Author Archives: karen

Will California Make it Easier to Get a DUI?

dont drink and drive

Most people are aware of the fact that driving while drunk is a very bad thing to do. Driving under the influence (DUI) is an incredibly risky and dangerous act, not just for the driver, but everyone else they pass on the road. This is due to the fact that alcohol impairs a person’s abilities […]

Is Parking in Front of a Hydrant a Good Idea?

colored curbs while driving

When a person is driving in a city or heavily populated area, they know that finding a parking spot is probably going to be difficult. After all, there are a lot of people in cities, all of whom are trying to find a spot close to their destination to minimize any walk time. This process […]

Needing Bail Wasn’t a Part of the Plan

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Bailing someone out of jail is not a task that anyone ever really plans on doing. Most people operate under the belief that they will never need to bail a friend or family out of jail. While that may be the case for some people, not everyone is so lucky. Some people receive the unfortunate […]

How to Deal with an Arrest

los angeles bail bond store

A lot of people pride themselves on knowing exactly what they need and when they need to do it. By knowing what steps need to be taken next, people are better able to prepare for each one. This also enables a person relax since they know what to expect. While this is nice, there are […]

Learning to Cope with Roundabouts in the US

Are roundabouts safe

There is no denying that the average driver has to deal with a lot of obnoxiousness while behind the wheel of the car. Any driver could list at least a dozen different scenarios that drive them absolutely crazy. Whether it dealing with jaywalking pedestrians, or tailgating jerks, every driver has dealt with their fair share […]