Author Archives: karen

What Happens to Debts Of A Deceased Person?

debt after death

Nothing about the death of a loved one is easy. Not only do you have to deal with your grief and sense of loss, but it also won’t be long before you find yourself trying to straighten out their finances and learning what debts they still owe. Figuring out the finances and making sure all […]

Planning a Flight? Make Sure You’re on Your Best Behavior!

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Most of us have been on a flight where at least one passenger seemed to go out of their way to be difficult. They were loud, overly active, got sassy with the flight attendants, etc. In some cases, the passenger’s bad behavior was amusing. In other situations, it was irritating. Sometimes it even becomes concerning. […]

The Ins and Outs of Brake Checking in California

brake checking in california

It has happened to all of us. You’re driving along at what you think is a perfectly acceptable speed when you notice a car behind you. Under most circumstances, the other car wouldn’t bother you, but this driver has decided you’re not going fast enough so they proceed to get as close to your bumper […]

Tips to Help you Get Ready to File your 2020 Tax Return

How to file taxes

Yes, it’s only January and your 2020 tax return isn’t due until mid-April, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore that tax season is officially here. The last thing you want to do is wait until a few days before the deadline to file. Turning your thoughts to your tax return now and creating a […]

What Are Your Rights When a Tenant Will Not Move Out of Your Home?

What are my rights as a landlord

Owning a rental property is a great opportunity to earn extra money while also helping resolve a small portion of California’s rental housing crisis. While there are many good things that go along with owning a rental property there are also some downsides. One such drawback is when you have a tenant who simply refuses […]