Author Archives: karen

The Dangers of Distracted Driving in California


Everyone always talks about how horrible drunk driving is but far less is mentioned about the dangers and repercussions of distracted driving, which is as dangerous and even more common than drunk driving. Distracted driving in California isn’t a new thing. For as long as people have been getting behind the wheel of automobiles, there […]

Safe Hiking Tips for California’s Trails


California has some of the most beautiful hiking trails in the world. The summertime provides you with the perfect excuse to hit those trails and enjoy some high-quality hikes. Before you do, make sure you take a few minutes to consider your safety. Be Realistic About Your Fitness Let’s face it. Most of us aren’t […]

Drinking on California’s Beaches


Summer is finally here. For many of us, that means long, lazy weekends and evenings at our favorite beaches. We can’t get enough sun, sand, and surf. The big question is, can you bring a cooler full of beer to your favorite California beach? The answer varies depending on which beach you’re going to. If […]

Keep Your Car Running Smoothly This Summer


For many of us, the long days of summer means a chance to take long and scenic road trips. We use the time to drive to beaches, visit out-of-the-way hiking trails, and drive to distant relative’s homes for long weekends. We love the sun and warm weather but seldom stop to think about the toll […]

Tips for Staying Safe While Camping


Camping is a great way to enjoy both the fantastic summer weather and breathtaking beauty California has to offer. The great thing about camping is that it’s also affordable and usually something you can do at the spur of the moment. The key to getting the maximum amount of enjoyment out of your camping adventure […]