Surprise! A Birthday Celebration After Bailing Out of Jail


If you really want to wow and surprise someone who is important to you for their birthday, and if you are financially stable enough to do so, you should give them the ultimate gift of a unified family. How do you do that? Bail the “troublemaker” of the family out of jail!

The birthday is only a few days away and everything seemed to have been going fine, until suddenly one person got messy and got arrested. Now, to them, it seems like they will miss the birthday celebration, especially after already creating tension and drama by announcing that he or she has been arrested.

You can help him or her bail out of jail sooner than he or she would be able to do so alone. When you have a bail agent from Hollywood Bail Bond Store assisting you through the bail bond process, the incarcerated family member will be out of jail faster, and you will already have your bail bond payment plan in place. Hollywood Bail Bond Store offers affordable bail bonds and accepts payment in a variety of forms, making it easier and more convenient for you. Your loved one can be bailed out of jail within a few hours if you let us help you. We only charge a 10% premium, which is a much nicer cost than paying for the entirety of bail at once.

Contact Hollywood Bail Bond Store immediately to chat with a representative and learn exactly how we can help you. We will get started on paperwork immediately once you give us the green light. Even if you are unsure, contact us anyway because consultations are always free. Just wait, in a few days that birthday celebration will be the best one yet!

Chat With Us online for immediate assistance or call us at 323-282-2157.