Of Change

Change may not always be a bad thing. People like routine, they like what they know and are used to ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service Will Take Care Of Your Family

Many bail bond companies look for ways they can securely receive the most money from clients as fast as possible ...

How To Tell Your Children About Their Mom Or Dad’s Arrest Incident

When your husband or wife gets arrested, you’re faced with the stress and worry about how to get them out ...

Getting Arrested In A State That Is Not Your State Of Residence Is Even More Of A Nightmare

Getting arrested in your state of residence is troublesome enough, but getting arrested for a crime in a state that ...

Sorry, Bail Is Not Tax Deductible

Even though tax season is far away, if you need to pay for bail, you might be wondering (and hoping) ...

Never Give Up On Your Loved Ones, Even When They Gave Up On Themselves

You are your own harshest critic, as am I, as is everyone. Failure and disappointment bring us down so much ...

The Best Thing You Might Ever Do Is Turn Your Friend In To The Police

The best thing you might ever do for your best friend is to turn them in to the police. As ...

If The Judge Grants You Bail, Post Bail. Don’t Worry About Your Income. We’ll Help With That.

Whether you make $500,000 per year or $50,000, if you have the have the option to post bail after getting ...

When You Need To Be The Parent To Your Parent, Los Angeles Can Help

As your father, you expect him to be the one to give you growing up advice, giving you dating tips ...

What Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service Can Offer You

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service is a family-owned company that serves the entire state of California. We have offices ...

About The 8th Amendment And Bail

The 8th Amendment protects the people from excessive bail, yet bail still does seem excessive to pretty much everyone. $10,000, ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service Is Committed to Helping You and Your Loved One

A lot of bail bonds companies try to provide their clients with great service, but just fall short. Some of ...

Get Your Loved One Out Of Jail Quickly With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service

When a friend or family member has run into trouble with the law and found themselves behind bars, you will ...

Do Not Make Bail Bond Store Harder Than They Need To Be, Go to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service

Just because your loved one was arrested does not mean you have to work yourself to death to rescue her ...

Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service, the Smart Bail Bond Store Company

There are a lot of people who have no idea how to bail someone they care about out of jail ...

Get Your Loved One Back Home Where He Belongs with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service

Hoe is where the people you care most about belong and when they are not there, your home can feel ...

Do Not Panic If You Have Been Arrested, Send Your Family to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service

One little action can make a huge difference between an officer letting you go or arresting you and taking you ...

Do Not Let a Surprise Catch You off Guard Go to Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service

Every once in a while life decides it wants to get crazy and it is in these moments that someone ...

Get the Important People in Your Life Bailed Out with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service

When someone you care about has been arrested, you will do whatever you can to get them out of jail ...

Here Is What Your Bail/ Fine Could Cost For These Infractions And Misdemeanors In The LA Area

You may not know you’re breaking the law sometimes, especially with something that seems less harmless, more fun. Well, here ...

No One Does Bail As Successfully As Los Angeles

The easiest and fastest way to bail is through Los Angeles Bail Bond Store. Our family-owned company has been in ...

Get Your Future Back On Track With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store gives hope back to people who have been arrested. Jail doesn’t have to be “the ...

Think Twice Before You Press “Post” On Social Media

Every now and then you’re warned about the things you post on social media, cautious that employers or parents or ...

15-Year-Old Boy To Be Tried As An Adult; How The Law Treats Minors And Adults Differently

In most U.S. states, minors are classified as those younger than 18 (there are some states who set the age ...

Don’t Be Ashamed To Get Bail Help

Don’t be ashamed to call us at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store seeking help to get out of jail. You ...

Your Parents Will Always Help You Out And When You Become One Yourself, You’ll Understand Why

What happens if you get arrested and need help to bail out of jail? You don't have the funds to ...

California’s Most Wacky Laws – You Won’t Believe Some Of These!

Sorry ladies of Los Angeles, if you were hoping to meet your Prince Charming by kissing a frog, you better ...

Common Items Used As Collateral For Bail Bond Store

Many bail bonds will require collateral be put up in order to proceed. This collateral is used as security – ...

The Case Of Sandra Bland: A Warning For California Drivers

In California, it’s not too uncommon to come across drivers every now and then who change lanes without signaling first ...

You Can Legally Drink Alcohol At These Southern California Beaches

Don’t you wish that it was legal to drink on the beach? Well, luckily, there are a handful of beaches ...

Parents Will Be Parents: Always Concerned About Their Children

As a parent, don't you always have a concern for your children? Even if they are well behaved and honest, ...

Why It’s So Important To Be A Good Role Model For Your Family

For any of you out there who have children, you know how crucial it is to be a solid role ...

Know This Before Cosigning A Bail Bond

Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility and liability. You’re essentially assuming the consequences if the defendant does not ...

It’s Okay To Ask For Parenting Help

If you think your child needs more help than you are able or knowledgeable of to provide, do not hesitate ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is Here For You

When you try to bail a friend or family member out of jail, some bail agencies will leave you feeling ...

Let Our Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Help You Rescue Your Loved One

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store we are committed to providing all of our clients with the best bail service ...

Make an Educated Decision When Bailing Out a Loved One

We would all do whatever we could to help the people we care about. If someone we love is arrested, ...

Do Not Let Jail Separate You and Your Loved One

Being separated from someone you loved can be devastating. No one likes to be alone, and when someone you know ...

We Will Help You Rescue Your Loved One at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When a friend or family member is in trouble and has been arrested, you will want professional help. You want ...

Do Not Let a Loved One’s Arrest Ruin Your Day

Life is funny; one moment you are sitting on top of the world and everything is going your way. Then ...

Rescue the People You Care About At an Affordable Price

Some people will do whatever they can to help the people they care about. They will do anything they can ...

How To Budget Your Income In Case Of An Emergency

How do you know if you’re budgeting your paychecks well? One common guideline to follow is the 50/30/20 rule: No ...

7 U.S. Cities Where Drinking On The Street Is Allowed

What you probably know already is that drinking on public streets is prohibited in the majority of America. What you ...

Look No Further Than Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Service For Help

In your search for the best California bail bond company to help you get your loved one out of jail, ...

Why Juveniles Are Lucky They Don’t Have The Right To Bail

In most U.S. states, if a person under the age of 18 commits a crime, he or she is tried ...

Get Your Loved Out Of Jail And Enjoy The Sunshine

Now that we’re starting to see more hours of sun outside, wouldn’t you want to spend it with all your ...

The Pros Of Bail Bond Store

A professional agent will walk you through the steps so you know exactly what goes on and get the best ...

Don’t Be Afraid To Call Us To Bail You Out Of Jail… Again!

It doesn’t matter to us if we bailed you out of jail last year, we’ll be happy to do it ...

Can Convicted CA Felons Vote In The 2016 Presidential Election? Yes And No

The road to the presidential election in 2016 has begun and we thought it would be insightful to let you ...

What To Do When A Loved One Calls You From Jail

Never did you ever think you’d get a call from a loved one sitting in jail. But, that call did ...

Good News! You Can Clear Your Criminal Record!

If you’re someone who has been haunted by their past legal mistakes, this is probably the best news you’ve heard ...

What To Do When You Just Found Out There Is A Warrant For Your Arrest

When you find out that the police have issued a warrant for your arrest, do not panic. First, you should ...

Do I REALLY Want To Cosign For This Bail Bond?

If you get a call from someone in jail, it probably means he or she is seeking your help to ...

Ask Yourself These Questions Right Before Co-signing A Bail Bond

Do I trust the arrested person enough to appear in court when he or she is asked, as well as ...

Thank Goodness For Los Angeles Bail Bond Store 24/7 Availability!

It’s nearly 4 AM and you’re rudely awaked by a phone call. On the other line is your sister, calling ...

Why Help From A Stranger Is More Beneficial

Sometimes it’s better to talk to someone who doesn’t know you instead of asking your friend for advice or for ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is Not Just Another Bail Bond Company

There are hundreds of bail bond companies in California so it may seem like it can be pretty easy to ...

Here’s What You Need To Know About That Criminal Record Of Yours

A couple years ago you were arrested for shoplifting. You paid your consequences, you learned your lesson, you’ve stayed out ...

What To Do When You Aren’t Able to Give Your Friend The Help They Need

As much as we want to give our friends all the help they need, there are times where we simply ...

5 Things You Need To Know About Your Rights Right Now

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we serve to protect the rights of those who have been arrested, whether that ...

Here’s What You Can Do To Ensure You Get The Lowest Bail Possible

Bail is expensive and unfortunately there really isn’t much anyone can do about it. There are tips for lowering your ...

What All Those Legal Bail Words Mean And Why They Matter

Bail – determined by a judge, this is the amount of money a defendant will need to pay court in ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Wants To Help You

No one ever anticipates needing to help bail a loved one (or themselves!) out of jail so you certainly shouldn’t ...

Get Home To Your Children With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Some parents make the painful mistake of leaving their children unattended in the car as they dash into a store ...

What Does It Mean To Collateralize A Bail Bond?

Collateral on a bail bond is exactly what it sounds like. Collateral is the item or items that Jane must ...

Give A Person Their Life Back By Calling Los Angeles

The general consensus when someone is arrested and goes to jail is that their “life is over.” Of course that’s ...

Get The Bail Help That You Deserve From Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You do not have to bail someone you care about by yourself, there are people that are willing to help ...

Make Bailing Your Loved One Out Of Jail Easy By Calling Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

For the past 28 years Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has been making bail easy for our clients. Our bail ...

Let Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Help You Exercise Your Right To Bail

Everyone has the right to be bailed out of jail at a price that they can afford. Nobody likes going ...

If You Need Help To Get Your Loved One Out Of Jail, Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When someone you love gets arrested, it can feel like everyone in the world is against you, but that is ...

Get Your Questions Answered At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When someone you care about gets arrested, you can have a lot of questions and it may seem impossible to ...

Get Your Friend the Bail Help She Deserves With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

When your friend or family member has been arrested, it can be extremely stressful. It is a very serious situation ...

Save Your Family With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we do more than just bail people out of jail, we save families. Families ...

3 Bail Bond Myths That Are A Relief To Know

For some reason (probably partially due to inaccurate representations through television and film), people tend to think about bail bond ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Protects Your Community

The purpose of bail bonds is to release a recently arrested individual from jail for the days until his or ...

Your iPod Or Phone Could Be Worth Millions Of Dollars

Your iPod or phone could be worth millions of dollars, but don’t jump for joy just yet. What we mean ...

What You Can Do To Help Reduce Crime Rates

For the first time in over 10 years, crime in Los Angeles has risen. Violent crime (rape, aggravated assault, etc.) ...

Take The Quiz: Do You Remember Your Rights?

Let’s take a little history lesson, a rather important one. In grade school, we learn about the Constitution and Bill ...

Paying For Bail IS Affordable! Here’s How

If you’re concerned you can’t gather enough money to pay for your loved ones bail in time, do not worry ...

The Best Thing About Being The Older Sibling

People generally think that being the younger sibling is “better” and “more fun.” Parents are more lax with their second ...

These Are Animals Californians May Not Own

Believe it or not, California has some of the strictest laws when it comes to pet ownership. For example, one ...

This Is What Happens In The Immediate Hours Following An Arrest

What happens in the immediate hours following an arrest is what is called the booking process. This is when your ...

How This 4th Of July Will Be Different Than Others

Your July 4th celebrations must be in the works already and this year, America’s birthday lands on a weekend, meaning ...

Toads May Not Be Licked In LA And Other Absurd CA Laws

If you think the parking sign restrictions in Los Angeles are ridiculous, you should read up on these uber-ridiculous laws ...

So, These Are REAL Los Angeles Laws?

We don’t know exactly why these laws were ever laid out, and we don’t know why the government won’t officially ...

Doing These Can Make Your Wait In Jail Longer

Obviously, everyone wants to get out of jail as quickly as they can. Your release is partially dependent on you, ...

What Not To Do When You See Your Friend Getting Arrested

Say you’re with a friend. Something happens and the cops are suddenly a part of the situation. Your friend is ...

Fourth of July terror warning issued by FBI, Homeland Security

Federal authorities have warned local law enforcement officials across the country about a heightened concern involving possible terror attacks targeting ...

U.S. Boosting Security Measures Ahead of July 4th Celebration

U.S. law enforcement officials are boosting security measures ahead of the Fourth of July holiday, authorities said Tuesday. More police ...

Excellent, Individual And Personalized Treatment At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The process of bailing someone out of jail is routine, but the attention and quality of the process shouldn’t be ...

What To Do If You’ve Been Accused Of A Hate Crime

As you know, a couple weeks ago, there was a shooting at a historic African-American church in South Carolina. A ...

Current Events: The Vanderbilt Rape Case

The 2013 Vanderbilt rape case has attracted nationwide attention: four college football players were arrested and charged for the rape ...

When Celebrities Don’t Get The VIP Treatment

You might think that celebrities are given a more lax treatment in jail, but that is certainly not the case ...

Hot Cars Are Deadly – About Kaitlyn’s Law

You must have heard the dangers of leaving young children unattended in cars on a hot day while you’re running ...

Collateral Damage

If a defendant gets out of jail using a bail bond from a bail agent, that bail agent becomes responsible ...

How Bail Benefits The Public

It might not have occurred t you, but did you know that the public benefits from bail bonds, not just ...

The Stark Reality Of Not Paying Bail

If you’ve ever been arrested and bailed out of jail, be grateful. People who cannot afford bail face a harsh ...

She Thought Her Life Was Over When She Was Arrested. She Was Wrong.

Young, beautiful, social, and successful. She was thoroughly enjoying her life, as it seemed as picture perfect as possible. Then ...

How Much Time Do I Have To Pay My Bail Bond?

Unlike paying your bond in entirety in cash to the court soon after learning the amount, paying for your bail ...

Bail Bond Store Are The Best Alternative To Paying Bail – Unless You Get ‘Own Recognizance’

Unless you are allowed to be released on own recognizance, bail bonds are the best alternative to paying bail. Being ...

Using A Bail Bond Can Help You Save Money For Court

When a crime has been committed, it will be heard and tried in state court. Crimes that occur in California ...

More Reasons To Utilize Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

As you know, bail bonds are used to bail a person out of jail when he or she cannot afford ...

Get Real Bail Bond Store Help From Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Bailing someone out of jail can be a long and lengthy process if you go to the wrong bail agent ...

Let Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Help You Rescue Your Loved One

If you have a loved one who has been arrested, do not force him to stay in jail longer than ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Provides The Very Best Bail Bond Store Service

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store was founded in 1987 with the goal of helping the people of California when they ...

What Happens After You Post Bail

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has bailed you out of jail and now you’re anxiously and nervously waiting the day ...

Protect Your Children With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Being the protective and watchful parent you are, even when your child is no longer a child (by definition at ...

What It Means To Be A Good Parent

Parents have many goals in life for themselves and their children, but the biggest overarching one is to never fail ...

When Savings Accounts Can Literally Save You

If you haven’t already, maybe you should start implementing a plan to how you divide up each paycheck. This means ...

Not Sure If You Can Afford Bail? Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

No one ever expects to get a call from a loved one in jail asking them for the biggest favor ...

Help Make Someone’s Day The Happiest Of Their Life

How many times can one count free-spirited festivals, lively concerts, and breathtaking vacations as the happiest times of their life ...

Summer Travel Guide: “Laws And Customs Of So And So, And What Not To Do”

What are your Summer travel plans? Do you plan on traveling out-of-state, or even out of the country? How exciting! ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store: A Huge Relief For Many

You get close to the most-dreaded call ever: your loved one is in jail. You know minimal details of the ...

Los Angeles’s Top Notch Service Is Unmatched

One might think they can expect the same service from any bail bond company: someone to post a bail bond ...

Bring The Whole Family Together For Father’s Day

Jail is no place to be, especially when a holiday honoring the men in our lives rolls around. This Father’s ...

How Your Bail Can Be Cheaper

It’s rare that a judge will lower a bail amount once it’s been set, but there are a couple of ...

Men Vs. Women: The Difference In Alcohol Effects

As you’re probably well aware, men and women react to alcohol differently. A woman can try to go drink-for-drink with ...

Graffiti Or Street Art? If You Get In Trouble For It, Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

You might see it as art, but others will see it as destruction of property. We’re talking about graffiti (and ...

We Won’t Waste Any More Of Your Time – Let’s Bail Out Now!

We don’t want to waste any more of your time because we know how stressed you must be in the ...

Your Troubles Affect Other People Too, Not Just You

Just like how your positive actions and achievements can have a favorable influence on people who admire you, your negative ...

The “Getting Out Of Jail Free” card

Typically when someone is arrested, they can either post bail to be released until they must reappear in court, or ...

Why it’s so Important to Maintain Close Relationships With Your Closest Companions

As people grow up, they meet new people, make new friends, and begin to engage in new and different interests ...

Various Methods of Paying For a Bail Bond

Bail can be paid for in any of the following forms: Cash Check Credit card Collateral, most often in the ...

How Using Bail Bond Store Benefits The Public

Most people know two things about bail: 1) it’s costly, and 2) it just keeps people out of jail until ...

What to do if You are Unexpectedly Stopped for Questioning

Being stopped by the police is always going to be at least a little alarming, even if you truly have ...

There Are Some Things We Can’t Do For You, But That Doesn’t Stop Us From Being Your Favored Bail Company

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store can do many wonderful things for you: bail you or a loved one out of ...

If You Get Pulled Over, Exercise These Common Sense Rules For A Quicker (And Safer) Experience

If you're getting pulled over, there is a reason. Police already have their eye on you. But you should never ...

Behind The Bars: What Happens After An Arrest

If you are ever arrested, our guess is that your next few hours and days might seem very strange, awkward, ...

What You Always Need To Remember If You Are Getting Pulled Over

You're driving along and suddenly hear sirens. You look around your mirrors and realize the cop is behind you. You ...

Can’t Bear To Imagine Your Loved One In Jail? Now You Don’t Have To

Jails are overcrowded. They're populated with all sorts of criminals. They're dirty, depressing, and dangerous. But thanks to Los Angeles ...

Friends, Family Like Knowing They Are Needed. Ask For Their Help

There is something about knowing we are needed that is just gratifying. Any good person who loves and cares about ...

Be Brave To Let Your Partner Know You Need Help – Marriage Vow Are Strong

Being married to your partner is a beautiful blessing in life, but it does not come without challenges. Your marriage ...

The Difference Between Expungement And Sealing Records

It kind of sucks when you are trying to apply for a new job or find a home to rent ...

Sports, Alcohol, And Common Sense

What an exciting time of year for sports right now! Over the next couple weeks, the Golden State Warriors or ...

The Difference Between Being A Good Friend And A Best Friend

You’ve probably heard the saying that goes something like you can have a hundred friends but you should only be ...

Your Arrest Can Result In A Life-long Consequence

Even if no charges were filed against you, you didn’t have to stand trial, and didn’t have to serve time ...

Just How Long Can One Be Held Without Charges?

Just because someone is arrested doesn’t mean they will be charged right away. It doesn’t even mean they’ll be charged ...

What To Expect At Your First Court Appearance – As A Defendant

Appearing in court for the first time (especially as a defendant rather than a juror) is intimidating. It’s like the ...

How To Turn “June Gloom” Into “June Bloom”

In our industry, “June Gloom” isn’t the grey-ish forecast during the month, it’s the sad circumstances of anyone dealing with ...

You’re Smart Enough To Know Your Safety

It’s graduation season! Don’t be surprised to see your now grown-up child going off to nightly parties with friends. He ...

Find Yourself A Good Role Model

A part of succeeding in our lives is having a good role model to look up to. Whether it’s Mom ...

Getting Help Is Only One Phone Call Away

Getting help is not hard at all and it does not have to be scary or embarrassing. Whoever you ask ...

We Are Absolutely The Best For You

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Customized payment plans molded around your financial situation Zero down Zero ...

Los Angeles Agents Are The Most Qualified In The Industry

California’s Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is a 27-year-old family owned company. Over the years, this company has grown from ...

Can Paying For Bail With A Credit Card Hurt My Credit Score?

Paying for bail using a credit card can be tricky. Your credit line may not even be high enough to ...

Using Social Media To Find The Right Bail Company For You

Finding the bail bond company that will meet your needs best is stressful – and you’re already stressed at the ...

What To Expect When You Go To Jail For The First Time

It’s hard to prepare yourself for jail when you don’t expect to get arrested (unless you had this coming). It’s ...

Why You Were Arrested: Social Media

Social media has truly developed over the past decade from being just a place for people to connect and reconnect ...

What Is Bail?

In California, the justice system aims to provide fair treatment of all people. This includes the “innocent until proven guilty” ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Company – Using Social Media To Find The Right Bail Company For You

Finding the bail bond company that will meet your needs best is stressful – and you’re already stressed at the ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Can Paying For Bail With A Credit Card Hurt My Credit Score?

Paying for bail using a credit card can be tricky. Your credit line may not even be high enough to ...

Los Angeles, CA Bail Bond Store Service – Why You Were Arrested: Social Media

Social media has truly developed over the past decade from being just a place for people to connect and reconnect ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – What To Expect When You Go To Jail For The First Time

It’s hard to prepare yourself for jail when you don’t expect to get arrested (unless you had this coming). It’s ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – What Is Bail?

In California, the justice system aims to provide fair treatment of all people. This includes the “innocent until proven guilty” ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – What Some Officers Don’t Tell You About Bail And Your Rights

You are innocent until proven guilty You can hire legal counsel You can refrain from questioning until your lawyer shows ...

Los Angeles, CA Bail Bond StoreGetting Arrested Could Be The Best Thing To Happen To A Person

Sometimes getting arrested could be the best thing that has ever happened to a person. They live their life dangerously, ...

LA Bail Now – Doing Proper Research Can Save You From Choosing An Unreliable Company

In California, there are hundreds of bail agencies eager to take anyone’s business. We all do the same work – ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Services – How Bail Controls Population In Jail

Even with all the prisons and jails in the United States, it’s sad to say that they are all overcrowding ...

Bail Bond Store in Los Angeles, CA – What Not To Do When You Are Arrested

By getting arrested, you’re already facing some trouble and consequences. But you don’t want to open the door to make ...

Fast Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services – California Laws About Bail Bond Store

Bail bond companies cannot solicit a defendant for posting a bond. The defendant may request a review of bail. However, ...

L.A Bail Bond Store Company – How Los Angeles Can Help You Find Out If There Is A Warrant Out For You

You knowingly did something illegal but you haven’t gotten caught for it yet. That doesn’t mean the police don’t know ...

Los Angeles, CA Bail Bond Store – It’s Never Too Late To Turn Your Life Around

Even for those who have had multiple brushes with the law throughout their lifetime, it’s never too late to get ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services – Don’t Let The Travel Bug Get You Into Jail Elsewhere!

You’ve caught the travel bug this warm season and you think you’ve got your prepping and packing on lock. But ...

Van Nuys Bail Bond Store Help – Congratulations, Grad! Welcome To The Real World! Now, Stay Out Of Trouble

Congratulations to the Class of 2015! Whether you're finishing high school or college, this is a huge milestone in your ...

How Lynwood Can Help Your Family

In major times of conflict, tension between individuals will rise and sometimes, communication and support would be lacking. But when ...

Long Beach, CA Fast Bail Bond Services – Who Do You Trust Most In Your Life

We all have so many friends that it's too hard to count exactly how many. But, if you had to ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Services – When “Too Cool” Becomes Too Much

Parents always want to try and "be cool" to their children. They hope that this way their children will not ...

Vernon Bail Bond Store Service – Don’t Let One Dark Day Ruin Your Entire Summer!

Summer is right at our fingertips and we want to enjoy every minute of every day of it just as ...

What To Do When You Find Out There Is A Warrant For Your Arrest

When you find out that the police have issued a warrant for your arrest, do not panic. First, you should ...

Thank Goodness For Los Angeles’s 24/7 Availability!

It’s nearly 4 AM and you’re rudely awaked by a phone call. On the other line is your sister, calling ...

Reliable Los Angeles County Bail Bond Store – Ask Yourself These Questions Before Co-signing A Bail Bond

Do I trust the arrested person enough to appear in court when he or she is asked, as well as ...

Los Angeles, CA Bail Bond Store Services – Do I REALLY Want To Cosign This Bail Bond?

If you get a call from someone in jail, it probably means he or she is seeking your help to ...

24/7 Fast L.A Bail Bond Services – Why Help From A Stranger Is Beneficial

Sometimes it’s better to talk to someone who doesn’t know you instead of asking your friend for advice or for ...

Lynwood Bail Bond Store Agents – What Is A Bail Bond Co-Signer?

The fastest way to get your loved one out of jail is to secure a bail bond. In order to ...

The Fastest Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Company – Thankful For Payment Plans, Including Bail Bond Payment Plans!

Aren’t you so grateful for payment plans? For Coachella, Disneyland passes, mortgage, even bail bond payments! Yep, even the things ...

Reliable Long Beach Bail Bond Store Help – Miranda Rights – The History You Didn’t Know About

By now you probably have heard the whole “you have the right to remain silent” spiel. You know that as ...

L.A Bail Bond Store Serves Van Nuys, CA – The Greatest Bond Is Between A Mother And Her Son

Mother-son relationships are one of the most unique relationships. In true fashion, mothers will always be protective of their sons ...

Zero Down Bonds At Vernon Bail Bond Store

As you research for a bail bond company to help you out during this stressful time, you’re of course going ...

Are You An Immigrant? Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Still Help You If You Need Us! We Won’t Discriminate.

California is no stranger to floods of immigrants trying to live the American Dream. But doing so can pose a ...

Agents at Bail Bond Store in L.A Are Agents You Can Trust

Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store if an important person in your life has been put into jail. Our family-owned ...

L.A Bail Bond Store – “Three Strikes, You’re Out!”

We are not talking about basketball. We’re talking about something much more serious – a California law that was put ...

Bail Bond Store in Van Nuys – Why Out-Of-State Arrests Are More Troublesome

What’s more challenging than getting arrest for a crime is getting arrested in a state you do not reside in ...

Central L.A Bail Bond Store – Exercise Your Right To Bail

Bail exists to uphold the “innocent until proven guilty” protection. This means that a recently arrested person who has yet ...

Bail Bond Store Lynwood,CA – I’ve Heard The Term “Citizens Arrest.” What Does That Mean?

You may have heard the term “citizens arrest” before and you probably wondered what that meant. The police arrest people ...

Los Angeles,CA Bail Bond Store – The Different Categories Of Crime

Crimes are categorized into infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. Infractions are harmless crimes like traffic tickets, littering, and graffiti. Offenders must ...

Why Long Beach,CA Bail Helps With Jail Population Control

America does not have the room or funds to keep every arrested person in jail. That’s very unfortunate to think ...

Dos And Don’ts When You Are Arrested

You probably would know that it is best to have a lawyer when you are arrested. And if you know ...

What To Expect With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Bail Bond Store

How many bail bond companies do you know that serves the entire state of California with over 165 licensed and ...

Let’s Try To Clear Some Misconceptions About Jail

We all know jail is not a place you want to be, but what you know about jail may not ...

Don’t Miss Mother’s Day – Bail Out Your Family!

All Mom want’s for Mother’s Day is to spend time with her family, even if one of you has gotten ...

Why More Women Than Men Are Arrested For A DUI

The California Department of Motor Vehicles conducted a study last year that showed a very interesting trend: more women are ...

Call A Cab To Keep Your Cinco De Mayo Festivities Going

Not that responsible drinking isn’t important any other day, but we would like to share our occasional reminder to do ...

Bet You Didn’t Know Jail And Prison Are Totally Different

We don’t blame you for thinking jail and prison are two words for the same place. A lot of people ...

Petty Theft Versus Grand Theft

Shoplifting is a serious crime yet 1 in 11 Americans do so anyway. Shoplifting is classified into two categories: petty ...

If There Is One Person To Ask For Help From, It’s Mom

If there’s one person you shouldn’t be scared of asking for help from, it’s Mom. This woman provides the greatest ...

What Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Can Do For You And Your Family

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, we have not one, but two specialties: bailing people out of jail, and happily ...

3 Bail Bond Store Myths, Debunked

There is always so much talk around the most gossipy issues, including bail bonds because they involve intriguing court cases ...

Mom May Be Mad Now, But She’ll Be Relieved To Have You Home By Mother’s Day

Nothing will make Mom happier than spending time with her and Long Beach Bail Bond Store can help you get ...

What To Expect From A Great Bail Agent

Just like seeking out other services, you will want to find the best bail bond company and agent who will ...

When Cinco De Mayo Becomes Cinco De Drinko

Let's face it: Cinco De Mayo has come to be more of a drinking holiday than one that truly commemorates ...

Protest For Your Rights, But Don’t Get In Trouble

Over the past year, America has captured international news for matters we wish weren't so: rioting in our beautiful cities ...

How You Know You Can Trust Your Bail Agent

The best bail agents will freely welcome and encourage you to ask them any and all questions, including ones that ...

What TV Does And Doesn’t Get Right About Bail

Naturally, we sometimes think that what happens on television is a direct reflection of the real world. But when we ...

My Miranda Could Be The “Guardian Angel” You Never Knew You Had

Miranda is like a middle-aged guardian angel looking out for all arrested individuals. Before the 1960s Miranda vs. Arizona case, ...

Why You Need To Remember To Be Happy

Don’t be afraid to admit that you tend to overlook how blessed you are in life – we’ve all there ...

Clients Speak The Truth – See Why San Fernando Bail Bond Store Is The Best

No matter where we go, we always want excellent, top-notch customer service – be it at a restaurant, a resort, ...

Bail Vs. Bail Bond Store: The Difference Between The Two

A judge will set bail for an arrested individual during his or her bail hearing. This is money that will ...

4 New California Laws You Need To Know About

We are almost five months into 2015 and you probably don’t know a lot of the 900 new California laws ...

Why Family-Oriented People Are Happier And More Successful

Family members - they can be all sorts of fun, loving, overbearing, and annoying at times. But that sounds pretty ...

If Anyone Can Help You, It’s Us Lynwood Bail Bond Store

As a longstanding bail bond company in California, Lynwood Bail Bond Store is proud to serve anyone and everyone. We ...

Why You Need To Listen To Your Gut Instincts More

Don't you want to kick yourself every time you reluctantly do something, and the outcome is exactly the reason you ...

Sports Games Are Fun. Jail Time Is Not

This is an exciting time of year for sports fans out there – the NBA playoffs have begun, and baseball ...

When You Need A Bail Agent, Call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

People tend to believe that unlike other drug dealers, they won’t get busted, or they won’t get into an accident ...

You Can Request To Have Your Bail Reduced!

The Eighth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects arrested individuals against excessive bail. This means that their bail amount ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Strive to Makes Bail Easy

You get a dreaded call, one you never thought you’d get from a loved one. They are in jail and ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Has Unparalleled Service

Finding a company who provides excellent customer service for you during a stressful time can really make a big difference ...

Don’t Wait Until You’ve Hit Rock Bottom – Ask For Help Now!

It’s one thing for your family to know you need help, but it’s another for you to admit and ask ...

What To Do When You Can’t Meet Bail Money

The answer to your bail bond monetary payment woes is collateral. Money is tight, bail is expensive, and frankly, you ...

Los Angeles’s Reputation Is A Reflection Of Excellence

To our team at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, reputation is everything. It sets the tone for how well we ...

What Makes Customer Service At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store So Fantastic

For Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, customer service isn’t just about meeting client needs by performing standard quality work; it ...

You Never Thought “Age Really Is Nothing But A Number” Could Mean So Much Until Now

In choosing between a bail company who has been in business for 50 years versus one with less than half ...

Quality Over Quantity

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store in California has been up and running for over 27 years. This may not seem ...

Customer Satisfaction Tells You The Right Bail Bond Company For You

Customer satisfaction should be the first thing to look for when searching for a bail bond company to help you ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Doesn’t Play Games On April Fools!

April 1st, AKA April Fools Day is coming up and if you, sitting in jail, see your bail agent show ...

Some Of The U.S.’s Most High-Profile Cases With Bail

Naturally, with the biggest and worst crimes (the ones that capture media attention across the United States), bail is set ...

A Simple Guide To How Bail Bond Store Work From Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

A bail bond allows an arrested individual to be released from jail and live their lives until they are ordered ...

It’s Spring Break Time For Colleges!

It’s Spring Break time for college students and spring break tends to be pretty notorious for wild parties in hot ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Help you and Your Family

It can happen in a moment, you can be having a perfectly normal day when you get the call. Your ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is Here to Help Your Family

When a friend or family member has been arrested, you want help. You do not want to deal with a ...

There Is No Better California Bail Bond Company Than Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

With the economy always changing and our money becoming more valuable to save, more people in jail are seeking the ...

Don’t Let Your Luck Run Out! | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Modern day St. Patrick's Day celebrations consist of 2 key ingredients every March 17: wearing the color green and drinking ...

There Is No Better Time Than Now To Bring A Loved One Home | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Spring is right around the corner – flowers are blooming, days are getting longer, the sun is coming out. These ...

Positivity Goes A Long Way | Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store sheds light on the bail bond process in a way no one else would, and ...

How Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Helps Bail People Out Of Jail

The judge, who looks at the defendant's crime, their criminal history, and their ties with the community, determines the amount ...

How to Tell Your Parents You’re in Trouble

Admitting to someone, especially parents, that you’re in trouble can be terrifying, absolutely terrifying. But not telling them you need ...

Your Parents Are The Best People to Reach Out to When You’re in Trouble

The toughest times for people to ask for help are when they’re in trouble, especially asking for help from the ...

From One Family to Another. Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is Here to Help

As a family owned and operated company, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store in Los Angeles fully understands the value of ...

Know Your Rights And Receive The Honest Legal Proceedings You Deserve

Innocent until proven guilty. That is a powerful right given unto all American citizens, a right exercised by the right ...

Live by The Vows You Promised Your Partner

When a bond of love is honest, true, and strong, nothing will be able to break apart the two who ...

Let our Family Help Your Family

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store was founded in 1987 and has been a family-owned and run company ever since. All ...

Your One-Stop Bail Bond Store Company

Everyday thousands of people are arrested in Los Angeles, and most of them are not prepared for it. Luckily, there ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store can help you protect your family

Unlike the police officers and other protective services who protect you from criminals on the streets, Los Angeles Bail Bond ...

The great debate on violent video games: do they lead to violence in real life?

The debate on violent and crime-filled video games have been around for, well, since the beginning of violent video games! ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store honors their mission, values, and goals

California’s Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is proud to sit among the most honorable bail bond companies in the state ...

It’s important to know your rights if you’re ever stopped by authorities

Getting stopped by police is pretty intimidating and not everyone is able to think straight and quickly when they are ...

I posted bail. What’s the next step?

If you ever find you rself facing trouble at a police station, it would be a good idea to ask ...

Your parents will never stop being your parents

No matter how old you are, your parents will never stop being your parents: calling you every now and then ...

How quickly can I get my loved one home?

What happens when someone is arrested on a bailable offense is that they can appear before a judge within 3 ...

What is the purpose of bail?

As the US Constitution grants, every person is innocent until proven guilty. Incarcerating a person for days, weeks, months, even ...

What can’t Los Angeles Bail Bond Store help me with, legally, during this troublesome time?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is a 27-year-old family owned bail company operating in the greater Los Angeles area with ...

Are your rights being violated?

Most people are so intimated by the police that they disregard challenging them. And sometimes, because the police know they ...

What is the difference between an infraction, a misdemeanor, and a felony?

The terms “infraction,” “misdemeanor,” and “felony” have probably flown across your ears every now and then – from video games ...

The law doesn’t sleep and neither do we. We provide service 24/7 so call us when you need us

Not all offenses ask for a bail. Some authorities show enough sympathy and kindness to release a person on a ...

Demonstrate proper court etiquette. Otherwise, you might be subject to a more critical punishment and consequence.

Standing before a judge, a jury, your lawyer, prosecutors, and other witnesses and government officials is perhaps one of the ...

Huntington Park Bail Bond Store will work with you to find the best solution to paying your bond

If you’re worried about the cost of a bail you have to post, please call Huntington Park Bail Bond Store ...

What is a Surety Bond?

When a person is arrested and jailed, their court date is not for another few week, months, maybe a year ...

We make bail cheaper and easier in CA

Everyone knows bail isn’t cheap, not even a little bit. But for those who have the stress of having to ...

Peaceful Protesting – A Reflection This Martin Luther King Jr. Day

With Martin Luther King Jr. Day here this January 19, let’s reflect on his dreams and goals for the American ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Makes It Easy to Help People Get Out of Jail as Quickly as Possible

People always ask our bail agents at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store if we can bail people out in Corona ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Are Here for You When You Need Us

We have all at one point in our lives had to deal with an electronic receptionist, and so we know ...

Do You Have a Warrant Put Out For Your Arrest?

Has someone threatened that they had a warrant put out for your arrest? Do you have old tickets that you’re ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Believes in Honesty and Integrity

The easiest way to bail is to use Los Angeles Bail Bond Store to bail out your loved one. We ...

Absolutely Keep the Christmas Spirit Alive

So much has changed in our lives. When we were kids as soon as Halloween had passed we’d start behaving ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, the Best in California

Over the years Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has grown to become one of the most trusted bail bonds agencies ...

The Steps to Bailing Someone Out of Jail

We at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store know how difficult and intimidating bailing a friend or family member out of ...

Winter Driving Tips From Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Winter is upon us and it is bringing with it all the weather conditions that it has to offer. The ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, the Better Bail Bond Store Company

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is the best bail bonds company when you are looking for a deal. For qualified ...

Why Choose Los Angeles Bail Bond Store?

There are a lot of different choices out there when it comes to choosing a bail bonds company. Some companies ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store| Find a New Bail Agent Quickly

You have hundreds of options when it comes to selecting a bail bond agency so you want be sure you’ve ...

Make Your Holidays Happier and Safer

Every year, as the holiday season looms into view, ​family gatherings and other social events​ start filling the slots of ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is Family Owned

Since our founding in 1987, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has been a family owned and operated company. The bail ...

Bail With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

People often ask; “Is there an easy way to bail my friend out of jail?” The answer is YES! There ...

You can count on Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

For nearly 27 years Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has been serving the people of California. Our experienced bondsmen make ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is on Your Side

24/7 Emergency Bail Services Free Consultations No Hidden Fees Unlike Other Agencies Customized Payment Plans Collateral Not Always Required 25 ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store| 27 Years of Bail Experience

24/7 Emergency Bail Services 27 Years Of Experience Free Consultations No Hidden Fees Customizable Payment Plans Hablamos Español Los Angeles ...

South Gate Bail Bond Store| The Oldest and Largest Bail Bond Store Company

24/7 Emergency Bail Services Free Consultations No Hidden Fees Unlike Other Agencies Customized Payment Plans Collateral Not Always Required 25 ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Helps Those Who Need It

Getting yourself or a loved one out of jail can be tough and frustrating. You may feel like everyone is ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is The Perfect Solution

In today’s world, it can often be hard to find a company that is both available everywhere, and has great ...

Long Beach Bail Bond Store: A safe alternative.

Going to jail is not desirable and for a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is that ...

Why Does Bail Exist?

Bail exists to keep the defendant out of jail during the trial. So instead of the defendant having to spend ...

Protect Your Family With Lynwood Bail Bond Store

When a family member gets arrested, it can be nerve wracking. You’re worried about your loved one and all you ...

You Can Count On Long Beach Bail Bond Store

In any business, customer satisfaction is key. No business can survive without good customer service. This is why the people ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Has The Best Bail Agents

Unlike several other bail bonds companies who left you more confused than when you went in, the bondsmen at Los ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Makes Bail Simple

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has been simplifying the bail bonds process since our founding in 1987. We provide discounts ...

At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store, Reputation Is Important

As with any company, reputation is important for us at Los Angeles Bail Bond Store. We know and understand how ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Have Ways to Show You Love

Our goal is to have bail posted and our clients released from custody as quickly as possible while providing the ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Serving Riverside County For Over 27 Years

24/7 Bail Bond Service 20% Discount Phone approvals 0% Interest Payment Plans No Hidden Fees – Unlike other bail agencies ...

Protect Your Family With Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

No one ever wants to go to jail, and with good reason. The biggest reason is that the defendant does ...

There Are Real People to Help You At Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

We have all at one point in our lives had to deal with an electronic receptionist, and so we know ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is The Key to Your Release

Did you know that bail bonds can benefit the community? Well it does if the bail bonds agency is local, ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Make Your Tough Time Easier

Getting yourself or a loved one out of jail can be tough and frustrating. It can feel like everyone is ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Absolutely There When You Need Us

For the twenty-seven years Los Angeles Bail Bond Store has been serving the people of California. Their bail agents pride ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store – Bail Agents You Can Trust

Did you know that bail bonds can benefit the community? Well it does if the bail bonds agency is local, ...

Post Bail Regardless of Income with Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

In any business, customer satisfaction is key. No business can survive without good customer service. This is why the people ...

How Do I Choose A Bail Bond Agent

Experience is a critical factor in how well a bail bondsman executes their job. Only by experience posting bail bonds ...

What Happens To My Bond If I Miss My Court Date?

Bail bonds are posted to ensure a persons appearance to court hearings. This bond ensures that the defendant remains free ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store | Serving Los Angeles County For Over 25 Years

24/7 Bail Bond Service 20% Discount Phone approvals 0% Interest Payment Plans No Hidden Fees – Unlike other bail agencies ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store & Long Beach Bail Bond Store Are Here For you

24/7 Emergency Bail Services Free Consultations No Hidden Fees Unlike Other Agencies Customized Payment Plans Collateral Not Always Required 25 ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store & Bail Bond Storeman | Long Beach Bail Bond Store | Any Court, Any Jail, 24 Hours

We obtain the release of your loved one and secure their Constitutional right to be free until trial by the ...

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store & Long Beach Bail Bond Store – Always Here For you

When someone you know is arrested the feelings can be overwhelming and can often put you in a panic. It's ...