Author Archives: karen

Falling Asleep Behind the Wheel in California

Falling asleep behind the wheel

We’ve all done it. Gotten behind the wheel and driven when we were tired. Most of the time rolling down the window, cranking up the radio, and indulging in a massive amount of caffeine is enough to get us safely where we need to be. The problem is that some people don’t make it to […]

Are You Impacted by California’s Mandatory Reporting Law?

Mandatory reporting laws in california

You just watched your neighbor commit a crime. You know what they did was illegal, but you aren’t sure what you should do about the situation. You don’t want to get anyone in trouble. On the other hand, you know you don’t like the idea of living next to someone who blatantly breaks the law. […]

Laws Every California Pet Owner Should Know

pet laws

Owning a pet is a wonderful experience. In exchange for providing for their physical needs, your pet gives you unconditional love and great joy. Pet owners are usually healthier and happier than California residents who don’t own pets. While there are lots of perks associated with owning a pet, there are also several California pet […]

The Right to Remain Silent

The right to remain silent

We’re all familiar with the Miranda Rights, which basically grants us the ability to not tell the police anything if we’re arrested. While we’ve heard thousands of television cops recite the famous words “you have the right to remain silent” few of us actually know what that means. The History of the Miranda Rights The […]

The Legal Consequences of Public Fighting

Consequences of fighting in public

Street fighting, barroom brawls, and throwing a punch at a guy who steals your parking space. In the movies, these things never seem like a big deal. The worst thing that ever seems to happen to the characters who are involved in public fighting is that they spend a few hours in jail. Sadly, real-life […]