Author Archives: admin

An Example Of A False Report

Not only is it under-whelming, but it’s also very disappointing, that there are still a number of people in prison who have been wrongly convicted of a crime. A person could feasibly be incarcerated right now just because investigators were too lazy, the jury was corrupted, racist, sexist, the technology to test DNA and the […]

Lying Always Gets You Into Trouble

Lying to the police and making a false report is a crime. Making a mistake by telling the police one thing, then remembering it’s another thing, is different and not considered a crime. For example, describing the getaway car in a crime that you happened to witness as red in color when you definitely know […]

The Weirdest California Laws

As absurd and un-imaginable as they may seem, yes folks, at one time or another they were actually considered laws. Take a look: You may not play with a Frisbee at any Los Angeles beach unless you get the resident chief lifeguard’s permission. Women may not drive while wearing a house coat. No vehicle without […]

Your Tax Return Can Help Pay For Bail

No matter how much or how little you might be receiving for your tax return, any amount that you do potentially get will help your financial burden of having to pay for a bail bond. Granted, bail bonds are already the more affordable method to bailing out of jail, but that isn’t to say that […]

Spend Easter Sunday With The Whole Family

Easter Sunday is a family holiday where parents and their children run around together looking for Easter eggs, painting hard boiled ones, and playing with the Easter bunny. It’s a holiday decorated with colorful pastels and smiling faces. It’s a picturesque day that no one should be left out on, even if one is currently […]