Author Archives: karen

Cycling Under the Influence

Cycling Under the Influence

We hear a great deal about the dangers of drinking and driving. We understand that a single DUI can have a horrible, long-term impact on our lives. As a result, many of us take steps to avoid even the possibility of getting behind the wheel if we think there’s a chance we’ll have a little […]

Preventing Porch Piracy

Preventing Porch Piracy

You may not be familiar with the term “porch pirates” but it’s a pretty good bet that either you or someone you are close to has been a victim of one. A porch pirate is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a term that refers to someone who spots a delivery package on your porch […]

Most Common Reasons People Are Arrested During the Holiday Season

Most Common Reasons People Are Arrested During the Holiday Season

The holidays are here. For most of us, that means spending time with friends and family members we love. This is a time when we make good memories and spread love. Unfortunately, not all of us will enjoy the holiday season. Some studies indicate that crime rates increase during the holiday season. There are a […]

Stay Safe Going into the New Year

Stay Safe Going into the New Year

Celebrating at bars, restaurants, clubs, and community events is a lot of fun and a great way to create some spectacular memories, but it can also be dangerous. The good news is that there are steps you can take to protect yourself while making the holiday a memorable experience. Pick a Group of Trusted Friends […]

Bail During the Holidays

Bail During the Holidays

The holiday season is upon us. For most of us, it’s a time of love and celebration. The problem is that holiday plans don’t always go off without a hitch and sometimes a loved one is arrested during the holidays. Getting arrested during the holidays does more than kill the festive mood. The fact that […]