How Long Is The Bail Process?

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

Los Angeles Bail Bond Store

It can seem like forever for the one in jail, but the bail process is relatively short, so to speak. We mean hours, which as we said – relatively short, considering the situation.

The defendant won’t be able to bail out of jail until they are booked and arraigned, which happens as soon as possible after their arrest. They learn of their bail amount at their arraignment hearing. After that, they can post bail as soon as they can get the cash for it. Or, they can use a bail bond as soon as they can 1) get in touch with a bail bond agent, and 2) figure out the payment plan.

Really, getting a bail bond isn’t going to be too difficult; in fact, it will be an easier process than paying for cash bail because it’s more affordable to pay for. The paperwork for a bail bond can be completed in less than 30 minutes and over the phone. Once that’s over, the bail bond company will transfer it to the jail, where it will be processed. After that, the defendant is out!

Learn more about the bail bond process and get a free consultation! Contact Los Angeles Bail Bond Store at 323-282-2157 or chat with us online!