Author Archives: karen

Valentine’s First Date Safety Tips

Valentine’s First Date Safety Tips

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Those of us who are single often feel that the holiday is the perfect day to arrange a first date and hopefully strike up a romance. The problem is that some of us are so fixated on connecting romantically, that we sometimes overlook basic first-date safety measures and […]

Failing to Pay Child Support in California

Failing to Pay Child Support in California

Child support is always a touchy subject. Often a person’s actual financial situation isn’t taken into consideration when the amount of child support is set. There is also the constant complaint that the child support isn’t going to the child, but rather being used for other purposes. The arguments over child support are often intense […]

Vaping in California

Vaping in California

Over the past ten or fifteen years, vaping has become extremely popular. There are several reasons for this, including the idea that vaping is cleaner, cheaper, and might be a little safer than smoking. The fact that you can get vapes in interesting flavors that simply aren’t possible with traditional cigarettes is another reason so […]

Down Powerline Safety tips


There are a variety of ways a power line can come down including severe winds, natural disasters, and even an auto accident. The reason the power line is down isn’t important. The important part is knowing how to stay safe when you find a downed power line. Don’t assume that just because the downed power […]

Early Warning Signs that Your Partner is Dangerous


One of the things many domestic abuse victims say is that they never thought that it could happen to them. Another comment is that they simply didn’t recognize the early warning signs. The truth of the matter is that many people don’t know that most relationships have red flags that could serve as important signs […]