Author Archives: admin

Why Should You Buckle Up in the Car? It Could Save Your Life

Why Should You Buckle Up in the Car? It Could Save Your Life

Following the rules can seem lame, or uncool at times. However, rules are in place for a reason, and that reason is usually for our own safety. For example, the seatbelt laws in California are in place to protect us. For some reason, there are people who think it’s uncool to wear a seatbelt. They […]

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear

Do You Care about Bullying? You Need to if You Want to See It Disappear.

So many of the problems out there in the world could be fixed if people just cared for one another a little bit more. If people were more considerate and open-minded toward one another, then there would be less hurt feelings. One of the best ways to achieve this goal, is to get rid of […]

Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding

Do You Want to Keep Your Teen Safe? Teach Them How to Avoid Speeding.

Speeding is something that every driver has been guilty of at least once. We have all had days where our patience ran thin and we found ourselves rushing to get home as quickly as possible. We know doing so is a bad idea, and yet we did it anyways. Speeding puts drivers at an increased […]

Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children See More Than You Think. Would They Be Proud of Your Driving?

Children see more than most people realize. They are always watching adults in order to learn how they should behave in the world. Due to this fact, it is incredibly important for a parent to watch what they do and say while around their kids. If they aren’t they could inadvertently teach their child a […]

Filing Your Taxes May Be Boring, but It Does Come with Perks.

Filing Your Taxes May Be Boring, but It Does Come with Perks

That time of the year has rolled around once again and if you haven’t already, you should consider filing your tax returns. While you may have until April 17th to file your taxes, do not wait until the last moment. That April deadline will sneak up on you, and all the while you will be […]