Author Archives: admin

This is Something You Hope to Never Need

This is Something You Hope to Never Need

It’s a bright sunny day outside. You’re strolling around your favorite mall. You’ve decided to take a moment to yourself to indulge in a little bit of shopping. The birds are chirping, and you feel completely at ease. That is until a person approaches you and asks for all your money. They didn’t ask nicely, […]

Do You Know Your Rights?

Do You Know Your Rights?

The first amendment seems to be one of the most misunderstood amendments out there. However, it is probably the most used on in our nation. We exercise the First Amendment daily. The sad part is, most people don’t even know they have it, or are not using it to its full extent. The First Amendment […]

Behind The Badge

Behind The Badge

When we’re younger, we dream of becoming astronauts, presidents, firefighters, doctors, police officers, and peacekeepers. We dream big, and never let anybody tell us we can’t be a cowboy and an astronaut at the same time. It’s a magical time in our childhood when we believe in ourselves. Unfortunately, we grow older and start to […]

What is Flag Day?

What is Flag Day?

Before we celebrate fathers, we have to celebrate the flag. This year, Flag Day falls on Thursday June 14th. If you’re not familiar with this holiday, it’s okay. It is considered a national holiday, yet we don’t get the time off for it. This makes it less important to us even though it’s extremely relevant. […]

Horseback Riding Laws: Even Horses Have Laws

Horseback Riding Laws: Even Horses Have Laws

Horses can be wild creatures. Somehow we’re able to tame them, and teach them to do tricks and how to be ridden. We form bonds with these creatures. Unlike cats and dogs, horses cannot be pushed around so easily. You don’t tell a horse to do anything, you ask it. After all, a thousand pound […]