Author Archives: admin

Bail Your Loved One Out of Jail

If you are worried your child is going to grow up with his father or mother missing a good chunk his or her life, or that he or she is going to grow up embarrassed that a parent was ever in jail in the first place, please think again. While there is no concrete method […]

You Are Greater Than Your Arrest

Arrests, and resulting convictions, may go on permanent records, but that permanent record can almost be artificial. It will be on your legal records, but it will not stop you from being offered jobs, buying houses, enrolling in education, or being granted bank loans. What is really going to matter most, and allow you to […]

Successfully Overcoming Your Arrest

If a loved one of yours has been arrested, Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is going to be one of the first to tell you not to panic and that there is so much to gain from the situation. We are going to reduce your stress levels by helping you bail that person out of […]

Bail Bonds Are More Reasonable Than Cash Bail

Paying for cash bail is more often than not, a financial struggle. It requires paying the entire bail amount, thousands of dollars, before being physically released from jail. That is an unimaginable solution to many people. Paying for a bail bond is much more reasonable to the majority of people who are arrested, and their […]

It Is Illegal To Leave a Child Unattended in a Hot Car!

It keeps getting hotter and we cannot stress enough how criminal it is to leave a young child or a pet locked in a hot car! While you may only be running into the store or house for a few minutes, take your child with you and roll down the windows for your pet! A […]