Bail Bond Store in Los Angeles, CA – What Not To Do When You Are Arrested

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

By getting arrested, you’re already facing some trouble and consequences. But you don’t want to open the door to make these consequences any worse than what they already are. Here are some things you should not do if you are arrested:

  • Do not mouth off to the police.
  • Do not upset the police.
  • Do not try and flee the police.
  • Do not resist arrest.
  • Do not incriminate yourself. Do not answer any questions unless your lawyer is present.
  • Do not let the police search your home unless they have a warrant.
  • Do not lie.

Even though the police have authority and are intimidating, they cannot step on your rights. Don’t cause any more trouble than the damage that has already been done. Just await instruction from your lawyer and the judge. Meanwhile, contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store at 323-282-2157 for bail bond help. Los Angeles gets you out as fast as possible. Every person is innocent until proven guilty so you deserve the chance to prove your innocence. That is most effective when you have bailed out of jail and have the time and space to properly prepare your defense.

Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store at 323-282-2157 for bail bond help