Author Archives: karen

Avoid a Drunk Driving Charge This Christmas

Avoid a Drunk Driving Charge This Christmas

No one wants to spend the Christmas season sitting in a jail cell with a DUI charge hanging over their head, yet that’s exactly what will happen to several people this holiday season. Drunk driving is one of the most common reasons people are arrested during the holidays. Don’t assume that since it’s the holiday […]

What to do When the Police Want to Question You

What to do When the Police Want to Question You

It doesn’t matter if it’s a phone call asking that you schedule an appointment or if officers knock on your door. Learning that the police want to talk to you is enough to strike terror into your heart, even if you haven’t done anything wrong. When you learn that the police want to speak to […]

Parents Worry About Their Kids Way More Than You’d Think

Parents Worry About Their Kids Way More Than You'd Think

As a parent, don’t you always have a concern for your children? Even if they are well behaved and honest, parents’ concern for their child continues to linger no matter what. It’s all part of being a parent. It’s important to always be reminded that any trouble your kid gets into, you as a parent […]

What You Should Know When you Need to Make Bail Bonds

What You Should Know When you Need to Make Bail Bonds

When you sign a contract with Los Angeles Bail Bonds you’re entering into a written agreement with us that states in exchange for us posting your bail and helping secure your release from jail, you agree to appear at all of your scheduled court appearances and follow any other rules the court has attached to […]

When Minors Use a Fake ID

When Minors Use a Fake ID

Having a fake id is almost considered a right of passage. There are movies, books, and even songs that feature all sorts of adventures a young man or woman can get into once they’ve managed to acquire a fake id. Most of these adventures involve illegally purchasing alcohol or cigarettes. Most of these stories don’t […]