The First Gun Laws You Need To Know About In California


In light of recent events happening around the world, the topic of gun ownership always comes up. Some people want gun control while others want to keep the right to bear arms for protection and safety. People seem to have a heightened sense of security when they own guns. However, because of the deadly nature of these weapons, it will always cause an intense debate. California has some of the nation’s strictest gun laws, some of which were just added this year.

    Here are some things that you might not be aware of:

  • Long gun purchasers must be 18 and handgun purchases must be at least 21 years old. Purchasers may only buy a maximum of 1 handgun per month.
  • Before receiving their gun, purchasers must pass a universal background check, which will take 10 days minimum.
  • Purchasers must pass a written safety test and obtain a Firearm Safety Certificate.
  • Every gun will be micro-stamped, meaning a unique serial number will be transferred to every cartridge case every time the gun is fired. This allows crime scene investigators and police to trace bullets back to the gun owner.
  • Assault weapons and large-capacity ammunition magazines are illegal to sell or buy.
  • Guns must be sold and purchased through licensed dealers; private sales are illegal.
  • No one may carry a gun on school campuses, including those who hold concealed weapons permits.
  • If family members believe their loved one, who owns a gun, is dangerous, they can request the police and judge to confiscate the guns for a few weeks. During these few weeks, the gun owner will be evaluated and questioned to figure out the situation and threat.

These gun laws are just the tip of the iceberg; obviously, there are hundreds of other laws regarding guns, but this is what you need to know if you ever consider owning a gun.
Guns can and will get you into serious trouble, so we at Rolling Hills Bail Bond Store are here to warn and caution people for their own safety. If you are ever arrested for misusing your gun, contact us immediately so we can help you sort this out. Rolling Hills Bail Bond Store may be able to help bail you out of jail.

Either you or someone you know needs to call us today at 323-282-2157, or chat with us online for immediate assistance.