Are your rights being violated?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Most people are so intimated by the police that they disregard challenging them. And sometimes, because the police know they are the force and know people are intimidated, they may overstep their power and violate civilian rights, something many civilians may be unaware of. If you ever end up in a situation where you feel your rights are being violated, with certainty or even probable question, do the following:

  • Immediately write everything your remember, including the officer’s name, badge #, patrol car numbers, agency, and any other details. Remember, you have the right to request the officer’s name and badge number.
  • Get contact information from any witnesses.
  • If you have injuries, take photos and seek medical attention.
  • Contact the agency’s internal affairs division or civilian complaint board to file. You can do so anonymously.

Remember, you cannot challenge police in the streets, as they will arrest you for disorderly conduct and failing to comply to police orders. You never know the outcome of your complaint – maybe the officers were acting within their instated duties, or maybe not. But it is good to check if you think they were out of line.

call Los Angeles Bail Bond Store today to start the bail process at 323-282-2157.