Author Archives: admin

Don’t Over-Spook Your Child!

Gardena Bail Bond Store

Giving your children a spooky fun Halloween is exactly what you want to do, but scaring them by getting taken away and put into jail is not the way to go. Even if they don’t understand how very serious it is, depending on how old they are, this is not something you want them to […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Is The Name You Want To Remember

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

The number for Los Angeles Bail Bond Store is 323-282-2157. You might want to remember that (and the company’s name) next time you have a run-in with the cops. This time, you got away or got off easy. But next time they may not be so forgiving and you may not get so lucky. Next […]

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store Will Ease Your Fright

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Among a parent’s most frightening thoughts is that their child is going to be or has been arrested. In this moment, they want to be there to help their child as much as they can but frankly, there is only so much they can do – it’s not like the parent can tell the police […]

When Small Costs Make Big Differences

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

x Compared to cash bail, bail bonds are a small cost. Bail bonds cost 10% of cash bail. So it may be a few hundred or a few thousand dollars that you would much rather spend on something else. But knowing that your loved one, who is sitting in jail, depends on you to come […]

Rights And Wrongs To Bail Bonds

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

x There is a right and a wrong way to bail bonds, just FYI. The wrong way is to go with the first company you come across without doing any more research. The wrong way is to go with a bail bond agent who will take advantage of your desperation, vulnerability, and little knowledge of […]