Author Archives: karen

What Happens if You Hurt Someone in a Drunk Driving Accident?


Driving while drunk isn’t just frowned upon in California, it’s illegal. While you’re allowed to go out and have a good time, if that good time involves drinking alcohol, you need to pay careful attention to how much you consume. As soon as your blood alcohol level reaches 0.08%, you’re no longer legally allowed to […]

Riding Your Bike Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol


The rising fuel costs are causing many of us to take a second look at our bikes. Now they not only seem like a pleasant way to stay in shape but also a viable way to ease transportation costs. Not only can you use your bike to get from your home to your workplace, but […]

Differences Between Infractions, Misdemeanors, and Felonies


The justice system labels crimes as infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies. While these different categories of legal offenses have been around for a long time, very few people who aren’t directly connected to law enforcement or criminal lawfully understand how each type of crime is different.’ Infractions People who are guilty of an infraction have technically […]

Failure to Present a Valid California Driver’s License


We’ve all done it at some point or another. We’ve left home without our driver’s license. This isn’t a major deal as long as you are walking or riding around as a passenger. If you’re driving, it has the potential to be a major problem. In California, you are legally required to have your driver’s […]

What is Child Endangerment and What Are the Consequences?


Everyone wants to provide their child with a good and safe life, but sometimes things go sideways and you find yourself facing child endangerment charges. Being charged with child endangerment in California means that the police suspect you’ve violated Penal Code 273a PC. This code is what lawmakers put together as a legal reference for […]