Author Archives: admin

Keeping Kids Safe in Water

Keeping Kids Safe in Water

Summer is here, and that means families are looking for the best ways to keep cool during the hottest of days. One of the favorite pastimes is going swimming, whether it is in a pool, river, or lake. Swimming is a great way to beat the heat, however not everyone is always up to the […]

Legalization of Marijuana across the Country

Legal Marijuana across the Country

The country is currently witnessing a change of tides. From changing political leaders to new laws, this country is ever growing. The latest new law that seems to have caught everyone’s attention is the legalization of marijuana. For those who are a bit out dated, marijuana is a plant that could be smoked, eaten, or […]

Earth, Wind, and Fire

Earth, Wind, and Fire

It’s officially summer. For many, this means it’s the start to family vacations, long days spent at the pool, and as much ice cream as your heart desires. However, for those living in Southern California, the start of summer also means the start of wildfire season. In order to help ensure your family is prepared, […]

Can They Really Tax Soda?

Can They Really Tax Soda?

In recent years, cities across the country have begun to add an additional tax on sodas and other sugary drinks in an effort to reduce their sales. The hope with these taxes is that it will discourage people from buying the drink, and therefore help lower peoples risk of obesity and diabetes. Naturally, this is […]

How Hot Is Too Hot?

How Hot Is Too Hot?

With the summer heat in full swing once again, it is important for everyone to do their best to stay cool this season. While looking out for ourselves in this sort of weather is one thing, we can’t forget about the lives that are in our care. Children and pets cannot take care of themselves […]