Author Archives: karen

California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

California’s Child Safety Seat Laws Keep Kids Safe

All of us know that young kids have to be strapped into a safety seat whenever they’re in a vehicle. The reason for this is because those safety seats save lives. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that properly installed car seats reduce the number of infant fatalities suffered during car accidents by 54 […]

Social Media and Your Mental Health

Social Media And Your Mental Health

Social media is a bit of a double-edged sword. For some people, it’s a great resource that allows them to stay connected to loved ones while also breaking up the tedium of a day. Others find social media stressful and even claim that it’s causing mental health problems. The positive side of social media is: […]

Using Marijuana While Driving

Using Marijuana While Driving

Yes, you can legally use marijuana for recreational purposes in California, but that doesn’t mean you can use it wherever you feel like it. California lawmakers treat recreational marijuana the same way they treat alcohol. It’s a substance that you’re free to use provided you’re able to do so without potentially hurting other people. The […]

The Right to Remain Silent in California

The Right to Remain Silent in California

One of the very first things you’re told when you’re arrested in California is that you have the right to remain silent. It’s very clearly stated during the Miranda Rights which will be recited to you every single time you’re arrested. In nearly all situations, taking advantage of your right to remain silent really is […]

Understanding Your Responsibility as a Bail Cosigner

Understanding Your Responsibility as a Bail Cosigner

Co-signing a bail bond is a huge responsibility and liability. You’re essentially assuming the consequences if the defendant does not make his or her payments, skips court, or possibly violate other terms of release that are dependent on the bail bond. We know you desperately just want to co-sign the bail bond because you’re sympathetic […]